
The <readSubscriber> request extracts IMSI and MSISDN routing and subscriber data. See Subscriber and Routing Data for a description of subscriber and routing data. Each routing entity contains up to eight destination names.

When the group="y" attribute is specified, the request extracts and displays all data associated with the subscriber. The returned response will have the Subscriber Account ID, all IMSI and MSISDN values, and the eight destination values from any of the subscriber routing entities is returned in the response. All routing entities for a subscriber have the same destination values; hence, any routing entity can be used to extract the values.

When group="y" is not specified or when group="n" is specified, only the specified IMSI and MSISDN routing entities are retrieved. The returned response will have each IMSI or MSISDN value along with individual up to eight destination values.

Semantic Rules (requests that do not specify the group attribute or specify group="n")

Semantic Rules (requests that specify group="y")

Request Format

<readSubscriber ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr" [resonly="resonly"] [id="id"]
                  [timeout="timeout"] [group="group"]>
[   <accountId>accountId</accountId> ]

Request Parameters

<readSubscriber> Request Parameters (XML)
Parameter Description Values
ent The entity name within the global schema. subscriberRouting
ns The namespace within the global schema. dsr
resonly (Optional) Indicates whether the response should consist of the result only, without including the original request in the response.
  • y - Only provide the result, do not include the original request (default).
  • n - Include the original request in the response.
id (Optional) Transaction ID value provided in request and passed back in the response. 1-4294967295
timeout (Optional) The amount of time (in seconds) to wait before being able to perform a read if another connection is performing a write, or has a transaction open. Clients waiting to read will be processed in the order that their requests were received.

If the request is being performed within a transaction, this parameter will have no effect, as the client already has a transaction open.

0 (return immediately if not available) to 3600 seconds. The default is 0.
group (Optional) Indicates if all subscriber data should be retrieved or just specified IMSI or MSISDN routing entities.
  • y - Read subscriber and all of its IMSI and MSISDN routing entities.
  • n - Only read specified MSISDN and IMSI routing entities (default).
accountId (Optional) A user-defined Account ID value to read. 1 to 26 numeric digits.
imsi (Optional) An IMSI (specified in E.212 format). 10 to 15 numeric digits.
msisdn (Optional) An MSISDN (specified in E.164 international public telecommunication numbering plan format). 8 to 15 numeric digits.