2. Bulk Files Processing

Oracle FLEXCUBE Payments supports processing of bulk files received from corporate customers containing mixed workload in ISO pain.001 format. Payment request can be for any of the following payment types:

You can upload and process files received from corporate customers containing bulk payment initiation requests in pain.001 format.You can maintain customer preferences for bulk file handling. Bulk files are parsed, validated and processed so that payments are forwarded to appropriate Networks.


A file is segregated into consolidation batches based on the following parameters:

This chapter contains the following section:

2.1 Customer Preference Maintenance

2.1.1 Customer Preferences

You can use customer preferences screen for maintaining file preferences for corporate customers.

You can invoke the ‘Customer Preference’ screen by typing ‘PMDFLPRF’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.Click new button on the Application toolbar..

You can specify the following fields:

File Preferences

Autoclosure Required

Check this box if a consolidation batch needs to be considered for closure based on the cutoff time specified.


This is applicable if some of the transactions pertaining to the batch are pending in excep­tion queues.

Cutoff Hour

Specifies the Cutoff time in hours for Batch auto closure

Cutoff Minute

Specifies the Cutoff time in minutes for Batch auto closure

Pricing Account

Choose the required Pricing Account from the list of values.

Account Branch

The system displays the account branch based on the selected Pricing Account.

Account Currency

The system displays the account currency based on the selected Pricing Account.

Account Name

The system displays the account name based on the selected Pricing Account.


If the pricing account is mentioned in the pain.001 file received, it takes precedence. If charge account is not available as part of the file, then pricing account maintained in file preferences is considered for debiting charge/tax amounts. If pricing account is not main­tained, charge/ tax is recovered from debit account itself.

2.2 Customer File Upload

Jobs are provided for uploading the customer files. The system generates file reference number. The transaction details received in a single file can be identified by file reference number.

The system performs branch, network, value date & Account resolutions for each payment request received.

Branch And Host Resolution

Debtor agent BIC of the first debtor account details present in pain.001 message is considered for deriving the transaction branch.

Network, Payment Type and Transaction Type Resolution

Network is resolved based on the Network Rule defined for the Host. Payment type is derived as payment type linked to the network and Transaction type is derived as ‘Outgoing’.

Payment Value Date Resolution

Requested Execution Date in pain.001 message is considered as instruction date from customer. Instruction date is stored for the transaction.

Payment details will be sent to Payment type specific processing based on the payment type linked to the Network. Default source code for payments initiated by Bulk files is C2B.

Following processing steps are followed for the for different payment types based on applicability in the respective process flow:


Charge/Tax Calculation is done at individual transaction level using pricing code linked in network currency preferences.

2.3 Auto Consolidation of Debit Entries

Batches are created with distinct consolidation reference number, based on the below consolidation parameters:

On completing individual transaction processing till sanction check for all the transactions in a batch, system proceeds with below mentioned processing steps for the batch:


You can view the pending batches from Batch Booking queue

2.4 Closure Based on Cut-off Time

If payments belonging to the batch are pending in Exception queues as part of individual transaction processing, system does not initiate auto batch closure. In such cases, you can maintain cutoff time preference for the customer ,based on which system initiates batch closure of processing completed payments.

For example, if a file contains payments with high volume and a few transactions are held up in Sanctions Queue, then auto batch closure feature based on cut-off time will enable closure of already processed payments.


You can check ‘Auto closure Required’ field in the Customer Preferences (PMDFLPRF) screen to initiate auto closure of consolidation batch based on the cutoff time maintained.

During the specified cut-off time, the system will automatically close all the batches that are in ‘W-Work in progress’ status after delinking the payments pending in exception queues.

Transactions pending in exception queues create a new batch in exception status with the same file number.

2.5 Batch Booking Queue

This section contains the following topics:

2.5.1 Invoking Batch Booking Screen

You can view the payment initiation requests received by the payment system for a specific file reference number. All consolidation batches available for a file can be viewed from the Batch Booking queue.

