2. Mudarabah Origination

The process of Mudarabah finance origination gets initiated when a prospective customer approaches the bank, with a finance account opening request or when the bank approaches a prospective customer, taking lead from its database. In case of a bank–initiated request, the process moves forward only if the prospective customer is interested. The entire process is carried out in multiple stages and on successful completion of each stage, it moves automatically to the next stage.

When the customer approaches the bank for its products and offers, before initiating the finance origination process, the bank can create a mock-proposal which would have the personal details of the customer, the finance offers the customer is interested in as well as the schedules associated with the finance offer. This can be stored as reference in the system to be retrieved when the actual finance process flow is initiated.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Stages in Mudarabah

Mudarabah process flow uses Oracle BPEL framework with multiple human tasks for workflow stages. The capture and enrichment of information in multiple steps can be dynamically assigned to different user roles, so that multiple users can take part in the transaction. Oracle Business rules are used for dynamic creation of multiple approval stages.

The following details need to be maintained for originating a Mudarabah:

The Mudarabah origination process flow is composed of following stages:

The following are different types of the asset categories in Mudarabah:

2.2 Finance Prospect Details

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.1 Maintaining Finance Prospect Details

You can maintain the details of a prospective borrower or a finance applicant, when the borrower initially approaches the bank enquiring about the various finance products that are being offered.

The following details are captured as part of this maintenance:

You can maintain the details related to the prospective customer in ‘Prospect Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORDLEADM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following details in this screen:

Lead Id

Specify a unique identification for the prospective finance customer.


Give a brief description.

Request ID

The system generates the request ID.


Specify the channel.

Promotion Code

Specify the promotion code, if any.


Specify the branch code in which the application is processed.

Date of Request

The system displays the current system date as the date of request.

New Account Number

The system displays the new account number.

Application Type

Select the application type from the adjoining drop-down list. The available options are:

Current Status

The system displays the current status.

New Status

Select the new status from the option list.

Conversation ID

Select the conversation ID from the adjoining option list.

2.2.2 Customer Tab

You can capture the following personal and geographical details related to a prospective customer:


Select the type of the customer from the drop-down list provided. The following options are available:


Select the salutation preference of the customer from the drop-down list provided. You can select any of the following options:

First Name

Specify the first name of the customer.

Middle Name

Specify the middle name of the customer.

Last Name

Specify the last name of the customer.

National Id

Specify the national Id or country code of the customer or select the national Id from the option list provided.

Short Name

Specify the short name of the customer.


Select the gender of the customer from the drop-down list.

Date of Birth

Specify the date of birth of the customer or select the date by clicking the ‘Calendar’ icon provided.

Mother’s Maiden Name

Specify the customer’s mother’s maiden name.

Customer Category

Specify the category to which the customer belongs or select the customer category from the option list that displays all valid customer categories.


Specify the country of domicile of the customer or select the country code from the option list provided.


Specify the country of which the customer is a national or select the country code from the option list provided.


Specify the primary language of the customer or select the language from the option list provided.

Mobile Number

Specify the mobile phone number of the prospective customer.

Landline No

Specify the land phone number of the prospective customer.

Office No

Specify the office phone number of the prospective customer.


Specify the fax number of the prospective customer.

Passport No

Specify the passport number of the prospective customer.

Passport Issue Date

Specify the date on which the customer’s passport was issued or select the date from by clicking the adjoining ‘Calendar’ icon.

Passport Expiry Date

Specify the date on which the customer’s passport expires or select the date from by clicking the adjoining ‘Calendar’ icon.

Passport Issue Place

Specify the place where the customer’s passport was issued.


Specify the e-mail Id of the prospective customer.


Specify the number of dependents for the customer.

Marital Status

Select the marital status of the prospective customer from the drop-down list. The following options are available:

2.2.3 Details Tab

You can capture the address and employment related details of the prospective customer in ‘Details’ tab.

Address Details

Seq No

The sequence number is automatically generated by the system.

Address Type

Select the address type of the customer from the following options provided in the drop-down list:


Check this box to indicate that the address you specify here is the customer’s mailing address.

Address Line 1 – 3

Specify the address of the customer in three lines starting from Address Line 1 to Address Line 3.

Contact Number

Specify the contact telephone number of the customer.


Specify the zip code associated wit the address specified.


Specify the country associated with the address specified.

Employment Details

Seq No

The sequence number is automatically generated by the system.

Employment Type

Select the customer’s employment type from the drop-down provided. The following options are available:


Specify the name of the employer of the prospective customer.


Specify the occupation of the prospective customer.


Specify the designation of the prospective customer.

Employee Id

Specify the employee Id of the prospective customer.

Address Line 1 – 3

Specify the employment address of the customer in three lines starting from Address Line 1 to Address Line 3.


Specify the zip code associated with the office address specified.


Specify the country associated with the employment address specified.

Phone No

Specify the official phone number of the prospective customer.


Specify the telephone extension number, if any, of the prospective customer.


Specify the contact number of the prospective customer.

Contact Name

Specify the name of a contact person at the customer’s office.

Contact Phone

Specify the contact phone number of the customer’s contact person.

Contact Extn

Specify the telephone extension number, if any, associated with contact person.


Specify comments, if any, related to the customer’s employment.


Specify the department to which the customer belongs.

Stated Years

Specify the number of years the customer has spent with his current employer.

Stated Months

Specify the number of months the customer has spent with his current employer.

2.2.4 Requested Tab

You can capture the details related to the requested finance in ‘Requested’ tab.

You can capture the following details here:


Specify the finance currency preference of the customer or select the currency from the option list provided.

Requested Amount

Specify the finance amount requested by the prospective customer.

EMI Amount

Specify the preferred EMI amount of the prospective customer.

Tenor (in months)

Specify the preferred finance tenor (in months) of the prospective customer.


Specify the preferred profit rate of the prospective customer.

2.2.5 Viewing Finance Prospect Summary

You can view a summary of the prospective finance customers or the borrowers in ‘Finance Prospect Details’ screen. You can also query for a particular record based on desired search criteria.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORSLEADM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify any of the following details to search for a record:

Click ‘Search’ button to search for a record based on the search criteria specified. You can double click a desired record to view the detailed screen.

2.3 Credit Rating Rules

This section contains the following topics:

2.3.1 Maintaining Credit Rating Rules

You can maintain a set of questions along with a possible set of answers with associated scores, to assess the credit rating of a prospective finance customer. You can also calculate the risk factor associated with the finance and arrive at a credit grade based on the scores obtained.

You can maintain these details in ‘Rule Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORDRULMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following details in this screen:

Rule Id

Specify a unique identification for the credit rating rule.


Specify a suitable description for the credit rating rule.


Select the type of the finance from the following options available:

2.3.2 Main Tab

You can maintain the following details in this tab:

Question Details

Question Id

The question Id is automatically generated by the system.


Select the category to which the question belongs from the option list provided.


Specify the question to be asked to the prospective customer to derive the credit rating score.

Answer Details

Sequence Number

The sequence number is automatically generated by the system.

Possible Answer

Specify a set of possible answers to be associated with a question.


Specify the score associated with an answer.

2.3.3 Risk Factor Tab

You can specify the risk details associated with the finance and also indicate the formula for calculating the credit score in this tab.

You can specify the following details here:

Risk Id

Specify a unique identifier for the credit risk being maintained.


Specify a suitable description for the credit risk. Specifying Formula Details

You can specify the formula to calculate the credit score by clicking the ‘Formula’ button corresponding to a credit risk entry in Risk Factor tab. The ‘Formula’ screen is displayed where you can specify the condition for calculating the credit score associated with a risk condition.

You can specify the following details here:

Sequence Number

The sequence number is automatically generated by the system.


The condition specified using the Elements, Functions, Operators etc. gets displayed here.


Specify the result to be associated with the condition specified.


Specify the data elements to be used to define the formula for credit score calculation or select the element from the option list provided.


Select the mathematical function to be used to define the formula from the drop-down list provided.


Select the opening or the closing brace from the drop-down list provided, to define the credit score calculation formula.


Select the mathematical operator to be used to define the credit score calculation formula. You can select ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, or ‘/’.

Logical Operators

Select the logical operator to be used to define the credit score calculation formula. You can select ‘<’, ‘>‘, ‘=’, ‘<>’, ‘>=‘, ‘<=’, ‘AND’ or ‘OR’.

2.3.4 Specifying Credit Grades

You can maintain different credit grades based on the credit scores obtained. Click ‘Rating’ button in Rule Details screens to invoke the ‘Rating’ screen, where you can maintain these details.

You can specify the following details here:

Sequence Number

The sequence number is automatically generated by the system.


Specify the score associated with a credit risk.


Specify the credit grade based on the score obtained.

2.3.5 Specifying Auto Decision Details

While creating finance, you need to decide whether the applicant is eligible to receive finance from the bank. Auto Decision feature in Oracle FLEXCUBE decides whether to approve or reject an application. It also gives the stipulations or reasons for the decision.

To use this feature, you need to maintain the Auto Decision details in ‘Auto Decision’ screen.

Specify the following details:

Serial Number

The system displays the serial number.


Specify the maximum credit score of the finance applicant for the system to make the corresponding auto decision. The score is maintained based on the Risk Factor maintained in Rule details screen.

Auto Decision

Specify the auto decision to be made for each credit score. You can maintain the maximum credit scores for each of the following decisions:

While creating finance, based on the applicant’s credit score and auto decision mapping maintained in here, the system decides whether to approve, reject, recommend approval or recommend rejection of the application.

2.3.6 Viewing Credit Rule Summary

You can view a summary of the credit rules in ‘Rule Maintenance’ screen. You can also query for a particular record based on desired search criteria.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORSRULMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify any of the following details to search for a record:

Click ‘Search’ button to search for a record based on the search criteria specified. You can double click a desired record to view the detailed screen.

2.4 Credit Ratios

This section contains the following topics:

2.4.1 Maintaining Credit Ratios

You can maintain the rules to calculate the credit ratios in ‘Credit Ratio Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORDRATMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following details in this screen:

Group Id

Specify a unique identification code for the ratio group.


Specify a suitable description for the ratio group.


Select the type of the finance from the following options available:

Ratio Id

Specify a unique identification for the credit ratio being maintained.


Specify a suitable description for the credit ratio.

2.4.2 Specifying Formula Details

You can specify the formula to calculate the credit ratio by clicking the ‘Formula’ button corresponding to a ratio Id.

The ‘Formula’ screen is displayed where you can specify the condition for calculating the credit ratio associated with a ratio Id.

You can specify the following details here:

Ratio Type

Select the type of the ratio being maintained, from the drop down list provided. The following options are available:


The condition specified using the Elements, Functions, Operators etc. gets displayed here.


Specify the data elements to be used to define the formula for credit ratio calculation or select the element from the option list provided.


Select the mathematical function to be used to define the formula from the drop-down list provided.


Select the opening or the closing brace from the drop-down list provided, to define the credit ratio calculation formula.


Select the mathematical operator to be used to define the credit ratio calculation formula. You can select ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, or ‘/’.

2.4.3 Viewing Credit Ratio Summary

You can view a summary of the credit ratios in ‘Credit Ratio Maintenance’ screen. You can also query for a particular record based on desired search criteria.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORSRATMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify any of the following details to search for a record:

Click ‘Search’ button to search for a record based on the search criteria specified. You can double click a desired record to view the detailed screen.

2.5 Override Details

This section contains the following topics:

2.5.1 Maintaining Override Details

You can maintain the formulae to verify if overrides need to be generated dynamically, in ‘Override Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORDOVDMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following details in this screen:

Process Code

Specify the process code of the process for which you wish to maintain override conditions or select the process code from the option list provided.

Application Category

Specify the category to which the finance application belongs or select the application category from the option list provided.


Select the type of the finance from the following options available:


Select the stage of the finance origination process from the option list provided. The various stages can be Application Entry, Application Verification, Underwriting, Finance Approval etc.


Specify a suitable description for the finance origination stage.


Here, you can capture the details of the conditions to be checked for generating override messages.

Sequence Number

The sequence number is automatically generated by the system.


The condition specified using the Elements, Functions, Operators etc. gets displayed here.

Error Code

Specify the error code to be used to generate the override message or select the error code from the option list provided.

Error Parameter

Specify the error parameter to be substituted in the override messages.


Specify the data elements to be used to define the conditions for generating override messages or select the element from the option list provided.


Select the mathematical function to be used to define the condition from the drop-down list provided.


Select the opening or the closing brace from the drop-down list provided, to define the conditions for generating override messages.


Select the mathematical operator to be used to define the conditions for generating override messages. You can select ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, or ‘/’.

Logical Operators

Select the logical operator to be used to define the conditions for generating override messages. You can select ‘<’, ‘>‘, ‘=’, ‘<>’, ‘>=‘, ‘<=’, ‘AND’ or ‘OR’.

2.5.2 Viewing Override Summary

You can view a summary of the overrides in ‘Override Maintenance’ screen. You can also query for a particular record based on desired search criteria.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORSOVDMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify any of the following details to search for a record:

Click ‘Search’ button to search for a record based on the search criteria specified. You can double click a desired record to view the detailed screen.

2.6 Document Checklist and Advices

This section contains the following topics:

2.6.1 Maintaining Document Checklist and Advices

You can maintain the list of documents that are required during the finance origination process, in ‘Documents and Advice Maintenance’ screen. Document checklists are maintained for an application category and for the various stages in the origination process. You can also maintain the details of the Advices that need to be generated on completion of a stage in the process.

You can invoke ‘Documents and Advice Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘ORDDOCMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.


You can specify the following details in this screen:

Process Code

Specify the process code of the process for which you wish to maintain override conditions or select the process code from the option list provided.

Application Category

Specify the category to which the finance application belongs or select the application category from the option list provided.


Select the stage of the finance origination process from the option list provided. The various stages can be Application Entry, Application Verification, Underwriting, Finance Approval etc.

Stage Title

Specify a suitable description for the finance origination stage.

Document Details

Document Category

Specify the category to which the document belongs or select the document category from the option list provided.

Document Type

Specify the type of the document or select the document type from the option list provided.


Select the option to indicate whether the document is mandatory or not. You can select any of the following options from the drop-down list provided:

BI Advices

Report Name

Specify the name of the advice report to be generated on completion of the process stage.


Specify the template to be used to generate the advice report.


Select the format in which the advice report needs to be generated from the drop-down list provided. The following options are available:


Select the locale information to be used for generating the advices from the drop-down list. The following options are available:

2.6.2 Process Flow (BPEL) Report

Based on the details maintained on this screen, you can generate a report from any stage of the process flow. To generate this report from a particular stage, you need to click the ‘Document’ tab at that stage. Under the frame ‘Advices’, you have the option to generate this report.

You can generate the report only if you maintain ‘ORRPICAL_en_US.rtf’ as the template.

You can generate this report in ‘PDF’ or ‘RTF’ formats.

Contents of the Report

This report contains the following details of the finance account:



Financing Application Number

The application number of the finance

Approved Financing Amount

The amount approved for the finance

Tenor (In Months)

Tenor, in terms of months

Applied On

The date of application of the finance

Profit Rate

The rate of profit applicable on the finance

2.6.3 Viewing Document Checklist Summary

You can view a summary of the document checklists and advices in ‘Document Details’ screen. You can also query for a particular record based on desired search criteria.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORSDOCMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify any of the following details to search for a record:

Click ‘Search’ button to search for a record based on the search criteria specified. You can double click a desired record to view the detailed screen.

2.7 Application Category Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.7.1 Maintaining Application Category Details

You can maintain various application categories linked to multiple finance products that cater to the requirements of different customers, in ‘Application Category Maintenance’ screen. The entire process of finance origination depends mainly on the category to which the application belongs.

