
Use this function to return the number of pages that will print for a given recipient or for all recipients. A page is considered any side of paper that has a printable section for a recipient. A duplex sheet with front and back sections counts as two pages.


TotalPages (Recipient)




(Optional) If you include the Recipient parameter, the count only reflects the pages that print for that recipient. If you omit the Recipient parameter, the count includes all recipients.

The count considers copy-counts and reflects the total number of printed sides that will be referenced. A section may be empty (containing no text or discernible print objects) and still be designated to print. So, the count does not necessarily mean the pages will contain any real text.


For example, assume you have a one-page document that has two recipients. Recipient1 gets one copy, while Recipient2 gets two copies.

With this command:


The system returns one (1) as the page count

With this command:


The system returns two (2) as the page count, since the one-page document will be printed twice. if you omit the Recipient parameter, the system returns three (3) as the page count.

Note The count reflects when the function is called. The system cannot predict whether banner pages will be created or whether additional formatting or data entry will add or remove pages. Make sure you do not call this function until all page items have been created and formatted.

See also