Use this function to retrieve a string that contains a new line character sequence. This is useful when you are creating output text messages that contain line breaks.

Note On Windows, this function returns a carriage return/line feed pair. On UNIX, it returns a line feed. The function works in both Documaker Server and Documaker Desktop.


NL ( )

There are no parameters for this function.


This example shows how you can use this function with the Print_It function:

Print_It("This is line one." & NL() & "This is line two.")

In this example, two lines are output to the command line during Documaker Server processing. Without this function, you would have to include two Print_It statements.

This is line one.
This is line two.

This example shows how you can create multiline text area messages:

data = ?("cus_name") & NL() & ?("state") & ",  " & ?("zip")
  SetFld(data, "cus_ss")

In this example, two lines are stored in a multiline text area on separate lines. Without this function, you would have to define the multiline text area, a fixed-size font, and the script would have calculated the number of spaces to pad to the first line to make sure the line wrapped properly.

John A. Smith
CA,  81234-4444

You can also use the NL function when you are creating comment strings you want inserted into a print stream using the AddComment procedure.

See also