You can invoke ‘Application Category Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘ORDCATMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following details in this screen:

Application Category

Specify a unique identification for the finance application category.

Category Description

Specify a suitable description for the finance application category.

Rule Id

Specify the credit rule to be associated with the application category or select the Rule Id from the option list provided.

Ratio Id

Specify the credit ratio to be associated with the application category or select the Ratio Id from the option list provided.

Pricing Group

Specify the pricing group to be linked to the Mudarabah application category. The option list displays all valid pricing groups applicable. Choose the appropriate one.

2.7.2 Main Tab

You can capture the following details in the ‘Main’ tab.

Product Details

You can specify the following details related to the finance product here:

Product Code

Specify the identification code of the finance product to be linked to the application category being maintained. You can also select the product code from the option list provided.

Product Description

The description associated with the selected finance product gets displayed here.


Check this box to indicate if the finance product selected should be maintained as the default product for the application category.

Other Details

You can capture the additional details related to the finance product here:

Offer Id

Specify a unique identification for the finance offer being made to the customer.

No of Installments

Specify the number of installments associated with the finance.


Select the units based on which the finance disbursement should be carried out. The following options are available in the option list:

Mudarabah supports bullet type schedules


Specify the frequency at which the finance disbursement should be carried out.


Specify the profit rate to be associated with the finance.

Rate Code

Specify the rate code used to derive the profit rate or select the rate code from the option list provided.


Specify the spread that is applicable for the finance being offered.

Effective Rate

The effective profit rate gets displayed here, based on the profit and the spread specified.


Check this box to indicate if the finance offer specified should be maintained as the default offer for the application category.

2.7.3 Agency Tab

In ‘Agency’ tab, you can capture the details of the credit rating agencies and credit bureaus that provide credit rating details for customer securities.


You can specify the following details in this screen:

Credit Agency

You can capture the details related to the credit rating agencies here.

Agency Code

Specify the identification code of the rating agency that provides credit rating details for customer securities.

Agency Name

Specify the name of the rating agency that provides credit rating details for customer securities.

Bureau Details

You can capture the details related to the credit bureau here.

Bureau Code

Specify the identification code of the credit bureau that provides credit ratings for customer securities.


Specify the name of the credit bureau that provides credit rating details for customer securities.

2.7.4 Viewing Application Category Summary

You can view a summary of the application categories in ‘Category Details’ screen. You can also query for a particular record based on desired search criteria.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORSCATMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify any of the following details to search for a record:

Click ‘Search’ button to search for a record based on the search criteria specified. You can double click a desired record to view the detailed screen.

2.7.5 Maintaining Pricing Details

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to maintain pricing groups and apply a suitable pricing rule to an application category during mudarabah finance origination. The pricing rule automatically selects the best matched finance offer for the finance application from the available offers for the application category.

You need to maintain pricing groups and define the price IDs and formulae for the group using ‘Pricing Maintenance’ screen. To invoke the screen, type ‘ORDPRCMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Pricing Group

Specify a unique name to identify the price group.


Specify a brief description of the price group.

Price Type

Specify the price type associated with the price group. You can choose one of the following price types:

Pricing Details

Specify the following details.

Price ID

Specify a unique price ID.

This price ID can be applied to a finance at underwriting stage.

Price Description

Specify a brief description of the price ID.


Check this box to set this as the default price ID for the price group that you maintain.


Click ‘Formula’ button to define the pricing rule for each price ID. You can define the formula using origination system elements in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

You can specify the following details here:

Sequence Number

The sequence number is automatically generated by the system.


The condition specified using the Elements, Functions, Operators etc. gets displayed here.


Specify the result to be associated with the condition specified.


Specify the data elements to be used to define the formula for pricing details or select the element from the option list provided.


Select the mathematical function to be used to define the formula from the drop-down list provided.


Select the opening or the closing brace from the drop-down list provided, to define the pricing details formula.


Select the mathematical operator to be used to define the pricing details formula. You can select ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, or ‘/’.

Logical Operators

Select the logical operator to be used to define the pricing details formula. You can select ‘<’, ‘>‘, ‘=’, ‘<>’, ‘>=‘, ‘<=’, ‘AND’ or ‘OR’.

Based on the formula and the finance application category, the system automatically applies a price ID to the application. You can apply a different price ID that matches the application only at the Underwriting Stage.

If you change a price ID selected by the system and reapply a different price ID, the system changes the score of the pricing rule. The score determines the price ID to be automatically applied.


Click ‘Offer’ button to define the offers for pricing ID.

Based on the score and the finance application category, the system automatically applies a price ID to the application. You can apply a different price ID that matches the application only at the Underwriting Stage.

Sequence Number

The system displays the sequence number.

Score From

Specify the minimum score range for the offer.

Score Up To

Specify the maximum score range for the offer.


Specify the loan rate for the loan.

No of Installments

Specify the Number of Loan Installments/Schedules.


Specify the Loan Schedule Frequency.


Specify the Loan Schedule Frequency Unit/Basis.

2.8 Stages in Mudarabah Finance Origination

The different stages in Mudarabah process flow are designed using Oracle BPEL framework. The process of finance origination consists of several manual as well as system tasks, carried out in a sequential manner. Many users can be involved in the completion of a transaction and at each stage of the process, a user or a group of users, assigned with a task, acquire and work on the relevant transaction.

This section contains the following topics:

2.8.1 Stages

Oracle Business rules that are embedded help the dynamic creation of multiple approval stages. The different stages and sub-stages in the process flow can be summarized as follows:

The various tasks carried out in these stages will be explained in detail in the subsequent sections.

2.8.2 Process Flow Diagram

The process flow diagram given below illustrates the activities carried out during the different stages of the workflow.


2.8.3 Process Matrix

The process matrix given below lists out the different stages, the user role handling each stage, the function Ids involved and the exit points for each stage.


Stage Title


Function Id

Exit point


Application Entry

The following details are captured as part of this stage

Application Details

Applicant Details

Requested Finance Details

Limits Information

Collateral Details

Check List

User Defined Fields and Comments

Document Capture




Application Veri­fication

The details captured as part of ‘Application Entry’ stage is verified




Application Management Verification

The details captured as part of ‘Application Entry’ stage is verified if approval level is more than 1.




Internal Blacklist Check

The Customer details captured as part of ‘Application Entry’ stage can be verified for Inter­nal Blacklist check




External Black­list Check

The Customer details captured as part of ‘Application Entry’ stage can be verified for Exter­nal Blacklist check





The following details are captured as part of this stage

Applicant Financial Ratios

Applicant Credit Score

Applicant Bureau Report

Finance Offers

Finance Schedules

Finance Charges

Collateral Valuation

Document Capture

Advice Generation





Finance Approval

Finance Approval




Document Veri­fication

Document Verification

Final Verification

Customer Creation

Finance Account Crea­tion

Advice Generation



The stages are explained in detail in the sections that follow.

2.9 Finance Application Details Entry Stage

In this stage, the bank receives an application for a finance along with the relevant documents and financial statements from a prospective customer. If the applicant does not have an account but intends to open one, the bank also obtains the account opening form and related documents as part of this activity.

The details related to the applicant, contact information, employment information, requested finance details, collateral details etc. are captured during this stage. Documents obtained from the applicant are uploaded and advices maintained for the stage are generated by the process after completion of the stage.

Users belonging to user role ‘CEROLE’ are authorized to perform these tasks.

This section contains the following topics:

2.9.1 Making Application Entry

You can key-in the finance application details required in ‘Mudarabah Application Entry’ screen. You can also invoke this screen by typing ‘ORDMUDAE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The Application Number is automatically generated by the system. You can capture the following details in the main screen:

Application Category

Specify the finance application category to be used or select the application category from the option list provided.

Product Code

Specify the Mudarabah product to be used for initiating the finance or select the product code from the option list provided.

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code here.

Lead ID

Specify the lead Id of the finance applicant or select the lead Id from the option list provided.

Enquiry ID

Specify an enquiry Id, if you wish to retrieve information on the finance offer selected by the customer. You can also select the ID from the adjoining option list. The list contains all the Enquiry IDs created for the customer as part of the finance simulation process.

Application Branch

Specify the application branch.

Application Number

System displays the application number of the customer.

User Reference Number

Specify the user reference number for the finance application.


Select the type of priority from the drop-down list provided. The following options are available:


The status of the application gets displayed here.

Click ‘Default’ button to default the details related corresponding to the prospective finance customer.

2.9.2 Main Tab

The details corresponding to the lead Id selected gets displayed in the ‘Main’ tab, once you click the ‘Default’ button. You can modify these details if needed.


Specify the channel Id for the finance. The adjoining option list displays all valid channels maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Intermediary Group

Specify the intermediary group. The adjoining option list displays all valid intermediary groups maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

KYC Required

Check this box to indicate the KYC check is required for the customer.

If you check this box, the system will evaluate a business rule. Based on that rule, the system initiates both Internal KYC and External KYC during application entry and verification stage.

If you do not check this box, the system then skips the Internal KYC and External KYC stages after completing the application entry and verification stages.

Auto Decision Required

Check this box to enable auto decision on finance application. If you check this box, based on the applicant credit score – auto decision mapping maintained in ‘Auto Decision’ screen, the system decides whether to approve, reject, recommend approval or recommend rejection of the application. If you do not check this box, the system will not make an auto decision with regard to approval of the application.

You can set the status of this check box only during Application Entry stage.

External Credit Check Required

Check this box to enable external credit bureau service for credit evaluation of the finance applicant.

If you check this box, the system will automatically initiate external credit check. If you do not check this box, the system will not initiate external credit bureau check.

The credit check initiation happens before underwriting stage.

Applicant Details


Select the type of the customer from the drop-down list provided. The following options are available:


Check this box to indicate if the customer applying for the finance is an existing customer of the bank.

Special Customer No Generation

Check this box to generate a special customer number in the ‘Customer Number’ field.


On clicking the default button after specifying the customer number, the system displays the existing customer number.

On clicking the default button without specifying the customer number, the new customer number gets defaulted.

If the branch code is not specified then the application branch gets defaulted.

Local Branch

Specify the local branch (home branch) of the finance applicant. Select the appropriate one from the option list.

Customer No

The system displays the customer number. However, you can modify it. For existing customers you need to select the customer number from the option list provided.

Click ‘Default’ button to default the details of existing customers.

The system defaults the customer number if the local branch is specified and the check box 'Existing' remains unchecked.

Short Name

Specify the short name of the applicant.

Customer Name

Specify the customer name.


Specify the Co-Applicant’s Responsibility for all parties other than primary Applicant.


Specify the liability for all parties other than primary applicant.


Select the ID of the Relationship Manager from the adjoining option list.

RM Name

Specify the name of the Relationship Manager of the finance applicant.


This is the country as given in the address of correspondence of this customer.


Specify the SSN of the customer.


As part of maintaining customer accounts and transacting on behalf of your customer,

Customer Category

In this category, you can classify customers of your bank.


Specify the nationality of the customer.

Financial Currency

Specify the financial currency or select the financial currency from the option list provided.

Mobile ISD Code +

Specify the international dialling code for the mobile number of the customer. The adjoining option list displays valid ISD codes maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Mobile Number

Specify the mobile number of the customer.

Telephone ISD Code +

Specify a valid international dialling code for the telephone number of the customer. The adjoining option list displays valid ISD codes maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Landline Number

Specify the landline number of the customer.


Specify the E-mail address of this customer.

Fax ISD Code +

Specify the international dialling code for the fax number of the customer. The adjoining option list displays valid ISD codes maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.


Specify the fax number of the customer.


First Name

Specify the First name of the customer.

Middle Name

Specify the Middle name of the customer.

Last Name

Specify the Last name of the customer.


Select the salutations of customer from the drop-down list provided. The following options are available:


Select the gender of the customer from the drop-down list provided. The following options are available:

Birth Place

Specify the birth place of the customer.

Birth Country

Specify the birth country of the customer. It is mandatory to specify the birth country if ‘FATCA Applicable’ is enabled at the bank level.

Date of Birth

Specify the date of birth of the customer.

Mother Maiden Name

Specify the mother maiden name.

Passport Number

Specify the passport number of beneficial owner.

Passport Issue Date

Specify the issue date of the passport.

Passport Expiry Date

Specify the expiry date of the passport.

Marital Status

Indicate the marital status of the customer here. You may select one of the following from the list available here:


Specify the number of family members (children and others) who are dependent on the customer financially. You can indicate any number between 0 and 99.

Corporate Details

Incorp Date

Specify the date on which the customer’s company was registered as an organization.


Specify the particular customer’s various financial details like total Paid Up capital.

Net Worth

Specify the Net worth of the customer organization,

Business Description

Specify the nature of the business and the business activities carried out by the customer organization.


Specify the Country of registration of the office of the corporate.

Power of Attorney


If the FATCA is enabled at the bank and the check box 'Power of Attorney' is checked here, then it is mandatory to specify the Power of Attorney information.

Power of Attorney

Check this box to indicate that the customer account is to be operated by the power of attorney holder.

Holder Name

The person who has been given the power of attorney.


Specify the address of the power of attorney holder.


Specify the country of the power of attorney holder.


Specify the nationality of the power of attorney holder.

Telephone ISD Code +

Specify the international dialling code for the telephone number of the power of attorney holder. The adjoining option list displays valid ISD codes maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Telephone Number

Specify the telephone number of the power of attorney holder.

Account Details

Account Branch

Select the account branch from the adjoining option list.

Account Number

The account number gets generated when you click on ‘Default’ button, after specifying the account class.

If the account branch is auto-generation enabled, then the account number gets auto-generated.

Account Class

Specify the account class or select the account class of the customer from the option list provided.

Special Account No Generation

Check this box to generate a special account number in the ‘Account’ field.

Click ‘Default’ button to view the account generation details through ‘Account Number Generation’ screen.

US Resident Status

Permanent US Resident Status

Check this box to indicate that the corresponding director is a permanent US resident.

Visited US in last 3 years?

Check this box to indicate that the beneficial owner has visited US in the last three years.

2.9.3 Capturing Customer MIS

You can capture the MIS details for the customer, if any by clicking ‘MIS’ button in the Application Entry screen.

The ‘Customer MIS’ screen gets displayed where you can maintain the MIS details.

2.9.4 Capturing Customer Account MIS

You can capture the MIS details for the Customer Accounts by clicking ‘Customer Account MIS’ button in the Application Entry Screen.

The ‘Customer Account MIS’ screen gets displayed where you can maintain the MIS details. Details Tab

The address and employment related details of the customer corresponding to the Lead Id selected are displayed in this tab. You can modify these details if required.

In this screen, you can capture multiple address and employment details, if required. Financials Tab

You can capture the financial details corresponding to the customer in this screen.

Income Details

You can capture the following details corresponding to the finance applicant’s income:

Income Type

Select the type of income associated with the customer from the drop-down list provided. The following options are available:


Specify the currency in which the customer draws his income or select the currency from the option list provided.


Specify the amount that the customer draws as his income.


Select the frequency at which the customer earns income. The following options are available in the drop-down list:

Liability Details

You can capture the following details corresponding to the finance applicant’s liabilities:

Liability Type

Select the type of the liability from the following options provided in the drop-down list:

Liability Sub Type

Specify the sub type corresponding to the liability.


Select the frequency at which the customer pays his liability amount. The following options are available in the drop-down list:


Specify the amount that the customer pays as his liability.

Account Balance

Specify the balance associated with the liability account.

Start Date

Specify a start date for the liability or select the start date by clicking the ‘Calendar’ icon.

End Date

Specify an end date for the liability or select the end date by clicking the ‘Calendar’ icon.

