
Use this function/procedure to apply section origins and re-paginate the form if necessary. During this re-pagination, the function will create or delete pages as needed.

Note The AddSection and DelSection DAL functions include a parameter (Paginate) which you can use to force re-pagination after the affected section has been manipulated.


PaginateForm (Form, Group)




(Optional) If you omit this parameter, the current form controlling the active script is paginated. If you include the name of a form, that form is located and paginated.

You can include the occurrence indicator (a backslash followed by a number, such as BIZ\3) to indicate a specific occurrence of the form to find and paginate. If you do not specify an occurrence with the name, the first occurrence of the form is paginated.


(Optional) This parameter identifies the Key2 or GroupName2-level parent that contains the form. This is sometimes referred to as the line of business that contains the form

If you omit the Group parameter, the system tries to locate the named form within the current group that is controlling the execution of the script.

You can call PaginateForm as a function or procedure. As a function, it returns a one (1) if the requested form is located or a zero (0) if it could not be located.

Note that if the form is found and paginated, there may not be any visible change to the document. The form layout is determined when you design the form and by the application of section origin rules.

See also