
Use this function to return a string that contains the contents of the DAL symbolic variable specified by the parameter. You can use this function when the name of the DAL variable is also stored in a variable, such as when a variable has to be addressed in another external script.


GetValue (Symbol)




Enter a string that specifies the name of a DAL symbolic variable. This can be from an expression or from another string variable.

Note You will get a syntax error if you omit the Symbol parameter or if the DAL symbolic variable does not exist. It is wise to use this function with the Exists function.


Here are some examples. Assume the...

In this example, the variable named contents is set to the string "Hello World":

variable_name = "my_variable"
contents = GetValue(variable_name)

This example stores the value, 20, in the field entitled 'total # of vehicles' in the current section:

SetFld ( GetValue("#_veh"), "total # of vehicles") 

In this example, if #line is set to 3, the string 'Olds' is returned. If #line is set to 5, a 'blank' is returned.

If Exists("tbl_" & #line) Then
           Return ( GetVaule("tbl_" & #line) )
           Return (" ")

See also