Asset Details


Select the type of the asset from the following options available in the drop-down list:

Asset Sub Type

Specify the sub type associated with the asset.


Specify a suitable description for the asset type.

Asset Value

Specify the value associated with the asset.


You can specify the following details for the asset type ‘Vehicle’.


Specify the make of the vehicle.


Specify the model of the vehicle.

Manufacturing Year

Specify the year of manufacture of the vehicle.


Specify the body details of the vehicle.


Specify the registration number of the vehicle.


Address Line 1-3

Specify the address of customer’s residence in the three Address lines provided.


Specify the width of the customer’s residence.


Specify the length of the customer’s residence.


Specify the number of people who occupy of the customer’s residence.

2.9.5 Requested Tab

The details related to the requested finance corresponding to the Lead Id selected are displayed in this tab. You can modify these details if required. If you have selected an ‘Enquiry ID’ for the customer, then the requested details that have been stored for the corresponding finance proposal are displayed here.

You can also capture the following itemization details corresponding to the requested finance:

Finance Requested

Requested Currency

Specify the currency for transaction. The adjoining option list displays all valid currencies maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Requested Amount

Specify the amount requested corresponding to the itemization specified.

Tenor (In Months)

Enter the tenor in months.


Enter the profit rate for the finance.

Down Payment

Specify the amount paid as Down Payment.

Promotion Id

Specify a unique 4-character alphanumeric code to identify the promotion in the system.

No of Installments

Specify the requested Number of Finance Installments/Schedules.


Specify the requested Finance Schedule Frequency.


Select the requested Finance Schedule Frequency Unit/Basis from the adjoining drop down list.

The system defaults the values of the following in the loan block in the underwriting stage:

Financing against Salary

Check this box to indicate that the finance should be associated with the applicant salary account.

Financing Purpose

Give a brief description on the purpose of financing.

Itemization Details


Specify the tenor itemization that is required. For example, you can specify the itemizations like ‘Booking Amount’, ‘Payment’, ‘Interiors’ etc.


Specify the amount requested corresponding to the itemization specified.


Give your comments, if any corresponding to the itemization.

2.9.6 Limits Tab

You can capture the details related to the limits provided by the customer in this tab.

You can specify the following details here:

Liability Details

Liability Number

Specify the Liability Number. If the Liability Number is customer group then all customers under this group should have same Liability Number.

Liability Name

Specify the Liability Name here. A maximum of 35 characters are allowed in this field.

Liability Branch

Specify the branch in which liability is associated.

Liability Currency

Specify the currency with which the liability is associated. This cannot be changed post authorization.

Overall Limit

Specify the overall limit amount for that liability. Value entered in the field will be in the currency stated above. If liability is of customer group then overall limits stated will be common to all the customers.

Line Details

Line Code

Specify the Line Code to which the liability ID is to be associated with. Allocating credit limits for the Line-Liability combination can be done. The customer(s) who fall under this Liability Code will in turn avail credit facilities under this Credit line.

By linking a Credit Line to a Liability code the customer also gets linked to the Credit Line. This is true because a Liability code has been assigned to every credit seeking customer and the credit facilities granted to the customer are defined and tracked against this code.

Line Serial

Each time a customer - line code combination is specified, Oracle FLEXCUBE ELCM system assigns a unique serial number to the combination. This serial number is unique to the line-liability code combination. Thus, for every new record entered for a Line-Liability combination, a new serial number is generated. The Line - Liability - Serial number forms a unique combination.

Line Branch

Select the line branch code from the adjoining option list.

Main Line Code

Specify the main line code. The adjoining option list displays all valid main line codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Line Currency

Specify the currency in which the facility is defined. The currency that has been selected will have the following implications:

Once the entry is authorized you cannot change the currency.

If the limit allotted to this Line-Liability combination can be utilized by accounts and transactions in currencies other than the limit currency, the limit utilization will be arrived at by using the mid rate for the currency pair as of that day.

Expected Limit Amount

Enter the expected limit amount.

Collateral Amount

The system displays the collateral amount here.

Effective Line Amount Basis

For defining drawing power of line the elements mentioned below are treated as the basis for the effective line amount calculation.

Effective Line Amount

The effective line amount basis will be validated for the following criteria:

The Effective Limit Amount can be modified only before the first authorization of the Line.

Additional Line Amount

Enter the effective line amount.

Pool Details

Pool Code

Specify the Pool Code here. The pool code assigned to each collateral pool can be linked to a Liability while creating credit limits.

Pool Description

Specify a brief description of the collateral pool here.

Pool Currency

Specify the currency in which the Collateral Pool has to be maintained.

Pool Amount

The entire Collateral Linked amount will be displayed in this field.

Pool Utilized

This field displays the pool amount that has been linked to a various credit lines, hence displaying the total pool amount utilized at any point in time.

2.9.7 Collaterals Tab

You can capture the details related to the collaterals provided by the customer in this tab.

In this screen, specify the following details to facilitate vehicle evaluation:

Collateral Details

Collateral Branch

Select the finance applicant’s collateral branch from the adjoining option list.

Collateral ID

Select the collateral ID from the adjoining option list.

Collateral Description

Give a brief description on the collateral.

Collateral Currency

Select the collateral currency from the adjoining option list.

Collateral Value

Specify the collateral value.

Start Date and End Date

Specify the tenor of the collateral using the Start Date and End Date fields. The collateral is considered effective only during this period.

Collateral Category

Select the collateral category from the adjoining option list.

Collateral Type

Select the collateral from the adjoining drop down list.

The options are:

Linked Percent

Specify percentage of the part of the collateral amount which has to be linked to the pool.

Linked Amount

Specify the part of the collateral amount which has to be linked to the pool.

Haircut %

Specify the bank’s margin (Haircut) to be assigned for Collateral. Haircut% applied by the system as per the Haircut schedule would be displayed here

Revaluate Collateral

Check this box to revaluate the collateral.

Revaluation Date

Specify the date on which the next revaluation has to be done.

Revision Date

Specify the date on which this collateral has to be revisited for review.

Charge Type

Select the charge type from the adjoining drop down list:

Utilization Order

Specify the utilization order.

Commitment Product

Select the product code from the adjoining option list to be used for creating the commitment contract.

Market Value Based

Security ID

Select the security id from the option list.

Number of units/Nominal value

Specify the number of units.

Cap Amount

Specify the cap amount.

Guarantor Based

Guarantor ID

Select the Guarantor Id from the option list.


The system displays the rating.

Vehicle Details

You can capture the details of the vehicle which is to be evaluated in the following fields:

Identification Number

Enter the unique identification number associated with the vehicle.


Specify the year of manufacture for the vehicle.


Specify the make of the vehicle.


Specify the vehicle model.


Specify the vehicle body details.


Specify the mileage used by the vehicle till date.


For more details on capturing Collateral details, refer the chapter titled ‘Maintaining Collat­eral Details’ in Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management user manual.

These details will be used at the underwriting stage to evaluate the vehicle.

2.9.8 Comments Tab

In this tab, you can specify comments, if any, related to the finance application.

You can specify the following details here:

Sequence Number

The sequence number is automatically generated by the system.


Specify comments, if any, to be associated with the finance application.

Comment By

The system defaults the name of the commenter.

Comment Date

Specify the date on which the comment was given or select the date by clicking the ‘Calendar’ icon.

2.9.9 Capturing Document Details

You can capture the customer related documents in central content management repository through the ‘Documents’ screen. Click ‘Documents’ button to invoke this screen.


Here, you need to specify the following details:

Document Category

Specify the category of the document to be uploaded.

Document Reference

The system generates and displays a unique identifier for the document.

Document Type

Specify the type of document that is to be uploaded.


Click ‘Upload’ button to open the ‘Document Upload’ sub-screen. The ‘Document Upload’ sub-screen is displayed below:

In the ‘Document Upload’ sub-screen, specify the corresponding document path and click the ‘Submit’ button. Once the document is uploaded through the upload button, the system displays the document reference number.


Click ‘View’ to view the document uploaded.

In 'Mudarabah Lending’ process, ‘Document Upload’ feature is not available in all the stages. Its availability in this process is given below:

Stage Title

Function Id

Doc Callform Exists

Upload(Available/Not Available)

View(Available/Not Available)

Application Entry





Application Verification





Application Management Verification





Internal Blacklist Check





External Blacklist Check










Finance Approval





Document Verification





Customer / Account / Facility / Finance / Collateral Creation





2.9.10 Customer Channel Button

You can capture the information of channels like Internet Banking, Interactive Voice Response, Mobile, ATM, and Credit Card at customer level. Click ‘Customer Channels’ button to specify the details relating to channels.


Specify the following details:

Banking Channels

Specify the banking channels code. Alternatively, you can select the list of channels from the option list. The list displays the channels maintained in the system.

Banking Channel Name

The system displays the name of the banking channel.


Specify remarks for the banking channel subscription.

2.9.11 Account Channel Button

You can capture the information of channels like Internet Banking, Interactive Voice Response, Mobile, ATM, and Credit Card at customer level. Click ‘Account Channels’ button to specify the details relating to channels.


Specify the following details:

Banking Channels

Specify the banking channels code. Alternatively, you can select the list of channels from the option list. The list displays the channels maintained in the system.

Banking Channel Name

The system displays the name of the banking channel.


Specify remarks for the banking channel subscription.

To acquire the next stage, you need to go to the ‘Task’ menu and select ‘Assigned’ under ‘Standard’ option.

All tasks that have been successfully completed are listed in the right side of the screen. Select the checkbox against your ‘Workflow Ref No’ and click ‘Acquire’ button at the top of the screen to acquire the next stage of the task.

The system displays the information message as " ...xxx Acquire Successful" on successful acquisition of the task.

Click ‘Ok’ to proceed to the next stage. To select the acquired task for the next stage, select ‘Acquired’ under ‘Standard’ option in the ‘Task’ menu. All the tasks that have been successfully acquired are displayed in the right side of the screen. Search for your workflow reference number and click the ‘Workflow Ref No’ to open ‘Mudarabah Application Verification’ screen.

2.10 Application Verification Stage

The information captured in the previous stage is verified in the Application Verification stage. Application verification is carried out by the user role ‘CMROLE’.

You can key-in the finance application details required in ‘Mudarabah Application Verification’ screen.

The details related to the finance application entry are displayed in this screen, which can be verified by the verifier. The details cannot be modified in this stage, but comments can be added appropriately. On completion of this stage, the advices that are maintained for the stage are generated.

The verifier can either send the application back to the previous stage if the information provided is not adequate or can cancel it if the information captured is not satisfactory.

If the application details are verified successfully, the verifier can proceed with the processing of the application by selecting ‘PROCEED’ as the Outcome. The verifier can select ‘REJECT’ to return the process to previous stage for data correction or ‘CANCEL’ to terminate the process.

On successful verification a message, stating that the task is successfully completed, gets displayed.

To acquire the next stage, you need to go to the ‘Task’ menu and select ‘Assigned’ under ‘Standard’ option. All tasks that have been successfully completed are listed in the right side of the screen. Select the checkbox against your ‘Workflow Ref No’ and click ‘Acquire’ button at the top of the screen to acquire the next stage of the task.

The system displays the information message as " ...xxx Acquire Successful" on successful acquisition of the task.

2.11 Application Management Verification Stage

The information captured in the previous stage is verified for the second time and for second level approval in the Application management Verification stage. Application verification is carried out by the user role ‘CMROLE’.

You can key-in the finance application details required in ‘Mudarabah Application Management Verification’ screen.

The details related to the finance application entry are displayed in this screen, which can be verified by the verifier. The details cannot be modified in this stage, but comments can be added appropriately. On completion of this stage, the advices that are maintained for the stage are generated.

The verifier can either send the application back to the previous stage if the information provided is not adequate or can cancel it if the information captured is not satisfactory.

If the application details are verified successfully, the verifier can proceed with the processing of the application by selecting ‘PROCEED’ as the Outcome. The verifier can select ‘REJECT’ to return the process to previous stage for data correction or ‘CANCEL’ to terminate the process.

On successful verification a message, stating that the task is successfully completed, gets displayed.

To acquire the next stage, you need to go to the ‘Task’ menu and select ‘Assigned’ under ‘Standard’ option. All tasks that have been successfully completed are listed in the right side of the screen. Select the checkbox against your ‘Workflow Ref No’ and click ‘Acquire’ button at the top of the screen to acquire the next stage of the task.

The system displays the information message as " ...xxx Acquire Successful" on successful acquisition of the task.

2.12 Internal Blacklist Check Stage

The information against Internal KYC and SDN checks.are verified in Internal blacklist check stage.

Only users belonging to the ‘CEROLE’ (Compliance Executive) can perform this task. If you have requisite rights, acquire it from the list by clicking the ‘Acquire’ button adjoining the desired task. The following screen will be displayed.

The task will be moved to the ‘Assigned’ task list. Select the checkbox against your ‘Workflow Ref No’ and click ‘Acquire’ button. Go to the ‘Acquired’ task list and double-click on the record to invoke the following screen.


The system displays all the customers associated with the finance application with internal status displaying whether the customer information is available or not.

Click ‘Review’ button to view all customer information and perform KYC and SDN checks.

The KYC Review Screen (STSKYCMN) and SDN Review Screens (ORSSDNMN) are displayed.


Once reviewed the verifier provides the review status and remarks.

You can perform a check on the customer record based on the KYC Review and SDN Review screens and choose the internal KYC status and SDN status respectively based on the review.. You need to query on the records using all or a combination of the following criteria:

Click the ‘Query’ button to view all records that match the specified criteria.

If the customer details do not match any of the displayed records, select the action ‘CLEARED’ from the drop-down list adjoining the ’Audit’ button. Click the ‘Save’ icon in the tool bar to save the record. The system displays the information message as "The task is completed successfully. The Workflow Reference Number is ...xxx." on successful acquisition of the task.

2.13 External Blacklist Check Stage

The information against external KYC and SDN checks are verified in external blacklist check stage.

Only users belonging to the ‘CEROLE’ (Compliance Executive) can perform this task. If you have requisite rights, acquire it from the list by clicking the ‘Acquire’ button adjoining the desired task. The following screen will be displayed.

The task will be moved to the ‘Assigned’ task list. Select the checkbox against your ‘Workflow Ref No’ and click ‘Acquire’ button. Go to the ‘Acquired’ task list and double-click on the record to invoke the following screen.


The system displays all the customers associated with the finance application with internal status displaying whether the customer information is available or not.

Click ‘Review’ button to view all customer information and perform KYC and SDN checks.

The KYC Review Screen (STSKYCMN) and SDN Review Screens (ORSSDNMN) are displayed.


Once reviewed the verifier provides the review status and remarks.

You can perform a check on the customer record based on the KYC Review and SDN Review screens and choose the external KYC status and SDN status respectively based on the review. You need to query on the records using all or a combination of the following criteria:

Click the ‘Query’ button to view all records that match the specified criteria.

If the customer details do not match any of the displayed records, select the action ‘CLEARED’ from the drop-down list adjoining the ’Audit’ button. Click the ‘Save’ icon in the tool bar to save the record. The system displays the information message as “The task is completed successfully. The Workflow Reference Number is ...xxx.

Click ‘Ok’ to proceed to the next stage. To select the acquired task for the next stage, select ‘Acquired’ under ‘Standard’ option in the ‘Task’ menu. All the tasks that have been successfully acquired are displayed in the right side of the screen. Search for your workflow reference number and click the ‘Workflow Ref No’ to open ‘Mudarabah Underwriting’ screen.

2.14 Underwriting

In this stage, the bank assesses the eligibility of the borrower for the requested finance offer, based on the analysis of the borrower’s financial ratios and credit scores. The bank also obtains credit details from external agencies and field investigation agencies. The tasks in underwriting stage are also carried out by the user role ‘CMROLE’.

