13. Balancing Operations

This chapter details the various balancing operations that can be performed using this module.

This chapter contains the following sections:

13.1 Book Shortage

This section contains the following topics:

13.1.1 Invoke ‘Book Shortage’ screen

You can book shortage of a currency using the ‘Book Shortage’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘7551’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency

Select the currency to be booked for shortage.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount to be booked for shortage.


Enter description of the transaction.

The screen has two tabs which are as follows:

External Reference

This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for a branch transaction.

In the single stage flow, if there is an transaction level override or error during approval then the transaction will be moved to the pending queue. Without save action being initiated, the transaction will not be in pending queue.

Clicking ‘Pickup’ button, the system validates if Transaction Amount and Exchange Rate details are specified. This button will be disabled after the first click.

Once you click ‘Pickup’ button once, then on amendment of xrate, amount, charge, pickup will be mandatory before save. On pick up, the fields that are currently enabled in the enrich stage will alone be retained as enabled fields.

13.1.2 Specifying denomination details

The following details have to be captured in this section:

Currency Code

The currency in which the transaction is being performed is displayed here.

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value

The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.


Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. Till contents are incremented as a result of inflow transactions like cash deposit and decremented for outflows. To reverse this default behaviour, you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount

The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

13.1.3 Specifying the MIS details

You can capture these details in the ‘MIS’ tab of the screen.

MIS is user definable and is configured at the host. Refer to the Oracle FLEXCUBE host user manual for details.

As an example, the following details may be captured in this screen:

Cost Center

Specify the MIS code assigned to the cost center related to the account involved in the transaction.

Account Officer

Specify the MIS code assigned to the account officer in-charge of executing this transaction.

Standard Industrial Code

Specify the MIS code assigned to the industry to which your customer.

Contracts In Various Currencies

Specify the MIS code assigned to contracts in various currencies.

13.1.4 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

UDF Name

The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product in the Host.

UDF Value

Specify the value for the required UDFs.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User Manual for details on the authorization process.

13.2 Booking Overage

This section contains the following topics:

13.2.1 Invoke ‘Booking Overage’ screen

You can book overage of a currency using the ‘Book Overage’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘7552’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency

Select the currency to be booked for overage.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount to be booked for overage.


Enter description of the transaction.

The screen has two tabs which are as follows:

External Reference

This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for a branch transaction.

13.2.2 Specifying Denomination Details

You can specify denomination details in the ‘Denomination’ tab of the ‘Book Overage’ screen.


The following details have to be captured in this section:

Currency Code

The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value

The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.


Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. Till contents are incremented as a result of inflow transactions like cash deposit and decremented for outflows. To reverse this default behaviour, you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount

The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

13.2.3 Specifying the MIS details

You can capture the details in the ‘MIS’ tab of the screen:


MIS is user definable and is configured at the host.

Refer to the Oracle FLEXCUBE host user manual for details.

As an example, the following details may be captured in this screen:

Cost Center

Specify the MIS code assigned to the cost center related to the account involved in the transaction.

Account Officer

Specify the MIS code assigned to the account officer in-charge of executing this transaction.

Standard Industrial Code

Specify the MIS code assigned to the industry to which your customer belongs.

13.2.4 Specifying the UDF Details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.


Specify the following details.

Field Description

The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product.

Field Value

Specify the value for the required UDFs.

In the single stage flow, if there is an transaction level override or error during approval then the transaction will be moved to the pending queue. Without save action being initiated, the transaction will not be in pending queue.

On clicking Pickup button, the system populates the vales in all the callforms of the screen and clicking pickup button is mandatory if you make any changes to the Transaction amount and exchange rate after first pickup.

Once you click ‘Pickup’ button once, then on amendment of xrate, amount, charge, pickup will be mandatory before save. On pick up, the fields that are currently enabled in the enrich stage will alone be retained as enabled fields.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User Manual for details on the authorization process.

13.3 Transfer Cash from Teller

You can transfer cash from teller using the ‘Transfer cash from Teller screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘BCFT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for a branch transaction.

Branch Code

The current branch is defaulted here.

Till ID

Select the till from which the cash has to be transferred.

Transaction Currency

Select the currency to be transferred from teller.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount to be transferred.


You may enter remarks about the transaction here. This is a free format text field.

Denomination Details

Specify the following details.

Currency Code

The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value

The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.


Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. Till contents are incremented as a result of inflow transactions like cash deposit and decremented for outflows. To reverse this default behaviour, you can specify units in negative..

Total Amount

The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

The completed transaction can be viewed in the ‘Completed Transaction’ list. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it.

In the single stage flow, if there is an transaction level override or error during approval then the transaction will be moved to the pending queue. Without save action being initiated, the transaction will not be in pending queue.