You can invoke the ‘Batch Booking Queue’ screen by typing ‘PQDBATQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.Click new button on the Application toolbar.


Viewing Batch Payments

If you click on 'View Batch Payments' button in batch booking queue, you can view individual transactions

The following actions are allowed in the Batch Booking queue:

Actions Function
Manual Clo­sure Batch closure can be manually initiated using this action. On manual closure, system delinks transactions pending in exception queues from the parent batch. A new exception batch is created for the pending transactions. The parent batch is closed and consolidated debit entry is passed for successful transactions. If a batch is closed, then no further action is possible. This does not require authorization.
Cancel This option will enable to cancel the consolidation batch. On cancellation, the file consolidation status and Transaction status becomes 'C' - Can­celled. User can choose only single batch for cancellation. File consolida­tion status as W alone can be cancelled. If the batch is already cancelled, then no further action can be taken. Authorization is supported for this action.
Authorize Cancel operation initiated by a user can be authorized by another user

2.5.2 Viewing Batch Booking Queue

You can invoke the ‘Batch Booking Queue Summary’ screen by typing ‘PQSBATQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.Click new button on the Application toolbar.

You can click ‘Search’ button to view all the pending functions. However, you can to filter your search based on any of the following criteria:

When you click ‘Search’ button the records matching the specified search criteria are displayed. For each record fetched by the system based on your query criteria, the following details are displayed:

2.6 Support for pain.002 xml message generation

2.6.1 Pain.002 - Customer Payment Status Report: Message Definition

The Customer Payment Status Report message is exchanged between an agent and a non-financial institution customer to provide status Information on instructions previously sent using pain.001.

2.6.2 Pain.002 - Customer Payment Status Report: Message Generation pro­cess

The following status codes are supported while doing pain.002 generation:

2.7 Notifications

Following notifications will be supported for C2B transactions:

Notification Code Details Text
PM_CB_FL_1 -Acknowledgement to source -on success­fully uploading file to staging table File Reference Num­ber <Number of records> Records uploaded suc­cessfully for File <File Name> on <File Process­ing Date>.File reference number is <File Reference Number>
Number of records
Customer File name
Processing Date
PM_CB_FL_2 -Acknowledgement to source -on encoun­tering exceptionup­loading file to staging table Customer File name Upload of File <File Name> failed.
PM_CB_FL_3 -Debit Notification for con­solidation debits-On Debit Liquidation Debit Account <Number of records> records processed for file reference number <File Reference Number> .Account <Debit Account>is debited for <Debit Currency >,<Debit Amount> on <Debit Liquidation Date> for Reference Num­ber<Consolidation Refer­ence Number>.Charge or Tax component amd amount deducted details are <Charge Currency> <Charge Amount>
Debit currency
Debit Amount
Debit liquidation date
Consolidation Refer­ence number
File reference num­ber
Number of records
Charge/Tax debit amount
Charge/Tax debit currency

Notifications are posted asynchronously to Notification Queue (JMS Queue-NOTIFOUTQ) and will be available for consumption by external systems

2.8 Corporate File Browser Summary

Corporate File Browser Screen is provided for users to view all the received pain.001 files.

2.8.1 Viewing Corporate File Browser Summary Screen

You can invoke the ‘Corporate File Browser Summary’ screen by typing ‘PMSUPDST’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.


You can click ‘Search’ button to view all the pending functions. However, you can to filter your search based on any of the following criteria:

When you click ‘Search’ button the records matching the specified search criteria are displayed. For each record fetched by the system based on your query criteria, the following details are displayed:

2.8.2 Corporate File Browser Screen

You can invoke the ‘Corporate File Browser’ screen by typing ‘PMDUPDST’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.Click new button on the Application toolbar.


Query the details by entering the File Reference Number.The file details are displayed by the system on executing the query.