SOAP Request Messages

A SOAP request message is sent to the SDS SOAP provisioning client as a series of ASCII characters. The SDS SOAP provisioning client sends back a SOAP response message.

Every SOAP message sent to SDS must be sent in a SOAP envelope. Each SOAP envelope has a <soapenv:Body> XML tag. The SDS provisioning or query request is embedded within the <soapenv:Body> tag. The tags and values within the <soapenv:Body> tag vary for each SDS request.

SOAP Request Message Format

This example shows the format for all SOAP requests. The bolded text varies for each provisioning request.
Host: ipAddress:port
Accept-Encoding: identity
Content-Length: lengthInBytes 
SOAPAction: ""
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=”UTF-8”


SOAP Message Request Parameters

Request Message Parameters (SOAP)
Parameter Description Value
ipAddress IP address of the SDS Provisioning server that received the SOAP request.  
port Port of the SDS Provisioning server that received the SOAP request.  
lengthInBytes Number of bytes in the SOAP request. 0-4294967295
requestName The name of the SDS provisioning request. A string with 1 to 64 characters.

The parameters (tag/value pairs) needed for each request.

These parameters vary for each SDS Provisioning or query request.