On clicking Pickup button, the system populates the vales in all the callforms of the screen and clicking pickup button is mandatory if you make any changes to the Transaction amount and exchange rate after first pickup.

Once you click ‘Pickup’ button once, then on amendment of xrate, amount, charge, pickup will be mandatory before save. On pick up, the fields that are currently enabled in the enrich stage will alone be retained as enabled fields.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User Manual for details on the authorization process.

13.4 Sell Cash to Teller

You can perform cash transfer between Tellers within a branch in the ‘Sell Cash to Teller’ screen.

The Remitting Teller initiates the cash transfer within the same branch and specifies the Till to which the amount has to be transferred. The Receiving Teller can either save the transaction or discard it and cannot modify the transaction. The Receiving Teller manually verifies the transaction and clicks the ‘Save’ button confirming the transaction. After saving the transaction, the respective Till balances gets updated.

During authorization, the system triggers accounting entries and actual Till transfer takes place. After authorization, you cannot perform reversal of the transaction.


If there are any ‘Transfer Cash to Till’ transaction initiated by Remitting Teller, which is in­complete, you cannot close the Till of both the Remitting Teller and the Receiving Teller.

You can invoke the screen by typing SCTT in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


You can specify the following details.

Transaction Details


The system displays the branch code maintained in the system.

From Till ID

The system displays the till from where the cash is transferred.

To Till ID

Specify the Till Id where the cash has to be transferred. Alternatively, you can select Till Id from the option list. The list displays all the Till IDs maintained in the system.

Till User ID

The system displays the respective Till User ID maintained in the system.

Transaction Currency

Specify the currency code for the transaction. Alternatively, you can select the currency code from the option list.The list displays all the transaction currency maintained in the system.

Transaction Amount

Specify the total amount to be transferred.

Additional Details


Specify the remarks if any while performing cash transfer between Tellers within a branch.

Currency Code

The system displays the currency code of the transaction currency maintained in the system.

Preferred Denomination

Specify the preferred currency denomination for the transaction.

External Reference Number

The system displays the external reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for a branch transaction.

Cash Amount

The system displays the total cash amount in denominations block maintained in the system.

Denomination Total

The system displays the denomination total maintained in the system.

Denomination Details

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination code of the currency used in the transaction. Alternatively, you can select the denomination code from the option list. For every currency, various denominations are assigned to separate the denomination codes.

Denomination Value

The system displays the face value of the denomination maintained in the system.


Specify the number of units of the denomination. Till contents are incremented as a result of inflow transactions like cash deposit and decremented for outflows. To reverse this default behavior, you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount

The system displays the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units.

Acceptance Status

The system displays the appropriate acceptance status maintained in the system. The system displays the following values:

13.5 Inter Branch Transaction

This section contains the following topics:

13.5.1 Inter Branch Transaction Input

You can transfer cash from source branch to destination branch in the ‘Interbranch Transaction Input’ screen. You can enter vault details to which the cash will be received in this screen.

During Cash Pickup or Cash Delivery, the remitting bank can book an input transaction in the ‘Inter Branch Transaction Input’ screen. You can save the denomination details and print an advice for the same. Simultaneously, the system updates the request status of the record to ‘Initiated’ for the Request Reference Number.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1410’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following here:

External Reference

The system displays the external reference number.


You can enter any remark about the cash transfer.

From Branch

The system displays the current active branch office from where the cash will be sent.

From Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch from which the request is initiated.

To Branch

Specify the destination branch where the cash will be received.

To Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch to which the request is initiated.

From Vault

The system displays the vault based on the ‘From Branch’ field.

To vault

Specify the destination vault.

Transaction Currency

Specify the transaction currency. The adjoining option lists all the currencies maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Transaction Amount

Specify the transaction amount.

Advance Request Reference No

Check this box to allow the current branch to create an advance request to another branch for cash.


When ‘Advance Request’ box is checked, the system does the following:

In the single stage flow, if there is an transaction level override or error during approval then the transaction will be moved to the pending queue. Without save action being initiated, the transaction will not be in pending queue.

On clicking Pickup button, the system populates the vales in all the callforms of the screen and clicking pickup button is mandatory if you make any changes to the Transaction amount and exchange rate after first pickup.

Once you click ‘Pickup’ button once, then on amendment of xrate, amount, charge, pickup will be mandatory before save. On pick up, the fields that are currently enabled in the enrich stage will alone be retained as enabled fields.


Enrichment stage

On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type.

In addition to the details, captured in the previous stage, the system defaults the following details:

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination of cash that has to be transferred.

Denomination Value

The system displays the value of the denomination.


Specify the number of units of selected denomination.

Total Amount

The system displays the total amount.


