5. MultiBank Cash Concentration

Multi Bank Cash Concentration (MBCC) are automated cash management systems for corporations with at-least one third party bank account.

It is an automated means of centralizing balances held at third-party banks of the corporate (In this process liquidity is either transferred to the various TPB accounts or Liquidity is pulled out of various TPB accounts)

It caters to the corporate need to maintain important third-party local bank relationships for rendering truly localized services while optimizing the potential yield from liquidity consolidated with a global concentration bank

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 Benefits of MBCC

The benefit of MBCC can be listed as below:

5.2 Features in MBCC

The following features are provided for MBCC in LM:

5.3 Sweep Mechanism

This following steps lists out the sweep mechanism through MT920 requests: Sweep In

The steps followed for sweep in are as below:

While generating MT101 request for funds, system will take in to consideration the sweep parameters set at the other bank (can be own bank or third party bank) to arrive at the amount. In some cases there can be combination of these parameters at work.


MT Message



Request Message

Requests the account servicing institution to send an MT 940, 941, 942 or 950


Customer Statement Message

Provides balance and transaction details of an account to a FI on behalf of the account owner


Balance Report

Provides balance information of an account to a financial institution on behalf of the account owner


Interim Transaction Report

Provides balance and transaction details of an account, for a specified period of time, to a financial institution on behalf of an account owner

It is used to transmit detailed and/or summary infor­mation about entries debited or credited to the account since:

• The last statement or balance report, or

• The last interim transaction report (sent in the period since the last statement or balance report).


Statement Message

Provides balance and transaction details of an account to the account owner Sweep Out

The steps followed for sweep in are as below:

5.4 MBCC System Setup

The following maintenance screens has to be configured to set up multi bank cash concentration structure:

5.4.1 System Set-Up Maintenance Screen

Allow multiple bank, Allow cross-border transaction and Allow cross-currency transaction options must be enabled at system level maintenance screen to allow bank to provide this feature.

5.4.2 Country Maintenance

The regulatory system must allow corporate to set-up MBCC in the country where liquidity management instance is running.

While defining a MBCC group the system will validate whether multiple bank facility is allowed in particular country.

5.4.3 Bank Maintenance

The following parameters must be enabled at bank level to support MBCC

Bank type field is required to identify the bank as internal bank or external bank.

Group name is captured to identify the accounts belonging to different banks of same group as host bank account. Based on the liquidity management products offered by bank the following options should be selected

5.4.4 Branch Maintenance

The following parameters must be enabled at branch level to support MBCC

Based on the liquidity management products offered by bank the following options should be selected

5.4.5 Payment Instruction Maintenance

You can maintain payment parameter values at bank level for all the internal and external banks participating in liquidity management structure. The values captured in this screen will be handed off to payment systems to initiate domestic or cross border sweep.

5.4.6 MBCC Currency Cut Off Maintenance

Branch level & Currency level cut off are maintained in here. If the message arrives after the cut-off time, balance will not be considered for upcoming sweep schedule.

Exception messages will be logged separately.