Message Flow Example Sessions

The following sections contain example usages of the exchanging messages between the Customer Provisioning System (CPS) and the XDS process on the Active SDS server on the Primary Provisioning Site. All scenarios assume that a TCP/IP connection has already been established between the client and SDS.

The examples only show the text that is between the <soapenv:Body> and </soapenv:Body> XML tags of a SOAP request message.

The first column in the tables is the direction that the message is going. The strings displayed in the Message column are the actual ASCII text that is between the <soapenv:Body> and </soapenv:Body> XML tags of a SOAP request that would flow over the connection.

The actual request and response messages are just a series of characters with no extra spaces or new line characters. New lines and extra spaces were added to the examples for readability purposes.