Printer and Recipient Functions

Print functions perform a variety of operations and return specific information or values. These functions are summarized in the table below. Click on the function name to jump to a discussion of that function.




Adds a comment to the print stream.


Adds a comment to a Metacode or AFP print stream created specifically for Docusave.


Tells Documaker Server to break the output print stream file for the current recipient batch after processing the current recipient, including post transaction banner processing.


Returns the current output device file name, such as the name of the current print stream output file.


Lets you know if the section (image), form, or group is printable, based on the current print recipient and the recipient copy count.


Obtains the value of the next recipient ID (RCP_ID) from the RCPS table in ODEE processing, or the next internal recipient ID in ODSE processing. This value can then be used to find the record (and all associated field values, of the next recipient to be processed. With this information, a script can be written that compares the current recipient’s values to the next recipient’s values in order to make a determination to split the batch or create a new print file to hold the next recipient’s output. Usually used with a sorted batch.


Obtains the value of the next transaction ID (TRN_ID) from the table in ODEE processing, or the next internal transaction ID in ODSE processing. This value can then be used to find the record (and all associated field values, of the next transaction to be processed. With this information, a script can be written that compares the current transaction's values to the next transaction's values in order to make a determination to split the batch or create a new print file to hold the next transaction's output. This is usually used with a sorted batch.


Finds out the type of print stream the system is generating.


Retrieves the group name that is being used to generate the print stream.


Returns the printer ID assigned during a batch processing run.


Returns the approximate size of the current print output file during a batch print operation.


Gets the name of the recipient batch file being processed. Used in banner or comment record processing.


Gets the name of the recipient batch record for the transaction currently being printed. Used in banner or comment record processing.


Sets a new output device file name which will be used the next time the output device is opened, assuming nothing overrides the name prior to that.


Suppresses the printing of a banner page.