You can key-in the finance application details required in ‘Mudarabah Underwriting’ screen.

After ascertaining the eligibility of the customer, the bank provides multiple finance offers for the borrower and uses one offer chosen by the customer to generate payment schedule and schedule details. The advices that are maintained for the stage are generated on completion of the stage.

In this stage, the bank also conducts vehicle evaluation based on the details that have been captured at the ‘Application Entry’ stage. This evaluation can be done with details from an external agency in the collateral tab.

This section contains the following topics:

2.14.1 Collateral Tab

You can carry out the evaluation of vehicles in the collateral tab. Here, the details provided as part of the ‘Application Entry’ stage are defaulted, which you can modify. The evaluation can be done by interfacing with external agencies.

In this screen, capture the following details:

Vehicle Details

You can modify the details of the vehicle which is to be evaluated in the fields listed below.

Identification Number

Enter the unique identification number associated with the vehicle.


Specify the year of manufacture for the vehicle.


Specify the make of the vehicle.


Specify the vehicle model.


Specify the vehicle body details.


Specify the mileage used by the vehicle till date.

You can retrieve vehicle details from an external agency either by specifying the identification number for the vehicle or all of the following fields:

Valuation Source

Select the valuation source from the adjoining drop-down list. The options are:

Select ‘INTERNAL’ if you wish the evaluation to be done by interfacing with an external agency.


Select the status from the adjoining drop-down list. The options are:

The evaluation will be done only if the valuation source is selected as ‘INTERNAL’ and the status is ‘RECOMMENDED’. For any other combination of values for the two fields, the system will display an error message and will not proceed with the evaluation till the values are set as specified above.

After entering the required details, select ‘VERIFY’ as the Outcome and click ‘Save’. If you have indicated that evaluation should be done you will not be allowed to select ‘PROCEED’ or ‘CANCEL’ as the Outcome till the verification has been successfully done.

The system will display a message stating that the task is successfully completed on saving the record.

To acquire the next stage, you need to go to the ‘Task’ menu and select ‘Assigned’ under ‘Standard’ option. All tasks that have been successfully completed are listed in the right side of the screen. Select the checkbox against your ‘Workflow Ref No’ and click ‘Acquire’ button at the top of the screen to acquire the next stage of the task.

The system displays the information message as " ...xxx Acquire Successful" on successful acquisition of the task.

Click ‘Ok’ to proceed to the next stage which will again be the underwriting stage. To select the acquired task for the next stage, select ‘Acquired’ under ‘Standard’ option in the ‘Task’ menu. All the tasks that have been successfully acquired are displayed in the right side of the screen. Search for your workflow reference number and click the ‘Workflow Ref No’ to open ‘Mudarabah Underwriting’ screen.

The system will invoke the external valuation agency for vehicle evaluation. You can view the details in the collateral tab.In the collateral tab, click the ‘Evaluate’ button. The system will check for the data within the FLEXCUBE database. If there are none for the corresponding vehicle, it will try to obtain the details from the external agency and display them in the ‘Vehicle Evaluator’ screen.

In this screen, you can view the information available for the vehicle based on the information provided by you. If the information in this screen matches the details available in the system database for the same vehicle, the status is updated to ‘COMPLETED’ in the collateral tab. If it does not match, then the status is updated to ‘NO DATA’.

Once the verification is completed, you can select the Outcome as ‘PROCEED’ and move to the next stage.


For more details on capturing Collateral details, refer the chapter titled ‘Maintaining Collat­eral Details’ in Enterprise Limits and Collateral Management user manual.

2.14.2 Credit Score Tab

The credit score tab is used to calculate the credit score details of the customer. You can also interface with external Credit engines and display recommendations and report. Internal Credit engine obtains information from customer and calculates credit score and displays system recommendation.


The set of questions used to assess the credit rating of a prospective finance customer, associated Rule Id are displayed in this screen. You can specify the following details here:

System defaults the Category and Question as maintained in the Rule.

You can select the Answer from the option list.

Click ‘Calculate’ button to calculate the credit score and the grade, based on the formula maintained for calculating the credit score. The ‘Grade’ and the ‘Score’ are displayed based on this calculation.

2.14.3 Bureau Tab

You can interface with external credit bureaus and view report obtained from them in ‘Bureau’ tab. Based on the reports that are obtained from the external bureaus, the underwriter determines whether to approve the finance to the customer or not.


In the application entry stage, if the external credit required flag is checked, the bureau report gets generated in the underwriting stage.

If the credit bureau is not checked in the application entry stage, the underwriter can verify it in the underwriting stage by giving status as Required and Outcome as Verify. On giving the outcome as verify the credit bureau verification happens and the application moves to underwriting stage again.

The credit agencies and the bureaus maintained for the Application Category are displayed in this screen: You can capture the remarks and recommendations from these agencies in this tab. You can also view the credit report obtained from the agencies and bureaus.

Credit Bureau Details

Customer Id

The identification of the finance customer gets displayed here.


The credit bureau maintained for the Application Category in ‘Application Category Maintenance’ gets displayed here.


Select the status for the credit bureau check from the following options in the drop-down list:


Specify remarks, if any, associated with the finance application.

External Credit Rating

External Agency

Specify the external agency that you want to use for the evaluation,. If you do not specify a value here, the system will display an error message.


Select the recommendation of the credit agency for the finance requested from the following options provided in the drop-down list:


Specify remarks, if any, associated with the finance application.


The following statuses are available:

The evaluation will be done only if the external agency has been specified and the ‘Recommended’ field has the value ‘Recommended’ status is ‘RECOMMENDED’. For any other combination of values for the two fields, the system will display an error message and will not proceed with the evaluation till the values are set as specified above.

After entering the required details, select ‘VERIFY’ as the Outcome and click ‘Save’. If you have indicated that evaluation should be done you will not be allowed to select ‘PROCEED’ or ‘CANCEL’ as the Outcome till the verification has been successfully done.

The system will display a message stating that the task is successfully completed on saving the record.

To acquire the next stage, you need to go to the ‘Task’ menu and select ‘Assigned’ under ‘Standard’ option. All tasks that have been successfully completed are listed in the right side of the screen. Select the checkbox against your ‘Workflow Ref No’ and click ‘Acquire’ button at the top of the screen to acquire the next stage of the task which will be the underwriting stage again.

The system displays the information message as " ...xxx Acquire Successful" on successful acquisition of the task.

Click ‘Ok’ to proceed to the next stage. To select the acquired task for the next stage, select ‘Acquired’ under ‘Standard’ option in the ‘Task’ menu. All the tasks that have been successfully acquired are displayed in the right side of the screen. Search for your workflow reference number and click the ‘Workflow Ref No’ to open ‘Mudarabah Underwriting’ screen.

The system will invoke the external valuation agency for credit evaluation. You can view the details in the bureau tab. This includes the score assigned by the agency for the customer.

In this screen, you can view the information available for the customer by clicking the ‘Report’ button under the field ‘Status’ in the External Credit Rating section. If the information is available, the status is updated to ‘COMPLETED’ in the collateral tab. If it does not match, then the status is updated to ‘NO DATA’.

Once the verification is completed, you can select the Outcome as ‘PROCEED’ and move to the next stage.

You can click ‘Report’ button adjacent to credit rating record or credit bureau record to view the report obtained from the credit rating agency or the credit bureau.

The following reports can be viewed:


Summary 2

Trade Lines

Public Records


Fraud Messages


Also Known As

Consumer Statements

Credit Score Details Capturing Loan MIS Details

You can capture the Finance MIS details by clicking ‘Finance MIS’ button in ‘Mudarabah Finance Underwriting’ screen.

The ‘Finance MIS’ screen gets displayed where you can capture the details Capturing Loan UDF Details

You can capture the Finance UDF details by clicking ‘Finance Fields’ button in ‘Mudarabah Finance Underwriting’ screen.

The ‘Finance UDF’ screen gets displayed where you can capture the details

2.14.4 Ratios Tab

In the ‘Ratios’ tab, the system calculates the stated and actual income/debt ratios and also calculates the ratio based on ‘What if payment amount’.

The stated income and debt of the customer are displayed here You can capture the following additional details here.


Monthly Income

Specify the actual monthly income of the customer based on documentary proof provided.

Monthly Debt

Specify the actual monthly debt of the customer based on documentary proof provided.

Click ‘Calculate Ratios’ button to calculate the asset/ liability ratios for the customer.

What if Pmt Amt

Specify the EMI amount that the customer is ready to pay.

Click ‘Update Ratio’ button to update the asset/ liability ratios for the customer, taking into account the EMI payments also.

The ratios for Installment, Finance To Value and Disposable Income are calculated for the following conditions:

2.14.5 Financing Tab

In the ‘Financing’ tab, the system displays the list of the multiple finance offers that are attached to the application category specified. If you have selected an ‘Enquiry ID’ for the customer, then the finance details that have been stored for the corresponding finance proposal are displayed here. You can modify these details, if required.

Specify the following details:

Pricing ID

Based on the formula maintained in ‘Pricing Maintenance’ screen, the system automatically applies a price ID to the application. However, you can apply a different price ID that matches the application. You can select a different price ID from the option list.

If you change a price ID selected by the system and reapply a different price ID, the system changes the score of the pricing rule. The score determines the price ID to be automatically applied.

Click ‘Apply’ button to apply the selected price ID to the finance.

The details related to the finance offer like the number of installments, finance branch, frequency, unit, profit rate etc. are displayed here. Select the required offer by clicking the ‘Check’ option and click then click the ‘Apply’ button to apply the selected finance offer. The details corresponding to the selected finance offer are displayed in ‘Finance Details’ section. You can modify these details, if required, and click ‘Apply’ button to calcualte the schedule details.

The offers maintained at the category level is displayed in the multiple offers block. The system compares the number of installments, frequencies and unit with the value in the requested tab at application entry stage. The rate in the offers block is compared with rate maintained in the pricing Id. The system applies that offer which matches with the mentioned criteria in the offer block. If the offer fails to match then a new row is added which will take its value from the pricing ID.

Down Payment

The system displays the calculated Down Payment amount from the entry stage. If the value is not given in the entry stage then the Down Payment Amount gets calculated based on the Down Payment %.

Down Payment %

The system captures the Down Payment percentage value. This value should not be a negative value. However, you can modify it.

Effective Date

The system captures the effective date of user defined elements. However, you can modify it in the underwriting stage.

User Defined Element Values

The system supports multiple User Defined Elements here based on the effective dates maintained.


Select the User Defined Element Id from the adjoining option list.


Specify the UDE value.

Rate Code

Select the rate code for UDE from the adjoining option list.

Code Usage

Select the code usage from the adjoining drop down list.

Resolved Value

The system defaults the system revised UDE value.


System displays the intermediary details including the compensation percentage for each Intermediary, based on the Inetrmediary group mainatined in Application Entry stage.However, you can modify it.

The payment schedules are derived based on the offer selected.


You can select only one finance offer in this screen.

2.14.6 Component Tab

In ‘Component’ tab, the system calculates and displays the payment schedules and the schedule details based on the finance offer selected. If you have selected an ‘Enquiry ID’ for the customer, then the schedule details that have been stored for the corresponding finance proposal are displayed here. You can modify them, if required.

The following details related to the schedule are displayed here:

For each component of the components listed, the system calculates and displays the details like the Due Date, Amount Due, EMI Amount and Amortized Principal.

2.14.7 Charges Tab

In ‘Charges’ tab, the system calculates and displays charges, if any applicable.

The system calculates and displays the charge details associated with the finance. The following details are displayed:


Check this box to waive the charges associated with the finance.

2.14.8 Investigation Tab

In this tab, the system captures the field investigation details associated with the customer.


The following details related to the customer can be captured here:

You can view the investigation report associated with the customer by clicking the ‘Report’ button.

2.14.9 Comments Tab

In this tab, you can capture the comments by the users.

You can capture the following details:


Specify comments, if any, to be associated with the finance application.

Comment By

The system defaults the name of the commenter.

Comment Date

Specify the date on which the comment was given or select the date by clicking the ‘Calendar’ icon.

If the underwriting stage is successfully completed, the underwriter can proceed with the processing of the application by selecting ‘PROCEED’ as the Outcome. The underwriter can select ‘REJECT’ to return the process to previous stage for data correction or ‘CANCEL’ to terminate the process.

On successful completion a message, stating that the task is successfully completed, gets displayed.

To acquire the next stage, you need to go to the ‘Task’ menu and select ‘Assigned’ under ‘Standard’ option. All tasks that have been successfully completed are listed in the right side of the screen. Select the checkbox against your ‘Workflow Ref No’ and click ‘Acquire’ button at the top of the screen to acquire the next stage of the task.

The system displays the information message as " ...xxx Acquire Successful" on successful acquisition of the task..

Click ‘Ok’ to proceed to the next stage. To select the acquired task for the next stage, select ‘Acquired’ under ‘Standard’ option in the ‘Task’ menu. All the tasks that have been successfully acquired are displayed in the right side of the screen. Search for your workflow reference number and click the ‘Workflow Ref No’ to open ‘Mudarabah Application Approval’ screen.

2.15 Finance Approval Stage

In the Finance Approval stage, the approver verifies the finance application, analyzes the applicant’s financial status, credit rating and field investigation reports and based on the credit worthiness of the customer approves the finance offered to the customer.

You can key-in the finance application details required in ‘Mudarabah Application Approval’ screen.

Users belonging to user role ‘CMROLE’ are authorized to perform these tasks.

The approver can send the application back to the previous stage if the information provided is not adequate or choose to cancel it if the information captured is not satisfactory.

If the application details are verified successfully, the approver can proceed with the processing of the application by selecting ‘PROCEED’ as the Outcome. The approver can select ‘RETURN’ to return the process to previous stage for data correction or ‘CANCEL’ to terminate the process.

On successful completion, a message stating that the task is successfully completed gets displayed.

To acquire the next stage, you need to go to the ‘Task’ menu and select ‘Assigned’ under ‘Standard’ option. All tasks that have been successfully completed are listed in the right side of the screen. Select the checkbox against your ‘Workflow Ref No’ and click ‘Acquire’ button at the top of the screen to acquire the next stage of the task.

The system displays the information message as " ...xxx Acquire Successful" on successful acquisition of the task.

Click ‘Ok’ to proceed to the next stage. To select the acquired task for the next stage, select ‘Acquired’ under ‘Standard’ option in the ‘Task’ menu. All the tasks that have been successfully acquired are displayed in the right side of the screen. Search for your workflow reference number and click the ‘Workflow Ref No’ to open ‘Mudarabah Document Verification’ screen.

If you have checked the option ‘Auto Decision Required’ during Application Entry stage, the based on the applicant credit score – auto decision mapping maintained in ‘Auto Decision’ screen, the system decides whether to approve the finance or not. The system makes one of the following decisions in that case:

If the auto decision made by the system is ‘Auto Approval’, you can skip the finance approval stage.

If the auto decision made by the system is ‘Recommend Approval’ or ‘Recommend Reject’, you need to manually verify and confirm the decision at this stage.

If the auto decision made by the system is ‘Auto-Reject’ then the application moves back to the application entry stage.

If any price group is associated with the application category, then the system will apply auto pricing after proceeding the Application Entry stage by considering the default ‘Price ID’ linked to the pricing group. Further, based on the selected finance offer, the finance is applied and schedules are defaulted. However, at underwriting stage, the underwriter may proceed or re-apply the finance by selecting a different finance offer.

Any advices maintained for this stage are generated after the completion of the stage.

2.16 Document Verification Stage

In the Document Verification stage, the documents captured in the previous stages are verified. It is ensured that all documents in the checklist maintained are obtained from the customer. In this stage, the application and applicant information captured as part of the previous stages undergoes a final verification.

