
Use this function to retrieve the number of records per overflow section value which is stored in the SETRCPTBL.DAT entry being processed. Depending on the current trigger, this integer value can be the overflow record count for a form or section.

Note This is only applicable in Documaker Server processing during DAL trigger processing.


TriggerRecsPerOvFlw ( )

There are no parameters for this function.


Assume you have the following entry in the SETRCPTBL.DAT file for the form trigger being processed. Also assume there are 30 records in the extract file that match the search mask.


Here is an example:

BeginSub Feature1550
#rec = CountRec("1,Feature1550,31,Data")
#remaining = MOD(#rec, TriggerRecsPerOvFlw( ))
While(#remaining > 0)
*  write addition records
Write_fm( )
#mod -= 1

In this example, the TriggerRecsPerOvFlw function, returns a records per overflow section value of 25, which is used in the MOD function.

See also