After authorization, if a record is reversed, which is linked to Inter Branch Transaction Request, the system updates the request status of the record to ‘Cancelled’ in the ‘Inter Branch Transaction Request’ screen. You cannot reuse a cancelled record.

13.5.2 Inter Branch Transaction Request

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates inter branch transaction request. A ‘Pickup of Cash’ or ‘Delivery of Cash’ request can be raised by a branch with the central cash depository, which is another branch in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

A branch raises the request in the following scenarios:

The branch to which the request is raised, acknowledges the request and generates advices for inter branch cash transfer request. Every request is identified by a unique ‘Request Reference Number’, which is automatically generated on save for a new request.

You can query the record through the ‘Inter Branch Transaction Request’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘RTDBRTRX’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


You can specify the following details:

Request Reference Number

The system displays a unique system generated request reference number.


Specify the description of the request.

Request for

Select the request for type for the inter branch transaction request. The options are as follows:

Requesting Branch

The system defaults the current branch code.

Requesting Branch Name

The system defaults the current branch name.

To Branch

Specify the branch code of the branch to which the request is raised. Alternatively, you can select the branch code from the option list. The list displays all the branch code maintained in the system.

To Branch Name

The system defaults the branch name based on the ‘Request To Branch Code’ selected.

Transaction currency

Specify the transaction currency. Alternatively, you can select the currency from the option list. The list displays all the currency code maintained in the system.


While saving the transaction, the system performs validation to check whether the trans­action currency is allowed for both ‘From Vault’ and ‘To Vault’.

Transaction Amount

Specify the transaction amount which has to be transferred.

Request Date

The system defaults the application date as the request date. You are allowed to edit it as a current system date only.

Delivery/ Pickup Date

Select the delivery or pickup date from the adjoining calendar. This date should not be lesser than the ‘Request Date’.

The system displays an override message, if the Delivery/ Pickup Date is a holiday for the 'To Branch'.


If an Inter Branch Transaction is liquidated on a later date and not on the Delivery Date, then post liquidation, the system updates the actual delivery date as Delivery / pickup date in RTDBRTRX.

Request Status

Select the request status from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:


The following are system defined statuses:

You cannot select these statuses during inter branch transaction request. On click of ‘New’ button, the system defaults the Request Status as ‘Pending’. You cannot edit it.


Specify remarks against a particular status. It is mandatory to specify remark, if a request is rejected.

Denomination Details

The system displays the following details:

When the record is accepted, the system generates the advices/messages for both Pickup/Delivery Request.


13.5.3 Previewing Messages

You can preview the advice/message generated for the Inter-Branch Transaction Request using ‘Message’ screen. To invoke this screen, click ‘Message’ button.


You can specify the following details:

Contract Reference

Specify the contract reference number of the inter-branch transaction request.

The system displays the following details:

When a request status is accepted, saved and auto authorized, the system generates the advices/message, which are available for print. To print the generated advice/message, select a message and click ‘Print’ button.

The system generated two type of messages, they are: Viewing Message Details

To view a message details, click ‘Message Details’ button to view the complete message.

You can view the following details of the message:

13.5.4 Viewing Inter Branch Transaction Request Summary

You can view the details of the request raised by the current branch or the request received for the current branch in the ‘Inter Branch Transaction Request Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘RTSBRTRX’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them:

13.5.5 Liquidating Inter Branch Transaction

You can liquidate interbranch transaction initiated by the sending branch cash from source branch to destination branch in the ‘Interbranch Transaction Liquidation’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1411’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Query Details

The system displays the following:

Original reference no

Specify the original reference number. Alternatively, you can select the original reference number from the option list. The list displays all the valid original reference number maintained in the system.

From Branch

The system displays the current active branch office from where the cash will be sent.

From Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch from which the request is initiated.

On click of ‘Query’ button, the system defaults following fields:

To Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch to which the request is initiated.

Additional Details

External Reference Number

The system displays the external reference number.

Denomination Details

Denomination Code

The system defaults the denomination code maintained during the initiation stage.

Denomination Value

The system displays the value of the denomination.


The system displays the units entered by the initiator.

Total Amount

The system displays the total amount.

Clicking ‘Query’ button, the system validates if all the mandatory details are specified. This button will be disabled after the first click.


In the single stage flow, if there is an transaction level override or error during approval then the transaction will be moved to the pending queue. Without save action being initiated, the transaction will not be in pending queue.

On clicking Pickup button, the system populates the vales in all the callforms of the screen and clicking pickup button is mandatory if you make any changes to the Transaction amount and exchange rate after first pickup.

Once you click ‘Pickup’ button once, then on amendment of xrate, amount, charge, pickup will be mandatory before save. On pick up, the fields that are currently enabled in the enrich stage will alone be retained as enabled fields.