Users belonging to user role ‘CMROLE’ are authorized to perform these tasks.

You can key-in the Finance application details required in ‘Mudarabah Document Verification’ screen.


The verifier can choose to send the application back to the previous stage if the information provided is not adequate or choose to cancel it if the information captured is not satisfactory.

If the applicant, application and document details are verified successfully, the verifier can proceed with the processing of the application by selecting ‘PROCEED’ as the Outcome. The verifier can select ‘RETURN’ to return the process to underwriting stage for data correction or ‘CANCEL’ to terminate the process.

On successful completion, a message stating that the task is successfully completed gets displayed. The customer, customer account, collateral etc. are created in the system on completion of the Document verification stage.

2.17 Message Generation

In this stage generation of offer letter and sending the contractual agreements takes place.

2.18 Finance Application Details Upload

In this final stage, the finance and collateral are created. Customer is also created if the applicant is a new customer. Customer account is also created if information is captured for the same. The system creates a Customer / Finance / Collateral / Facility / Account in Oracle FLEXCUBE with details captured from previous stages. The creation of customer, collateral and finance can be verified in ORDISCUS/ ORDISLIA / ORDISLOA / ORDISCOL screens respectively.

2.19 Stages in Mudarabah Finance Origination using Ora­cle BPMN Framework

Mudarabah process flow uses Oracle BPMN framework also with multiple human tasks for workflow stages. The capture and enrichment of information in multiple steps can be dynamically assigned to different user roles, so that multiple users can take part in the transaction. Oracle Business rules are used for dynamic creation of multiple approval stages.

2.19.1 Process Flow Diagram

The process flow diagram given below illustrates the activities carried out during various stages of Retail Islamic Financing using BPMN framework.

2.19.2 Process Matrix

The process matrix given below lists out the different stages, condition to move to next stage, target stage and remarks for each condition.

S. No

Source stage

Rules / Conditions for the flow Movement

Target stage



Financing transaction ini­tiation

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Application Enrichment

Instance is moved to ‘Application Enrich­ment’ stage, when the user selects the out­come "PROCEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "FOL­LOW UP"

Application Follow up

Instance is moved to ‘Application Follow up’ stage, when the user selects the outcome “FOLLOW UP" and saves the task.


Application Follow up

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Application Enrichment

Instance is moved to ‘Application Enrich­ment’ stage, when the user selects the out­come "PROCEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "REJECT"


Instance will be termi­nated when the user selects the outcome "REJECT" and saves the task.


Application Enrichment

outcome = "PRO­CEED" and if Risk evaluation is required

Risk evalua­tion

Instance is moved to ‘Risk evaluation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "PRO­CEED" and if Legal Verification is required

Legal Verifica­tion

Instance is moved to ‘Legal Verification’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PROCEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "PRO­CEED" and if KYC verification is required

Invoke KYC Verification service call

KYC verification ser­vice call will be invoked when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "PRO­CEED" and if Col­lateral evaluation is required

Invoke Collat­eral evalua­tion service call

Invoke the Collateral evaluation service call and move to collateral evaluation stage, when the user selects the outcome "PROCEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "PRO­CEED" and if Risk evaluation, collat­eral evaluation, KYC verification and Legal Verifica­tion are not required

Underwriting Proposal preparation

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting Pro­posal preparation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PROCEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "RETURN"

Financing transaction ini­tiation

Instance is moved to ‘Financing transaction initiation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "RETURN" and saves the task.


Risk Evalua­tion

outcome = “PRO­CEED"

Underwriting proposal preparation

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting proposal preparation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.


Legal Verifica­tion

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Underwriting proposal preparation

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting proposal preparation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.


Credit analysis

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Underwriting proposal preparation

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting proposal preparation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.


Collateral Evaluation

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Underwriting proposal preparation

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting proposal preparation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.


Underwriting proposal preparation

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Underwriting proposal Review

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting proposal Review’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PROCEED" and saves the task.

outcome = “ADDI­TIONAL INFO”

Application Modification

Instance is moved to ‘Application Modifica­tion’ stage, when the user selects the out­come "ADDITIONAL INFO" and saves the task.

outcome = “REJECT”


Instance will be termi­nated when the user selects the outcome "REJECT" and saves the task.


Application Modification

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Underwriting Proposal Review

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting proposal Review" stage, when the user selects the outcome "PROCEED" and saves the task.


Underwriting proposal Review

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Sanction Approval

Instance is moved to ‘Sanction Approval’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PROCEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "RETURN"

Underwriting proposal Preparation

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting Pro­posal preparation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "RETURN" and saves the task.

outcome = “ADDI­TIONAL INFO”

Application Modification

Instance is moved to ‘Application Modifica­tion’ stage, when the user selects the out­come "ADDITIONAL INFO" and saves the task.


Finance Approval

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Sanction Let­ter Customer Signoff

Instance is moved to ‘Sanction Letter Cus­tomer Signoff’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.


Additional Approval

Instance is moved to ‘Additional Approval’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "ADDITIONAL_AP­PROV" and saves the task.

outcome = "RETURN"

Underwriting Proposal Preparation

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting proposal Preparation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "RETURN" and saves the task.


Finance Addi­tional Approval

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Documenta­tions and TC verification

Instance is moved to ‘Documentations and TC verification’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "WITH­DRAW"


Instance will be termi­nated when the user selects the outcome "REJECT" and saves the task.

outcome = "RETURN"

Underwriting Proposal Preparation

Instance is moved to ‘Underwriting proposal Preparation’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "RETURN" and saves the task.


Documenta­tions and TC verification

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Down pay­ment

Instance is moved to ‘Down payment’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.

outcome = "ADDI­TIONAL_INFO"

Underwriting Proposal preparation

Instance is moved to Documentation addi­tional Info’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "ADDITION­AL_INFO" and saves the task.


Documenta­tion Additional Info

outcome = "PRO­CEED"

Documenta­tion & TC veri­fication

Instance is moved to ‘Documentations and TC verification’ stage, when the user selects the outcome "PRO­CEED" and saves the task.


Down payment

outcome = "PRO­CEED"


Details will be hand off to CI core when the user selects the out­come "PROCEED" and saves the task.



Successful Hand off to Core & ‘Post Approval docu­mentation’ is ‘YES’


Auto stage. After suc­cessful completion of core - hand off call.

Instance is moved to ‘Final Documentation’ stage, if ‘Post Approval documenta­tion’ is ‘YES’ and out­come is “PROCEED”.

Successful Hand off to Core & ‘Post Approval docu­mentation’ is ‘NO’


Task will be changed to completed status and it will not be available for further movement

For any system exceptions

Manual Retry

For any system excep­tion, task will be moved to Manual retry stage


Manual Retry

outcome = "PRO­CEED"


Details will be hand off to CI core when the user selects the out­come "PROCEED" and saves the task.

2.19.3 Stages

The following are the stages and their function IDs for BPMN process flow for retail loan Mudarabah creation (MDRN).



Function ID

Stage Description


Financing Transaction Initiation


In the transaction initiation stage you can capture the customer details like Finance Amount, Maturity Date, Tenor, Credit/debit Account for Payment etc. The documents collected from the customer will be scanned and uploaded along with the applica­tion in this stage.


Application Follow up


In this stage, you can follow up with the customer if the required documents are not received dur­ing transaction initiation stage.


Application Enrichment


All the information filled in the application will be verified and missing details will be captured in this stage.

You can also capture the asset details of the customer in this stage.


Credit Rating Service




KYC Review Service




Collateral Evaluation Service




Risk Evaluation Service




Credit Evaluation


All the collaterals attached with the application will be evaluated in this stage.


Risk Evaluation


In this stage, loan application will be evaluated on various risk parameters like external credit rating, scoring etc.


Credit Analysis


In this stage, loan application will be evaluated on various credit parameters


Legal Opinion


All the legal and regulatory com­pliance checks will be performed in this stage.


Collateral Evaluation


All the collaterals attached with the application will be evaluated in this stage.


Underwriting Proposal Preparation


In this stage, the application will be decided to be supported or not based on initial credit write up.


Underwriting Proposal Review


Underwriter prepares the credit recommendation summary including details like pricing.


Finance Approval


Credit admin will decide whether to approve the loan or not.


Finance Additional Approval


Application will go for additional approval to credit admin


Customer Sign-off Noti­fication Service




Customer Sign-off


Document support team will send the sanction letter to the borrower and receive sign off.


Documentations and TC verification.


Documentation team checks the documents which are essential for processing and also checks the TC and confirm the details


Documentation Follow up


Stage to collect the missed docu­ments from customer. Documen­tation team contacts the customer and collects the required docu­ments as per TC


Down Payment


In this stage the user can do the down payment for the contract.


Hand off Stage


Service call to hand off the finance details to core


Manual Retry


Stage to reprocess the CI con­tract creation in case of excep­tions


Manual Liquidation


Stage to liquidate the reverse payment in case the finance is cancelled

2.20 Retail Islamic Financing Application Details

This section contains the following topics:

2.20.1 Processing Retail Mudarabah Financing Transaction

You can initiate the Mudarabah contract and capture the requested details in the ‘Retail Islamic Financing’ screen, if you have the required access rights. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ORDRMDIN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following in this screen:

Application Number

The system displays the application reference number on initiating a process. This number is unique throughout the process.

Application Branch

The system displays the branch where application is captured.

Application Date

The system defaults the application initiation date.

Application Category

Specify the application category. Alternatively, you can select the application category from the option list. The category is used for populating the documents, advices and checklist mapped in Document sub screen.

Application Type

The system displays the application type.

Interaction ID

The system displays the interaction ID.


The system displays the stage of the application.


The system displays the sub-stage of the application.


The system defaults the application status based on the current stage of the process.


Select application priority from the adjoining drop-down list.The options available are:


Specify the channel through which the application is initiated. Alternatively, you can select the channel from the option list. The list displays all valid channels.

Channel Reference

Specify the channel reference number.

External Source

Specify the external source.

External Reference

Specify the external reference number.

User Reference

Specify the user reference number.

Additional Approval Required

Check this box if additional approval is required for the finance application.

2.20.2 Applicant Tab

Financial Enquiry

Lead ID

Specify the lead ID. Alternatively, you can select the lead ID from the option list. The list displays the lead IDs maintained in the system.

Enquiry ID

Specify the enquiry ID. Alternatively, you can select the enquiry ID from the option list. The list displays the enquiry IDs maintained in the system.


KYC Required

Check this box if KYC review is required for the applicant.

Collateral Valuation Required

Check this box if collateral valuation is required for the collaterals linked to the finance application.

Risk Evaluation Required

Check this box to evaluate the risk in granting the finance.

Legal Verification Required

Check this box to evaluate the legal constraints associated with the finance application.

External Check

Check this box if external check is required.

Applicant Details


Specify the branch of the customer. Alternatively, you can select the branch from the option list. The list displays all valid branch details.


The system displays the type of applicant.

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID of the applicant. Alternatively, you can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all valid customer IDs.

Customer Name

Specify the name of the customer.

Liability ID

Specify the liability ID. Alternatively, you can select the liability ID from the option list. The list displays all valid liability IDs.

360 Degree View

Click this button for 360 degree applicant view.

Product Details


Select the required facility from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:


The system displays the product based on the facility selected.


Give a brief description on the product.


Click this button to view summary details based on the facility selected.


Specify the branch of the customer. Alternatively, you can select the branch from the option list. The list displays all valid branch details.

Reference ID

The system displays the reference ID.


The system displays the details of the customer.

Linked to Finance

Check this box to link the facility to the finance.


The system displays the finance purpose.

Other Applicant

The system displays the other applicant details.

2.20.3 Financials Tab

Click ‘Financials’ tab to maintain financial details.

Specify the following details:

Financial Summary

Finance Currency

Specify the finance currency. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all the currencies maintained in the system.

Monthly Total Income

Specify the total monthly income of the customer.

Total Land/Property Asset

The system displays the total land/property asset.

Customer No

The system displays the customer number.

Monthly Total Expense

The system displays the monthly total expense of the customer.

Monthly Total Liable Amount

The system displays the monthly total liability of the customer.

Customer Name

The system displays the name of the customer.

Total Other Assets

The system displays the total of other assets.

Income Details

Income Type

Select the type of income from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:


Select the liability frequency from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:


Specify the currency of the income. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all the currencies maintained in the system.


Specify the customer liability amount.

Start Date

Select the start date from the adjoining calendar.

End Date

Select the end date from the adjoining calendar.

Expense Details

Expense Type

Specify the type of expense.


Select the expense frequency from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:


Specify the currency code. Alternatively, you can select the currency code from the option list. The list displays all the currencies maintained in the system.


Specify the expense amount.

Start Date

Select the start date from the adjoining calendar.

End Date

Select the end date from the adjoining calendar.

Land/Property Asset Details

Asset Type

Select the asset type from the drop-down list. The values are:

Sub Type

Specify the sub type of the asset.


Specify the currency code of the asset. Alternatively, you can select the currency code from the option list. The list displays all the currencies maintained in the system.

Property Value

Specify the value of the property.

Loan Outstanding

Specify the outstanding amount of any loan.

Other Asset Details

Asset Type

Select the type of asset from the drop-down list. The list displays following values:

Sub Type

Specify the sub type of the asset.


Specify the currency code of the asset. Alternatively, you can select the currency code from the option list. The list displays all the currencies maintained in the system.

Property Value

Specify the value of the property.

Loan Outstanding

Specify the loan outstanding amount.

Liability Details

Liability Type

Select the liability type of the asset from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Liability Sub Type

Specify the liability sub type.


Select the frequency from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:


Specify the currency code of the liability. Alternatively, you can select the currency code from the option list. The list displays all the currencies maintained in the system.


Specify the liability amount.


Specify the customer balance.

Start Date

Select the start date from the adjoining calendar.

End Date

Select the end date from the adjoining calendar.

2.20.4 Financing Tab

Click ‘Financing’ tab to maintain finance details.

Specify the following details:

Pricing ID

Specify the pricing ID. Alternatively, you can select the pricing ID from the option list. The list displays all valid pricing ID s.

Promotion Code

Specify the promotion code. Alternatively, you can select the promotion code from the option list. The list displays all valid promotion codes.

Financing Offers

Offer ID

Specify the finance offer ID.

No. of Instalments

Specify the number of instalments applicable for the selected finance offer.


Specify the frequency of the finance offer.


Select the unit from the drop-down list.

Rate of Interest

Specify the rate of interest of the finance offer.

Rate Code

Specify the rate code. Alternatively, you can select the rate code from the option list. The list displays all valid rate codes.


Check this box to apply an offer. You can only check one offer at a time.

Contract Details

Financing Product

The system displays the financing product.

Financing Account

Specify the financing account number.

Financing Branch

Specify the financing branch. Alternatively, you can select the financing branch from the option list. The list displays all valid branch codes.

Book Date

The system displays the book date.

Value Date

The system displays the value date.

Financing Currency

Specify the financing currency. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes.

Balloon Details

Balloon Percent

Specify the percentage for balloon amount.

Balloon Amount

Specify the amount that is being paid as balloon payment. This value cannot exceed the principal amount of the finance. You will be allowed to specify this value only if the following conditions are met:

Exclude Instalment from Balloon

Check this box to exclude other schedules from the last bullet schedule which has the balloon amount.

Balloon Rollover Required

Check this box of balloon rollover is required.

Rollover Instalments

Specify the rollover instalment amount.

Rollover Unit

Specify the number of units for rollover.

Asset/Investment Details

Total Asset Value

Specify the total value of the asset.

Takaful Cost

Specify the takaful cost.

