SDS Response Message Error Codes

XML/SOAP error codes are returned by the XDS/SOAP server in the error attribute parameter of the <requestResp> messages (see XML Response Messages) or in the SOAP Response message (see SOAP Response Messages). The error parameter of a response message indicates the success or failure of a request.

The complete set of response error codes and their associated values are defined in the following table.

SDS Response Message Error Codes
Error Code Value Description
SUCCESS 0000 Request was successful.
NOT_PROCESSED 0001 Not processed. The request was within a block transaction, and was not processed due to an error with another request within the same block transaction.
NO_RESPONSE 1000 A timeout was exceeded without a response being received. Retry the command or reconnect.
INTERNAL_ERROR 1001 An internal error occurred. Contact Oracle.
NOT_CONNECTED 1002 The message was not sent because the connection is closed.
ALREADY_CONNECTED 1003 A connect message failed because already connected.
PARSE_FAILED 1004 The message is in an invalid format and cannot be parsed. This can be caused by a missing symbol or misspelled keyword, for example.
WRITE_UNAVAILABLE 1005 Another client already has a transaction open. This will only be returned to clients who do have write access permissions.
NO_WRITE_PERMISSION 1006 The client making the connection does not have write access permissions.
STANDBY_SIDE 1008 The commit failed because this is the Standby server, not the Active server.
NO_ACTIVE_TXN 1009 A read or write transaction is not currently open for this connection.
ACTIVE_TXN 1010 A read or write transaction is already open on this connection, or an open transaction was aborted prior to terminating the connection.
WRITE_IN_READ_TXN 1011 A write command failed because the current transaction is read-only.
INVALID_VALUE 1012 One of the fields in the request has a invalid value.
NOT_FOUND 1013 The command failed because the file or connection could not be found.
CONFLICT_FOUND 1014 The command failed because of a conflict or incompatibility between otherwise individually acceptable arguments.
ITEM_EXISTS 1015 A command to create or update a database entry was not executed because an entry with the same keys already exists.

The request has succeeded, but this is one of several responses.

This error code is used for indicating status while processing import files.

NO_UPDATES 1017 All of the changes were already in the database.
INTERRUPTED 1018 The command was interrupted and did not finish.
BAD_ARGS 1019 The command failed because of invalid, missing, or otherwise unacceptable arguments.
CONNECTION_DENIED 1020 The connection is not permitted for the reason shown in the error.
UNKNOWN_VERSION 1023 The version given is not compatible with the database server.
DURABILITY_TIMEOUT 1024 The update was not made durable in the database within the configured time interval.
UNIMPLEMENTED 1025 This command is not implemented.
BAD_IMPORT_CMD 1028 The command is not supported by the Import operation.
TXN_TOO_BIG 1029 Transaction too big (more than the configured maximum number of requests). The maximum number of requests within a transaction is configured on the SDS GUI. We recommend you see the SDS Online Help for more information.
DURABILITY_DEGRADED 1030 The system's transaction durability is degraded and updates will not be accepted until the transaction durability level is restored. Contact the Oracle Customer Care Center. The transaction durability level can be temporarily adjusted until the problem is resolved. The associated request should be resent after durability is restored or manually adjusted since it has not been committed or is no longer committed to the database due to a rollback when the system durability became degraded.
DB_EXCEPTION 1031 An unexpected exception was thrown during the database operation. Contact the Oracle Customer Care Center.
MAX_DN_LIMIT 1033 The type of object being created (MSISDN, IMSI, Destination, etc.)has reached the maximum number allowed in the database.
MAX_SUB_MSISDN_LIMIT 1036 The maximum allowed number of MSISDNs associated with a Subscriber would have been exceeded.
MAX_SUB_IMSI_LIMIT 1037 The maximum allowed number of IMSIs associated with a Subscriber would have been exceeded.
PROV_PROHIBITED 1051 Database access has been manually disabled.
NPA_SPLIT_NOT_ACTIVE 1061 Completion is only allowed when an NPA Split is Active
NPA_SPLIT_ACTIVE 1062 This action is not allowed when an NPA Split is Active.
NPA_SPLIT_COMPLETE 1063 No other action (besides deletion) is allowed when an NPA Split is Completed.
MPA_SPLIT_LIMIT 1064 The number of NPA Split objects has reached the maximum number allowed in the database.
DEST_TYPE_MISMATCH 1065 This Destination Type is different from the Type of the Destination in the database.
IN_USE 1066 This action is invalid because the object is currently being used.
INV_REQUEST_NAME 2001 The XML request name does not indicate a valid request.
INVALID_XML 2002 The request does not contain a valid XML data structure and cannot be parsed.
MISSING_PARAMETER 2003 A mandatory parameter is missing.
INVALID_MULT_INST 2004 Multiple instances of a parameter that only allows a single instance has occurred.
UNKNOWN_PARAM_NAME 2005 The specified parameter name is unknown for this request.
DEST_NOT_FOUND 2006 The specified destination name does not exist.
IMSI_NOT_FOUND 2007 The specified IMSI does not exist.
MSISDN_NOT_FOUND 2008 The specified MSISDN does not exist.
NAI_NOT_FOUND 2009 The specified NAI (host/user) does not exist.
NAI_HOST_NOT_FOUND 2010 The specified host name does not exist.
TXN_TIMED_OUT 2011 The Transaction that was in progress has timed out, and automatically rolled back.
TOO_MANY_ADDR 2012 Too many IMSI/MSISDN routing entities were specified in the request.
NO_DEST_VAL 2013 At least one destination value must be specified.
NO_ADDR_VAL 2014 No IMSI/MSISDN value and no Account ID value was supplied.
TOO_MANY_NAI 2015 Too many NAI routing entities were specified.
NO_NAI_VAL 2016 No NAI value was supplied.
DEST_TYPE_MISMATCH 2017 Destination has a different destination type than the desired destination type.
INVALID_ARG 2018 The arguments are not valid. Each individual value is valid, but the combination of specified values and database values is not allowed.
INSTANCE_LIMIT 2019 Operation would exceed the maximum number of allowed records in the table.
INV_REQ_IN_BLOCK_TX 2020 An invalid request has been sent in a block transaction (for example, startTransaction, commit, or rollback).
INV_REQ_IN_NORMAL_TX 2021 An invalid request has been sent in a normal transaction (for example, a block transaction).
SUBSCRIBER_NOT_FOUND 2022 The specified subscriber does not exist.
MULTIPLE_SUBSCRIBERS 2023 The specified parameters refer to multiple subscribers.
SUBSCRIBER_TOO_BIG 2024 The resulting subscriber would exceed the 6 IMSI or 6 MSISDN limit.
ACCTID_UPDATE_PROHIBITED 2025 An attempt was made to change an accountId without specifying the <deleteAccountId> tag.
ROUTE_TYPE_MISMATCH 2026 Standalone and subscriber routes are not allowed in same command.
DEL_ROUTE_NOT_PERMITTED 2027 Cannot delete the last route from a subscriber.
NO_ROUTES_SPECIFIED 2028 At least one MSISDN or IMSI must be specified.
ROUTE_DEST_MISMATCH 2029 Specified routes have different destinations.