Message Conventions

Message specification syntax follows several conventions to convey what parameters are required or optional and how they and their values must be specified.

Message Conventions
Symbol Description
monospace with background
All code examples.
monospace Names of commands when provided outside of a code example.
italics Variable names when provided outside of a code example or value list.
spaces Spaces (for example, zero or more space characters, " ") may be inserted anywhere except within a single name or number. At least one space is required to separate adjacent names or numbers.
Ellipses represent a variable number of repeated entries. For example:
dn DN1 , dn DN2, …, dn DN7, dn DN8 
< > Angle brackets are used to enclose parameter values that are choices or names.
In the following example, the numbers represent specific value choices.
parameter1 <1|2|3>
In the following example, ServerName represents the actual value.
parameter2 <ServerName>
In the following example, the numbers represent a choice in the range from 0 to 3600.
parameter3 <0..3600>
[ ] Square brackets are used to enclose an optional parameter and its value.
[, parameter1 < 1|2|3 >]
A parameter and its value that are not enclosed in square brackets are mandatory.
| The pipe symbol is used in a parameter value list to indicate a choice between available values.
Parameter1 <1|2|3>
, A literal comma is used in the message to separate each parameter that is specified.