Maintenance/Other Cost

Specify the maintenance or other cost here.

Other Details

Fund ID

Select the fund id from the adjoining option list. The system defaults the value of ‘Default Mudarabah Fund’ as fund ID.

The system populates the fund MIS details for a contract which is linked to the Fund ID.

Future D/P Receivable

Specify the future D/P receivable. Your customer need not pay the entire down payment amount in a single installment. The customer can pay it in parts. In such cases, you can specify the amount to be received in the future from the customer. The aggregate of down payments received and ‘Future D/P Receivable’ should be equal to the ‘Down Payment’ amount.

For instance, suppose the down payment is 10000 BHD, down payment received is 8000 BHD and future down payment is 2000 BHD, then Disbursement event will be triggered.


Amount specified in this field cannot exceed the total down payment amount for the con­tract. This field should be operationally controlled, because the system does not track the ‘Future D/P Receivable’ amount which is received from the customer.

Wakala Reference

Specify the Wakala reference number. Alternatively, you can select wakala reference number from the option list. The list displays all valid Wakala reference number maintained in the system.

Financing Details

Down Payment %

The system displays the down payment percentage.

Down Payment Amount

The system displays the down payment amount.

Amount Financed

Specify the financed amount.

Staff Finance

Specify the staff finance details.

Repayment Terms

No of Instalments

Specify the number of instalments required to pay the financed amount.

Instalment Frequency

Specify the instalment frequency.

Instalment Unit

Select the unit of instalment from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Instalment Start Date

Select the instalment start date from the adjoining calendar.

Due Date On

Select the due date from the adjoining calendar.

Maturity Type

Select the maturity type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Maturity Date

Select the maturity date from the adjoining calendar.

Tenor (in Days)

Specify the finance tenor in days.

Taken Over Asset Details

Collateral Taken over

Check this box to indicate that the collateral is taken over.

Sale Value

Total Sale Value

Specify the total sale value.The system displays the total of principal and profit amount as of initiation date. If the ‘Recompute schedule on IRR’ field is checked in the ‘Product Maintenance’ screen for the linked product and if you specify the balloon amount, the system will compute this value as the sum of principal, normal profit, balloon principal and balloon profit.

Effective Date

Effective Date

Select the effective date from the adjoining calendar.

User Defined Elements

User Data Elements Id

Specify the user data elements ID. Alternatively, you can select the UDE ID from the option list. The list displays all valid user defined elements ID.


Specify the UDE value.

Rate Code

Specify the rate code of the UDE. Alternatively, you can select the rate code from the option list. The list displays all valid rate codes.

Code Usage

Select the code usage. It can be periodic or automatic.

Rate Basis

Select the rate basis from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Resolved Value

Specify the resolved value.

Account EMI Change

Effective Date

Select the effective date from the adjoining calendar.

Percentage Change in EMI

Specify the percentage change in EMI.

Amount Change in EMI

Specify the amount change in EMI.

2.20.5 Components Tab

Click ‘Components’ tab to maintain component details.

Component Name

The system displays the component name.

Component Type

Select the component type from the adjoining drop-down list. The list displays the following values:


The system displays the currency code.

Special Interest Amount

The system displays the special interest amount.

Liquidation Mode

The system defaults the mode of liquidation from the product level. However you can modify the same to indicate the mode of liquidation of the component from the drop-down list. The following options are available for selection:


Select this option to waive the component for the account.

Main Component

Check this box to indicate that the specified component should be main component.

Verify Funds

Check this box to verify funds.

Penal Basis

The system displays the penal basis.

Service Branch

The system displays the service branch.

Service Account

The system displays the service account.

Settlement Currency

The system displays the settlement currency.

Internal Rate of Return Applicable

Check this box if internal rate of return is applicable.

Special Component

Check this box if the component is a special Interest type. This implies that the computed value of the component can be overridden with the entered value.

Funded During Rollover

Check this box if the component can be funded during the rollover process.

Funded During Initiation

Check this box if the component can be funded during the INIT event.

Exponential Interest Method

Check this box to provide restrictions for exponential finances.If you check this, the system validates the following for exponential interest method calculation:

Schedule Definition

Schedule Type

Select the type of schedule from the drop-down list. Schedule can be a payment, a disbursement or a rate revision schedule.

Schedule Flag

Select the option for the Schedule flag from the option list. The options are Normal or Moratorium.

You can select the option Moratorium if there are no scheduled repayments for the component for the Moratorium period. However the component is accrued for a certain Moratorium period.

Formula Name

Specify the formula name. Alternatively, you can select the formula name from the option list. The list displays all valid formula names.

First Due Date

Select the first due date from the adjoining calendar.

Start Date

Select the start date from the adjoining calendar.

End Date

Select the end date from the adjoining calendar.

No of Schedules

Specify the number of schedules.


Specify the frequency.


Select the units from the drop-down list.

Due Date On

Select the due date from the adjoining calendar.


Specify the amount.

EMI Amount

Specify the EMI amount.

Compound Days

Specify the compound days.

Compound Months

Specify the compound months.

Compound Years

Specify the compound years.

Days in Month

Select the number of days that would constitute a month for calculation from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Days in Years

Select the number of days that would constitute a year for calculation from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:


Select this option to specify if you need to allow a waiver of the component payments for the schedule.


Select this option if the schedule amounts are to be capitalized.

Click ‘Payment Details’ button to specify the payment details.

Click ‘Credit Settlement Mode’ tab to specify the credit settlement mode details.

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch.

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code.

Account Number

The system displays the account number.

Component Name

The system displays the component name. Credit Settlement Mode

Credit Payment Mode

Select the credit settlement mode from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

Credit Account Branch

Specify the credit account branch. Alternatively, select the credit account branch from the option list. The displays the valid branch codes maintained in the system.

Credit Product Account

Specify the credit product account. Alternatively, select the credit product account from the option list. The displays the valid product accounts maintained in the system.

Instrument Number

Specify the instrument number.

Upload Source Credit

Specify the upload source credit details. Alternatively, select the source credit details from the option list. The displays the valid credit details maintained in the system.

End Point

Specify the end point. Alternatively, select the end point from the option list. The displays the valid end points maintained in the system.

GIRO Number

Specify the GIRO number.

Payer Account

Specify the payer account.

Payer Bank Code

Specify the payer bank code.

Payer Branch

Specify the payer branch.

Payer Bank Address 1

Specify the payer bank address 1.

Payer Bank Address 2

Specify the payer bank address 2.

Payer Bank Address 3

Specify the payer bank address 3.

Payer Bank Address 4

Specify the payer bank address 4.


Select the bank GIRO to be maintained. The options are as follows:

External Account Number

Specify the external account number.

External Account Name

The system displays the external account name.

Clearing Bank Code

Specify the clearing bank code. Alternatively, select the clearing bank code from the option list. The displays the valid clearing bank code maintained in the system.

Clearing Branch Code

Specify the clearing branch code. Alternatively, select the clearing branch code from the option list. The displays the valid branch codes maintained in the system.

Product Category

Specify the product category. Alternatively, select the product category from the option list. The displays the valid product categories maintained in the system.

Routing Number

Specify the routing number.

Clearing Product Code

Specify the clearing product code.

Sector Code

Specify the sector code. Alternatively, select the sector code from the option list. The displays the valid sector codes maintained in the system.


Select the auto GIRO details. The options are as follows:

Exchange Rate

Specify the exchange rate prevailing.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate.

Negotiated Reference

Specify the negotiated reference number.

Original Exchange Rate

Specify the original exchange rate. Debit Settlement Mode Tab

Click ‘Debit Settlement Mode’ tab to specify the credit settlement mode details.


Specify the following details:

Debit Payment Mode

Select the debit settlement mode from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

Debit Account Branch

Specify the debit account branch. Alternatively, select the debit account branch from the option list. The displays the valid branch codes maintained in the system.

Debit Product Account

Specify the debit product account. Alternatively, select the debit product account from the option list. The displays the valid product accounts maintained in the system.

Card Number

Specify the card number.

Instrument Number Debit

Specify the instrument number debit.

Upload Source Debit

Specify the upload source debit details. Alternatively, select the source debit details from the option list. The displays the valid debit details maintained in the system.

End Point

Specify the end point. Alternatively, select the end point from the option list. The displays the valid end points maintained in the system.

Payer Account

Specify the payer account.

Payer Bank Code

Specify the payer bank code.

Payer Branch

Specify the payer branch.

Payer Bank Address 1

Specify the payer bank address 1.

Payer Bank Address 2

Specify the payer bank address 2.

Payer Bank Address 3

Specify the payer bank address 3.

Payer Bank Address 4

Specify the payer bank address 4.

GIRO Number

Specify the GIRO number.


Select the bank GIRO to be maintained. The options are as follows:

External Account Number

Specify the external account number.

External Account Name

The system displays the external account name.

Clearing Bank Code

Specify the clearing bank code. Alternatively, select the clearing bank code from the option list. The displays the valid clearing bank code maintained in the system.

Clearing Branch Code

Specify the clearing branch code. Alternatively, select the clearing branch code from the option list. The displays the valid branch codes maintained in the system.

Product Category

Specify the product category. Alternatively, select the product category from the option list. The displays the valid product categories maintained in the system.

Routing Number

Specify the routing number.

Clearing Product Code

Specify the clearing product code.

Sector Code

Specify the sector code. Alternatively, select the sector code from the option list. The displays the valid sector codes maintained in the system.


Select the auto GIRO details. The options are as follows:

Exchange Rate

Specify the exchange rate prevailing.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate.

Negotiated Reference

Specify the negotiated reference number.

Original Exchange Rate

Specify the original exchange rate. Payments Schedules Tab

Click ‘Schedule Details’ button to view the schedule details.

The system displays the following details.

Schedule Details

The system displays the Payment schedule details. Disbursement Schedules Tab


The system displays the Disbursement schedule details. Guarantor Button

Click ‘Guarantor’ button to specify the guarantor details.

Specify the following details.

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch.

Account Number

The system displays the account number.

Component Name

The system displays the component name.

Guarantor Details

Guarantor Customer

Customer Number

Specify the customer number of the guarantor customer. Alternatively, you can select the customer number from the option list. The list displays the valid customer number maintained in the system.

Customer Name

The system displays the name of the guarantor customer.

Guarantor Customer Accounts

Account Number

Specify the account number of the guarantor customer. Alternatively, you can select the account number from the option list. The list displays the valid account number maintained in the system.

Account Branch

The system displays the account branch of the guarantor customer.


The system displays the currency of the guarantor customer.

Other Accounts

Click ‘Other Accounts’ tab to specify other details of the account.

Specify the following details:

Guarantor Account

Specify the guarantor account. Alternatively, you can select the guarantor account number from the option list. The list displays the valid guarantor account numbers maintained in the system.

Guarantor Account Description

The system displays the description of the guarantor account.

Guarantor Branch

The system displays the branch code of the guarantor.

Guarantor Account Currency

The system displays the account currency of the guarantor. Nominal Disbursals button

Click ‘Nominal Disbursal’ button to specify the nominal disbursal details.

Specify the following details:

Application Number

The system displays the application

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch.

Account Number

The system displays the account number.

Component Name

The system displays the components name.

Schedule Start Date

Specify the start date of the Disbursement Schedule from the adjoining calendar.

Schedule End Date

Specify the end date of the Disbursement Schedule from the adjoining calendar.


Specify the currency code for the disbursement.


Specify the amount to be financed for disbursal schedules


Specify the purpose of disbursement from the option list. Alternatively, you can select the purpose from the option list. The list displays the different types of purpose maintained in the system.

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID for each contractor. Alternatively, you can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays the valid customer IDs maintained in the system.

Customer Name

The system displays the customer name.


Specify the currency code for the customer ID selected.


Specify the amount to be disbursed against the customer ID for the purpose mentioned.

2.20.6 Charges Tab

Click ‘Charges’ tab to maintain charge details.


Component Name

The system displays the component name.


The system displays the currency.

Effective Date

Select the effective date from the adjoining calendar.

Due Date

The system displays the due date.

Amount Due

The system displays the amount due.

Amount Waived

The system displayed the amount waived.

2.20.7 Limits Tab

Click ‘Limits’ tab to maintain limit details.

Credit Line Details


Select the credit line type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Line Branch

Specify the line branch. Alternatively, you can select the line branch from the option list. The list displays all valid line branches.

Line Code

Specify the line code. Alternatively, you can select the line code from the option list. The list displays all valid line codes.


Specify the line serial number.


Give a brief description on the credit line.

Click details button to launch ‘Facility Details’ screen.


Specify the currency of the credit line. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes.


Specify the sanctioned credit line.

Utilized Amount

Specify the utilized amount.

Available Amount

Specify the available amount.

Proposed Amount

Specify the proposed amount.


Check this box to hand-off the modified details to the ELCM system. You should check this box for new facilities created.

Collateral Details


Select the collateral type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:


Specify the line branch. Alternatively, you can select the line branch from the option list. The list displays all valid line branches.

Collateral Code

Specify the collateral code. Alternatively, you can select the collateral code from the option list. The list displays all valid collateral codes.


Specify the currency of the credit line. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes.

Collateral Value

Specify the value of the collateral.

Collateral Type

Specify the collateral type.

Collateral Reference

Specify the collateral reference.

Click ‘Details’ button to launch ‘Collateral Details’ screen.


Check this box to hand-off the modified details to the ELCM system. You should check this box for new collateral created.

Financial Linkage

Utilization Order

Specify the utilization order.

Linkage Type

Select a type of linkage to which you need to link the specified account from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Specify the branch code of the customer. Alternatively, you can select the branch code from the option list. The list displays all valid branch codes.

Linked Reference ID

Specify the linked reference ID. Alternatively, you can select the linked reference ID from the option list. The list displays all valid reference IDs.


Specify the currency of the credit line. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes.

Limit Amount

Specify the limit amount.

Linkage Amount

Specify the linkage amount.

Linkage (%)

Specify the linkage percentage.

For details on Collaterals, refer to the section ‘Collateral Maintenance’ in the chapter 'Limits and Collaterals' in Limits and Collateral Management User Manual.

2.20.8 Asset Details Tab

Click Asset Details tab to view the details of the asset.

Specify the following details:

Finance Currency

The system displays the finance currency.

Fixed Asset Product

The system displays the fixed asset product.


Specify the status of the asset.

Asset Category

Specify the asset category. Alternatively, you can select the asset category from the option list. The list displays the asset categories maintained in the system

Category Description

The system displays the asset category description.


Specify the location of the asset.

Location Description

The system displays the description of the location of the asset.

Booking Date

Specify the date of booking from the adjoining calendar.

Capitalization Date

Specify the capitalization date from the adjoining calendar.

Fixed Asset Contract Reference

Specify the fixed asset contract reference.

Fixed Asset User Reference

Specify the fixed asset user reference.

2.20.9 Down Payment Tab

Click ‘Down Payment’ tab to specify the Down Payment details.

Specify the following details:

Payment Currency

Specify the payment currency. Alternatively, you can select the payment currency from the option list. The list displays the valid currency codes maintained in the system.

Down Payment Amount

Specify the Down Payment amount.

Value Date

Specify the value date from the adjoining calendar.

Payment Branch

Specify the payment branch. Alternatively, you can select the payment branch from the option list. The list displays the valid payment branch maintained in the system.

Payment Mode

Select the payment mode from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:


Specify the account number from the drop-down list. Alternatively, you can select the account number from the option list. The list displays the valid account number maintained in the system.

Account Description

The system displays the account description.


Specify the currency code. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays the valid currency codes maintained in the system.


Specify remarks if any.

Exchange Rate

Specify the exchange rate.

