Single Command Transaction

This example shows three request/response pairs that are exchanged between the CPS and SDS. These requests are processed as "single command transactions," which means that each request is immediately committed to the database. This example creates IMSI and MSISDN routing entities.

Single Command Transaction (XML)
Message Description
<updateSubscriber ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr" resonly="n">

Request to create 5 stand-alone routing entities - 3 IMSIs and 2 MSISDNs with an LTE HSS and AAA server destinations.

Note: Request is made to include the original request in the response.

Response to create subscriber routing entities - success. Affected rows = 5 (as 5 new entries created for 3 IMSIs and 2 MSISDNs).

Note: As requested, the original XML request is included in the response.
<updateSubscriber ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr" resonly="n">
<res error="0" affected="5">
<updateSubscriber ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr">

Request to update existing IMSI and MSISDN stand-alone routing entities with a new LTE HSS value.

Response to update subscriber routing entities - success. Affected rows = 2 (as 2 entries for an IMSI and MSISDN were updated with new LTE HSS value).

<res error="0" affected="2"/>
<updateSubscriber ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr">

Request to create a subscriber routing entitiy with an invalid LTE HSS destination value.

Request fails, as the destination does not exist.

<res description=”destination not found” error="2006" affected="0"/>