2.20.10 Sale Confirmation Tab

Click ‘Sale Confirmation’ to view the sale confirmation details.

You can view the following details here:

2.20.11 Vendor Payments Tab

Click ‘Vendor Payments’ to maintain the vendor payment details.

You can specify the following in this tab:

Product Code

The system displays the product code.

Payment Reference

The system displays the product reference.

Payment Currency

Specify the payment currency from the option list. Alternatively, you can select the payment currency from the option list. The list displays all valid values maintained in the system.

Value Date

The system displays the value date.

Fund ID

The system displays the fund ID.

Vendor Payable GL

The system displays the vendor payable GL.

Total Amount Paid

The system displays the total amount paid.

Vendor Payment Details

Vendor Code

The system displays the vendor code.

Contract Reference

The system displays the contract reference number.

Asset Code

The system displays the asset code.

Asset Cost

The system displays the asset cost.

Due Amount

The system displays the due amount.

Amount Paid

The system displays the amount paid.


Check this box to settle the payment.

Payment Mode

The system displays the payment mode,

Suspense GL

The system displays the suspense GL.

Account No

The system displays the account number.

2.20.12 Terms Tab

Click ‘Terms’ tab to maintain terms details. You can also maintain ‘Terms’ for the category in ORDRTERM. The system defaults these terms on click of ‘Default’ button.

Terms and Conditions


Specify the terms and conditions of the finance creation.


Check this box to apply the terms to finance application.

Due Date

Select the date when the terms will be expired from the adjoining calendar.


Check this box if you comply with the terms.

2.20.13 Deviations Tab

Click ‘Deviations’ tab to view deviation details.


Specify the deviations.


Check this box if the deviations are approved.

2.20.14 Summary Tab

Click ‘Summary’ tab to view summary details.

Department Summary


Specify the name of the department.

Previous Notes

The system defaults the previous department notes. The system displays any comments given in any of the previous stages by the same department.

For example, when RM initiates the application, the comments may be provided in the Additional notes section. When the application moves to ‘Follow up’ stage or any stage that has to be proceeded by the RM users, the system displays the comments given in the first stage.

Additional Notes

Specify additional department notes.

Click ‘History’ button, to invoke the ‘Department Wise Summary’ screen. The system generates a report of the comments given in all previous stages regardless of the department.

Specify the following details.

Application Number

Specify the application number of the transaction. Alternatively, you can select the application number from the option list. The list displays all the valid application numbers maintained in the system.

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch code.

Report Format

Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

Report Output

Select the report output in which you need to generate the report from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

Printer At

Select location where you wish to print the report from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:


Specify the printer from which the report has to be printed. Alternatively, you can select the printer from the option list. The list displays all the valid printers maintained in the system.

2.20.15 Comments Tab

Click ‘Comments’ tab to view comment details.

Previous Comments

The system displays the previous stage comments.

Additional Comments

Specify the additional comments in the current stage, if any.

To view history of remarks updated during a transaction. Click ‘Remarks’ button to view the remarks.

The system displays the following details:

2.20.16 Documents Button

You can capture the finance related documents details through the ‘Documents Upload’ screen. Click ‘Documents’ button to invoke this screen.

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Category

The system displays the application category.


Document Category

Select the document category from the adjoining option list.

Document Reference

Specify the document reference number.

Document Type

Select the type of document.The adjoining option list displays all the document types maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.


Check this box to indicate whether the document is mandatory.


Specify remarks, if any.

Ratio Upload

Check this box if you require ratio upload.


Click ‘Upload’ button to open the ‘Document Upload’ sub-screen. In the ‘Document Upload’ sub-screen, specify the corresponding document path and click the ‘Submit’ button. Once the document is uploaded through the upload button, the system displays the document reference number.


Click ‘View’ to view the document uploaded.


Click ‘Edit’ to edit the uploaded documents. Advices Tab

Click ‘Advices’ tab in Documents screen to view advice details.

Report Name

The system displays the report name.


The system displays the template.


Click ‘View’ to view the uploaded document. Checklist Tab

Click ‘Checklist’ tab in Documents screen to view checklist details.

Checklist Item

The system displays the checklist details.


This field is updated based on the maintenances in Documents sub screen.


Check this box to confirm that the corresponding checklist is verified.


Specify comments, if any.

2.20.17 Dedupe Button

You can query the duplicate details in the Dedupe screen.

When a customer or prospect applies for a finance, the bank verifies if there are any duplicate applications initiated by customer or prospect in the system. If there are any pipeline applications that are suspected to be duplicate of an already initiated application or an existing finance contract, the system identifies and displays the existing transactions details in the Dedupe screen.

Click ‘Dedupe’ button to invoke Dedupe details screen. Customers


In the Application section, the system checks for any duplicates in the applications that are already initiated from Origination.

Existing Customers

In the Existing Customers section, the system checks for any duplicate entry in the existing customer details based on First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Short Name and National ID. Contracts


In the Application section, the system checks for any duplicates in the finance applications that are already initiated from Origination.

Existing Customers

In the Existing Customers section, the system checks for any duplicate entry in the existing finance details based on Number of Instalments, Frequency, Frequency Unit, Requested Amount.

2.20.18 Financing Asset Button

You can capture the finance asset details based on the finance type. You can capture the finance type details from this Asset Details screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking ‘Financing Assets’ button


Application Category

The system displays the application category.

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Type

Select the type of application from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Finance Branch

The system displays the finance branch.

Finance Reference

The system displays the finance reference number.

Finance Currency

The system displays the finance currency.

Customer Branch

The system displays the customer branch.

Customer ID

The system displays the customer ID.

Customer Name

The system displays the customer name.

For information on Home, Vehicle, Others, Mortgage and Valuation Tabs, refer to the section ‘Assets Button’ in the chapter 'Account Creation' in Retail Lending User Manual. Insurance Tab

Click ‘Insurance’ tab to view the insurance details.

Policy Type

Select the type of policy from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Policy No

The system displays the policy number.


The system displays the insurer.


The system displays the customer number.

Insurance Status

The system displays the insurance status.

Policy Currency

The system displays the policy currency.

Policy Amount

The system displays the policy amount.

Premium Amount

The system displays the premium amount.

Insurance Expiry

The system displays the insurance expiry date.

Policy Start Date

The system displays the policy start date.

Policy End Date

The system displays the policy end date.

Insured Name

The system displays the insured name.

Managed By

The system displays the name of the person who manages the policy.

Agent ID

The system displays the identification number of the agent.

Agent Name

The system displays the name of the agent.

Agent Contract No

The system displays the contract number of the agent.

Insurer Address 1,2,3,4

The system displays the address of the insurer.

2.20.19 Preference Button

You can capture finance preference details in the Preference screen. Click ‘Preference’ button to invoke this screen.

Specify the following details.


Amend Past Paid Schedule

Check this box to amend past paid schedule.

Recalculate Annuity On Disbursement

Check this box to recalculate annuity on disbursement.

Stop Disbursement

Check this box to stop disbursement.

Finance Statement Required

Check this box to indicate finance statement is required.

Rescheduling Allowed

Check this box to allow rescheduling.

Re-Schedule Amortization on Final Disbursement

Check this box to re-schedule amortization on final disbursement.

Use guarantor for Repayment

Check this box to use guarantor for repayment.

Multiple Down Payment Required

Check this box to indicate multiple down payment required.

Cheque Book Facility

Check this box to issue a cheque book to the account holder.

Passbook Facility

Check this box to issue a passbook to the account holder.

ATM Facility

Check this box to allow account accessible for ATM operations.

Partial Block Release

Check this box to release partial block.

Financing Against Salary

Check this box to allow financing against salary.

Notary Pre Confirmed

Check this box to indicate notary pre confirmation.

Construction Details

Original Construction End Date

Specify the original construction end date from the adjoining calendar.

Construction End Date

Specify the construction end date from the adjoining calendar.

Window of Repayment

Specify the number of days/months/years to be considered for window of repayment.


Select the frequency of window of repayment from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

Handover Applicable

Check this box to allow property handover.

Handover Date

Specify the date of handover from the adjoining calendar.

Grace Period

Supplier Grace Period

Specify the supplier grace period.


Specify the grace period frequency of the supplier.

Customer Grace Period

Specify the customer grace period.


Specify the grace period frequency of the customer.


Liquidation Mode

Select the liquidation mode from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

Liquidation Back Valued Schedules

Check this box to liquidate all the schedules with a due date less than the system date on initiation of a back value dated finance.

Reset Retry Count for Reversed Auto Liquidation

Check this box to allow to reset retry count for reversed auto liquidation.

Partial Liquidation

Check this box to allow partial liquidation.

Allow Bulk Payment

Check this box to allow bulk payment.

Retries Auto Liquidation Days

Specify the retries auto liquidation days.

Retries Advice Days

Specify the retries advice days.

Close Collateral

Check this box to close collateral.

Limit Days for Settlement

Other Customer Accounts

Specify the number of days after which the other accounts of customer should be considered for settlement.

By default, the system will display zero. You can amend this value.

Guarantor Accounts

Specify the number of days after which the guarantor account should be considered for settlement.

By default, the system will display zero. You can amend this value.

Track Receivable

Auto Liquidation

Check this box to allow auto liquidation.

Finance Statements

Start Date

Specify the start date of the finance statement.


Select the frequency from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

Frequency Units

Specify the frequency units.

Provisioning Preference

Provisioning Mode

Select the auto provisioning mode. The options are as follows:

Finance Notices

Finance Settlement Request

Check this box to allow finance settlement request.

Notice Date

Specify the notice date.

Expected Closure Date

Specify the expected closure date.

Renegotiation Details

Maximum Renegotiations

Specify the maximum renegotiations count.

Renegotiation No

The system displays the renegotiation number.

Status Change Mode

Status Change Mode

Select the status change mode. The options are as follows:

Holiday Periods


Specify the holiday period. Alternatively, you can select the period from the option list. The list displays the valid periods maintained in the system.

UDE Rate Plan

Start Date

Specify the start date of the UDE rate plan from the adjoining calendar.

End Date

Specify the end date of the UDE rate plan from the adjoining calendar.


Intermediary Code

Specify the intermediary code. Alternatively, you can select the code from the option list. The list displays the codes maintained in the system.

Intermediary Name

The system displays the intermediary name.

Intermediary Ratio

Specify the intermediary ratio.

Click ‘Holiday Preference’ tab to specify the holiday preferences.

For details on Holiday Preferences, refer to the section ‘Holiday Preferences Tab’ in the chapter 'Defining Product Categories and Product' in Retail Lending User Manual.

2.20.20 Covenant Button

You can capture the covenant details in covenant screen. Click ‘Covenant’ button to invoke this screen.

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch.

Covenant Details

Covenant Name

Select the covenant name from the list available here. The list displays the covenant names maintained in Covenant Maintenance screen.

Covenant Type

Specify the type of covenant.

Start Date

Select the start date from the adjoining calendar.

End Date

Select the end date from the adjoining calendar.


Select a frequency according to which the Convent has to collected/revised. You may select any one of the following frequencies:

Due Date

Specify the number of days after which the covenant needs to be reviewed.


Specify the currency. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes.

Guideline Value

Specify the guideline value.

Actual Value

Specify the actual value.


Check this box to waive the covenant.


Specify the remarks about the covenant maintenance.

2.20.21 Evaluation Button

You can capture the evaluation details in evaluation screen. Click ‘Evaluation’ button to invoke this screen.

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch.

Application Category

The system displays the application category.

Customer No

The system displays the customer number.

Customer Type

The system displays the customer type. Credit Score Tab

Risk Details

Risk ID

Specify the risk ID.


Give a brief description on the risk ID.


Specify the score.

Credit Score

Rule ID

The system displays the rule ID.


The system displays the grade.


The system displays the scale.


The system displays the score.

Credit Rating

Question ID

Specify the question ID.


Specify the category.


Specify the question.


Specify the answer. Ratio Tab

Click ‘Ratio tab’ to invoke this screen.



Specify the currency. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes.

Total Income

The system displays the total income.

Total Expense

The system displays the total expense.

Total Other Assets

The system displays the total other assets.

Total Liable Amount

The system displays the total liable amount.

Total Assets

The system displays the total assets.


Actual Income

The system displays the actual income.

Actual Debit

The system displays the actual debit.

What if Payment Amount

The system displays the what if payment amount.



The system displays the ratio.


The system displays the description.

Stated Value

The system displays the stated value.

Actual Value

The system displays the actual value. External Credit Rating Tab

Click ‘External Credit Rating’ tab to invoke this screen.

Request ID

Specify the request ID.

External Agency

Specify the external agency.


Specify the score.


Specify if the external credit rating is recommended or not.

Request Status

Specify the request status.


Specify remarks, if any. Investigation Tab

Click ‘Investigation’ tab to view investigation details.

Verification Type

Select the verification type from the adjoining drop-down list.


Specify the investigation agency.


Specify the score.


Specify if the investigation is recommended or not.


Specify the status of the investigation.

Verification Date

Select the verification date from the adjoining calendar.


Specify remarks, if any. Legal Details Tab

Click ‘Legal Details’ tab to view legal details.


Specify the regulation details.

Terms and Conditions Status

Specify the terms and condition status.

Reject Code

Specify the reject reason code.


Specify the reject reason description.


Specify remarks, if any. KYC Details Tab

Click ‘KYC Details’ tab to view KYC details.

KYC Review Details


The system displays the branch.

Customer Name

The system displays the customer name.

Short Name

The system displays the short name of the customer.


The system displays the category.


The system displays the country.

Unique Identifier

The system displays the unique identifier.

Unique Value

The system displays the unique value.

KYC Internal Status

The systems displays the KYC Internal Status.

KYC Internal Remarks

The system displays the KYC internal remarks.

KYC External Status

The system displays the KYC External Status.

KYC External Remarks

The system displays the remarks.

SDN Status

The system displays the SDN status.

SDN Remarks

The system displays the SDN remarks.

2.20.22 MIS Button

You can capture MIS details in MIS screen. Click ‘MIS’ button to invoke this screen.

For information on MIS, refer to the section ‘MIS Button’ in the chapter 'Account Creation' in Retail Lending User Manual.

2.20.23 Fields Button

You can capture the UDF details in ‘Fields’ screen. Click ‘Fields’ button to invoke this screen.

For information on Finance UDF, refer to the section ‘Fields Tab’ in the chapter 'Account Creation' in Retail Lending User Manual.

2.20.24 SWIFT Message Details Button

You can capture SWIFT message details in SWIFT Message Details screen. Click ‘SWIFT Message’ to invoke the following screen:

For details on SWIFT Message, refer to the section ‘SWIFT Message Details Button’ in the chapter 'Account Creation' in Retail Lending User Manual.

2.20.25 Payment Mode Button

You can capture Payment details in Payment screen. Click ‘Payment Mode’ button to invoke this screen.

Specify the following details.

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch.

Account Number

The system displays the account number.

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code. Credit Settlement Mode

Click the ‘Credit Settlement Mode’ tab to specify the credit settlement mode details.

Specify the following details.

Credit Payment Mode

Select the mode of payment by which the account is credited from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

Credit Account Branch

Specify the credit account branch where the account is credited. Alternatively, you can select the branch from the option list. The list displays the valid branch codes maintained in the system.

Upload Source Credit

Specify the upload source credit. Alternatively, you can select the it from the option list.

Clearing Bank Code

Specify the clearing bank code. Alternatively, you can select the bank code from the option list. The list displays the bank codes maintained in the system.

Instrument Number Credit

Specify the credit instrument number.

Clearing Product Code

Specify the clearing product code. Alternatively, you can select the product code from the option list. The list displays the product codes maintained in the system.

End Point

Specify the end point. Alternatively, you can select the end point from the option list. The list displays the valid end points maintained in the system.

External Account Number

Specify the external account number of the creditor.

Product Category

Specify the product category. Alternatively, you can select the product category from the option list. The list displays the valid product categories maintained in the system.

Credit Product Account

Specify the credit product account. Alternatively, you can select the account from the option list. The list displays the valid accounts maintained in the system.

Clearing Branch Code

Specify the clearing branch code. Alternatively, you can select the branch code from the option list. The list displays the valid branch codes maintained in the system.

Routing Number

Specify the routing number.

Sector Code

Specify the sector code. Alternatively, you can select the sector code from the option list. The list displays the valid sector codes maintained in the system.

External Account Name

Specify the external account name. Debit Settlement Mode

Click the ‘Debit Settlement Mode’ tab to specify the credit settlement mode details.


Specify the following details.

Debit Payment Mode

Select the mode of payment by which the account is debited from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

Debit Account Branch

Specify the debit account branch where the account is debited. Alternatively, you can select the branch from the option list. The list displays the valid branch codes maintained in the system.

External Account Number

Specify the external account number of the debtor.

Clearing Bank Code

Specify the clearing bank code. Alternatively, you can select the bank code from the option list. The list displays the bank codes maintained in the system.

Instrument Number Debit

Specify the debit instrument number.

End Point

Specify the end point. Alternatively, you can select the end point from the option list. The list displays the valid end points maintained in the system.

Clearing Product Code

Specify the clearing product code. Alternatively, you can select the product code from the option list. The list displays the product codes maintained in the system.

Upload Source Debit

Specify the upload source credit. Alternatively, you can select the it from the option list.

Card Number

Specify the debit card number.

Payer Bank Name

Specify the bank name of the payer.

Payer Account

Specify the account number of the payer.

Payer Branch

Specify the branch of the payer.

Payer Bank Address 1

Specify the payer bank address 1.

Payer Bank Address 2

Specify the payer bank address 2.

Payer Bank Address 3

Specify the payer bank address 3.

Payer Bank Address 4

Specify the payer bank address 4.

Debit Product Account

Specify the debit product account. Alternatively, you can select the account from the option list. The list displays the valid accounts maintained in the system.

External Account Name

Specify the external account name.

Clearing Branch Code

Specify the clearing branch code. Alternatively, you can select the branch code from the option list. The list displays the branch codes maintained in the system.

Product Category

Specify the product category. Alternatively, you can select the product category from the option list. The list displays the valid product categories maintained in the system.

Routing Number

Specify the routing number.

Sector Code

Specify the sector code. Alternatively, you can select the sector code from the option list. The list displays the valid sector codes maintained in the system.

GIRO Number

Specify the GIRO number.


Specify the bank GIRO number.


Specify the auto GIRO number.

For information on Payment Details, refer to the section ‘Payment Mode Details Button’ in the chapter 'Account Creation' in Retail Lending User Manual.

2.20.26 Ijarah Button

Click ‘Ijarah’ button to specify the details.

Specify the following details:

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch.

Account Number

The system displays the account number.

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code.


Lease Type

Select the lease type.

Payment in Advance

Select the payment in advance method.

Residual Value Basis

Select the residual value basis.


Specify the currency code.

Residual Value

Specify the residual value.

Residual Amount

Specify the residual amount.

2.20.27 Inventory Tracking Button

You can view inventory tracking details in ‘Inventory Tracking’ screen. Click ‘Inventory Tracking’ button to invoke this screen.

Specify the following details:

Application Number

The system displays the application number.


The system displays the application category.


The system displays the account number.

Financing Currency

The system displays the financing currency.

Asset Category

The system displays the asset category.

Inventory details

Fixed Asset Contract Reference

Specify the fixed asset contract reference number.

Acquisition Date

Specify the application date.

Sale Date

Specify the date of sale.

Asset Code

Specify the asset code.

Available Quantity

Specify the quantity available.

Booked Quantity

Specify the quantity booked.

Unit Price

Specify the unit price of the inventory.

Total Cost

Specify the total cost of the inventory.

Vendor Code

Specify the inventory code.

2.20.28 Multi Finance Button

You can view the multi finance details. Click ‘Multi Finance’ button to invoke this screen.


Specify the following details:

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Branch

The system displays the application category.

Account Number

The system displays the account number.

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code.

Multi Finance Company Details


Specify the borrower number. Alternatively, you can select the borrower number from the option list. The list displays the borrower details maintained in the system.

Borrower Name

The system displays the borrower name for the borrower number selected.


Specify the currency code. Alternatively, you can select the currency code from the option list. The list displays the currency code maintained in the system.


Specify the amount borrowed.


Specify the rate.

Value Date

Specify the value date.

Maturity Date

Specify the date of maturity.


Specify the remarks if any.

2.20.29 Down Payment Details Button

You can view the Down Payment details. Click ‘Down Payment Details’ button to invoke this screen.

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch.


The system displays the account number.


The system displays the currency code.

Down Payment

The system displays the Down Payment amount.

Future Down Payment Receivable

The system displays the future Down Payment receivable.

Total Down Payment Amount

The system displays the total Down Payment amount.

Process Reference

The system displays the process reference number.

Account Currency

The system displays the account currency.

Down Payment Amount

The system displays the Down Payment amount.

Value Date

The system displays the value date.

Amount in Account Currency

The system displays the amount in account currency.

2.20.30 Party Details Button

Click ‘Party Details’ button to invoke this screen.

Specify the following details:

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Application Branch

The system displays the application branch.

Account Number

The system displays the account number.

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code.

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID. Alternatively, you can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays the valid customer ID maintained in the system.


The system displays the name of the customer selected.

Settlement Branch

Specify the settlement branch code. Alternatively, you can select the settlement branch code from the option list. The list displays the branch codes maintained in the system.

Settlement Account

Specify the settlement account number.

2.20.31 Multiple Asset Button

You can capture the collateral details in the ‘Multiple Asset’ screen. Click ‘Multiple Asset’ button to invoke this screen.

Application Number

The system displays the application number.

Asset Sequence Number

The system displays the asset sequence number.

Asset Status

The system displays the status of the asset. Vehicle Tab

Vehicle Details


Select the type of asset from the drop-down list.

Asset Category

Specify the asset category.


Specify the description of the asset.

Application Number

Specify the application number of the asset.


Specify the asset class.


Specify the color of the asset.

No. of Cylinders

Specify the cylinder numbers.

Vehicle Condition

Specify the condition of the vehicle.

Maker Code

Specify the maker code of the vehicle.

Year of Manufacturing

Specify the manufacturing year of the vehicle.

Year Model

Specify the model of the vehicle.

Sub Model

Specify the sub model of the vehicle.

Engine Number

Specify the engine number of the vehicle.

Chassis Number

Specify the chassis number.

Registration Details

Specify the registration details of the vehicle.

Registration Type

Specify the registration type of the vehicle.

Registration Name

Specify the registration name of the vehicle.

Registration Emirate

Specify the registration emirate.


Specify the registration number.

Registration Date

Specify the registration date of the vehicle.

Delivery Date

Specify the date of delivery of the vehicle.

Insurance Details

Specify the insurance details of the vehicle.

Insured By Bank

Specify whether the vehicle is insured by the bank.

Insurance Company

Specify the insurance company name.


Specify the currency code.

Premium Amount

Specify the premium amount of the vehicle insurance.

Amount Details

Specify the amount details.

Requested Finance Amount

Specify the requested finance amount.

% Amount

Specify the amount in percentage.

Vendor Details

Specify the vendor details.

Vendor Code

Specify the vendor code.

Vendor Name

The system displays the name of the vendor.

Agent Name

Specify the name of the agent.

Agent Branch

Specify the branch of the agent.

Agent Sales Name

Specify the sales name of the agent.

Appraiser Details

Specify the appraiser details.

Appraiser Name

Specify the name of the appraiser.

Appraiser Value

Specify the appraiser value.

Appraiser Date

Specify the date of the appraiser.

Total Amount Details

Specify the total amount details.

Down Payment Amount

Specify the Down Payment Amount.

Vehicle Value

Specify the value of the vehicle.

Maintenance Cost

Specify the maintenance cost.

Insurance Amount

Specify the insurance amount.

Asset Finance Amount

Specify the asset finance amount. Property Tab

Click ‘Property’ tab to specify the property details.

Specify the following details:

Property Details

New Property Type

Select the new property type from the drop-down list. The options are as follows:

Property Type

Specify the property type.


Specify the description of the property.

Building Name

Specify the name of the building.

Builder Name

Specify the name of the builder.

Project Name

Specify the name of the project.

Wing Name

Specify the wing name.


Specify the district or area details.


Specify the city where the property is located. Alternatively you can select the city from the option list. The list displays all the valid values.

Area In Other Country

Specify the area in other country.

Plot Number

Specify the plot number.

Lot Number

Specify the Lot number.

Property Status

Specify the status of the property.

Property Area

Specify the area of the property.

Property Usage

Specify the usage of the property.

Property Area In

Specify the property area in details.

Date of Completion

Specify the date of completion.

Title Deed Number

Specify the title deed number.

Registration On Name Of

Specify the registration on name of details.


Specify the registration number,

Registration Date

Specify the date of registration.

Title Deed Issue Date

Specify the title deed issue date.

Title Deed Issue From

Specify the title deed issue from.

Villa/Apartment Number

Specify the villa or apartment number.

Building compound Name

Specify the building compound name.

Street Name

Specify the name of the street.

Post Box Number

Specify the post box number.


Specify the emirate details.

Area In Emirate

Specify the area in emirate.


Specify the city.


Specify the country

Mortgage Degree

Specify the mortgage.

Amount Details


Specify the currency code.

Requested Amount

Specify the requested amount.

Down Payment Amount

Specify the Down Payment amount.


Specify the valuation details.

Insurance Value

Specify the insurance value.

Asset Finance Amount

Specify the asset finance amount.

Insurance Details

Insurance Company

Specify the insurance company.

Insurance Paid By

Specify the insurance paid by details.

Premium Amount

Specify the premium amount.

Insurance Name

Specify the insurance name.

Expiry Date

Specify the date of expiry.

Property Management

Company Name

Specify the company name.

Managed By

Specify the name of the person manages the property.

Contact Person

Specify the contact person details.

Contact Number

Specify the contact number.

Vendor Details

Vendor Code

Specify the vendor code.

Vendor Name

Specify the name of the vendor.

Property Evaluation Details

Evaluation Name

Specify the evaluation name.

Evaluation Value

Specify the evaluation value.

Evaluation Date

Specify the date of evaluation.

Property Vendor Details

Vendor Type

Specify the vendor type.

Vendor Code

Specify the code of the vendor.

Chosen By

Specify the chosen By details of the vendor.

Account Value

Specify the account value.

Account Date

Specify the account date.

Account Start Date

Specify the start date of account.

Account End Date

Specify the end date of the account. Project Tab

Click ‘Project’ tab to specify the project details.

Project Details

Invest Sector Code

Specify the investor sector code.


Specify the description of the project.

Feasibility Start

Specify the feasibility start.

Expected Profit

Specify the expected profit.

Expected Expiry Date

Specify the expected expiry date.

Amount Details


Specify the currency code.

Down Payment Amount

Specify the Down Payment Amount.

Asset Finance Amount

Specify the asset finance amount.

Project Vendor Details

Vendor Type

Specify the type of vendor.

Vendor Code

Specify the vendor code.

Chosen By

Specify the chosen by details of the project vendor.

Account Value

Specify the account value.

Account Date

Specify the date of account.

Account Start Date

Specify the account start date.

Account End Date

Specify the account end date. Goods Tab

Click ‘Goods’ tab to specify the goods details.

Goods Details

Brand Code

Specify the brand code of the goods.


Specify the description of the goods.


Specify the quantity of the goods.

Delinquency Location

Specify the delinquency location of the goods.

Delinquency Date

Specify the delinquency date of the goods.

Amount Details


Specify the currency code.

Down Payment Amount

Specify the Down Payment amount.

Asset Finance Amount

Specify the asset finance amount.

Vendor Details

Vendor Code

Specify the code of the vendor.

Vendor Name

Specify the name of the vendor. Build Materials Tab

Click ‘Build Material’ tab to specify the build materials details.

Build Materials Info

Goods Type

Specify the goods type.


Specify the description of the goods type.

Proforma Invoice Number

Specify the proforma invoice number.

Proforma Invoice Date

Specify the proforma invoice date.

Amount Details


Specify the currency.

Down Payment Amount

Specify the Down Payment amount.

Asset Finance Amount

Specify the asset finance amount.

Vendor Details

Vendor Code

Specify vendor code details.

Vendor Name

Specify name of the vendor. Service Ijarah Tab

Click ‘Service Ijarah’ tab to specify the service Ijarah details.

Rent Ijarah

Rent Location

Specify the rent location.

Unit Number

Specify the unit number.

Rent Plot Number

Specify the rent plot number.

Rent Building Name

Specify the rent building name.

Project Name

Specify the project name.

Rent Area

Specify the rent area.

Rent Emirate

Specify the rent emirate.

Total Area

Specify the total area details.

Built Up Area

Specify the built up area.

No of Storey

Specify the no of storey.

Rent Start Date

Specify the start date of the rent from the adjoining calendar.

Rent End Date

Specify the end date of the rent from the adjoining calendar.

Event Ijarah

Event Type

Specify the event type.

Event Location

Specify the location of the event.

Event Plot Number

Specify the plot number of the event.

Event Building Name

Specify the event building name.

Event Area

Specify the even area.

Event Emirate

Specify the event emirate.

Hotel Total Area

Specify the total area of the hotel.


Specify the capacity details.

Educational Ijarah

Course Name

Specify the name of the course.

Educational Beneficiary

Specify the beneficiary of the education.

Educational Start Date

Specify the start date of the education from the adjoining calendar.

Educational End Date

Specify the end date of the education from the adjoining calendar.

Goods Ijarah

Goods Type Code

Specify the code of the goods type.


Specify the description of the goods.

Brand Code

Specify the brand code details.


Specify the quantity of the goods.

Delinquency Location

Specify the delinquency location.

Delinquency Date

Specify the date of delinquency.

Medical Ijarah

Medical Beneficiary

Specify the medical beneficiary.

Medical Start Date

Specify the medical start date from the adjoining calendar.

Medical End Date

Specify the medical end date from the adjoining calendar.

Vendor Details

Vendor Code

Specify the vendor code.

Vendor Name

The system displays the name of the vendor.

Amount Details


Specify the currency code.

Down Payment Amount

Specify the Down Payment amount.

Asset Finance Amount

Specify the asset finance amount. Equipment Tab

Click ‘Equipment’ tab to specify the equipment details.


Asset Sequence Number

The system displays the asset sequence number.

Asset Status

The system displays the asset status.

Equipment Details


Specify the owner of the equipment.


Specify the description of the equipment.

Engine Number

Specify the engine number of the equipment.

Equipment Location

Specify the location of the equipment.


Specify the street details of the equipment is located.

Area Code

Specify the area code of the equipment.

City Code

Specify the city code of the equipment.


Specify the country code of the equipment.

Amount Details


Specify the currency code.

Down Payment Amount

Specify the Down Payment amount.

Asset Finance Amount

Specify the asset finance amount.

Vendor Details

Vendor Code

Specify the vendor code.

Vendor Name

The system displays the name of the vendor.

Sales Info

Sell Date

Specify the sell date from the adjoining calendar.

Invoice Number

Specify the invoice number.

Invoice Date

Specify the invoice date from the adjoining calendar.

Equipment Evaluation Details

Evaluation Name

Specify the evaluation name.

Evaluation Value

Specify the evaluation value.

Evaluation Date

Specify the evaluation date.