3. Fedwire Payments

3.1 Outgoing Fedwire Input Screen

System supports Fedwire Outgoing Payments for the below mentioned transfer type:

3.1.1 Invoking Fedwire Outgoing Screen

Outgoing Fedwire payments can be manually booked from this screen in case the inward Fedwire message cannot be received or processed due to any reason. You can invoke “Fedwire Outgoing Payments” screen by typing ‘PWDOTONL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar..

You can specify the following fields:

Transaction Branch

The system defaults the transaction branch code with the user’s logged in branch code.

Transaction Reference Number

The system generates and displays a unique reference number for the transaction.

User Reference

The system defaults the User reference number same as the Transaction Reference Number. You can edit this value to provide own reference number

Host code

The system defaults the host code of transaction branch.

Source Code

The system derives the source code for the transaction depending on the source from where it is received. For manual transactions, source code is defaulted to MANL.

Source Reference Number

The system displays the Source Reference Number provided by the channel or any other source for the transaction. You can input the value for manually booked transaction..

Network Code

Specify the required Fedwire network code.

:3600:Business Function Code

Specify the desired Business Function Code from the available options. For e.g. CTR (Customer Transfer), BTR (Bank Transfer) etc

Transfer Type

Select the required type of transfer. The options are:

Transaction Type Code

Specify the required transaction type code.


Specify the type code of the payment. The options are:

Sub Type

The system defaults the Sub-type code to “00” and is non-editable.


This is because only the sub-type code of “00” is currently supported for any of the type codes.

3.1.2 Main Tab

Click ‘Main’ tab to capture the Outgoing Fedwire details:

Specify the following details


Debit Account

Specify the debit account numberof the Originating customer. Alternatively, you can select the debit account number from the option list. The list displays all open and active customer accounts.

ID Code

Select the ID code from the drop down list corresponding to the type of originator identification and details that are desired to be input in the following fields. The options are:


Specify the identifier details as per the selected ID Code.


The system displays the Originator’s name based on the selected Debit account


Specify the address details of the originator.

Address 1

Specify the additional address details of the originator.

Payment Details

Booking Date

Specify the booking date of the payment..

Instruction Date

Specify the Instruction Date of the outgoing payment which can be current or future business date.

Value Date

Specify the Value date of the transaction.

Transfer Currency

The system displays the transfer currency of USD by default.

Transfer Amount

Specify the amount for the transfer.

3700:Exchange Rate

Exchange rate for converting the Transfer amount in USD to debit account currency is derived on clicking the Enrich button.


Click this button for enrichment of the transaction that includes deriving exchange rate (if applicable), Value dates, Charges and mandatory field validation.


Receiver ABA Number

Select the ABA Number of Receiver DI (Depository Institution) from the list of all Fedwire members.

Receiver Short Name

Specify the Receiver DI’s Short Name.

Debit Value Date

The system displays the derived debit value date on clicking Enrich.

Credit Value Date

The system displays the credit value date on clicking Enrich.

Customer No

The system displays the customer number (of the customer maintained in the system) that is derived based on the selected debit account number of the originator.

Customer Service Model

The system displays the customer service model linked to the customer.


Specify any remarks for the payment being booked

Details of Charges

Select the details of charges from the drop down list. The options are:

Senders Charges

Specify the sender’s charges as <USD><Amount>. For e.g. USD10.25.

:4100:Beneficiary FI

ID Code

Select the ID code from the drop down corresponding to the type of identification of Beneficiary FI and details that are desired to be input in the following fields The options are:


Specify the Beneficiary FI identifier as per the selected ID Code.


Specify the name of the beneficiary FI.


Specify the address of the beneficiary FI.


ID Code

Select the ID code from the drop down corresponding to the type of identification of Beneficiary and details that are desired to be input in the following fields. The options are:


Specify the identification details as per the selected ID Code.


Specify the name of the beneficiary.


Specify the address details of the Beneficiary.

3.1.3 Pricing Tab

This tab displays the pricing details of the charges computed by system based on the transaction attributes in the Main tab.These details are populated on clicking Enrich button in the Main tab before saving the transaction, or as part of processing on saving the transaction without clicking Enrich.

The below mentioned attributes will be available in the Pricing tab

Pricing Component

The system displays the Name of the pricing component applicable for the transaction for which charges are computed..

Pricing Currency

The system displays the Currency in which the charge amount is calculated for the Pricing component.


The system displays the charge amount calculated for each pricing component.


This field if checked indicates that the charge is waived for the pricing component.

Debit currency

The system displays the currency in which the charge amount is debited for the pricing component. This is the currency of the debit (originator) account.

Debit amount

The system displays the charge amount in debit currency to be debited. This amount is different from the calculated Pricing amount if the debit currency is different from the Pricing Currency. The Debit amount for charges is calculated by converting the Pricing amount in Pricing Currency to Debit currency using specified Exchange Rate type in Pricing Code maintenance.


This field if checked indicates that the charges are not collected during transaction processing but their liquidation is deferred based on customer preferences. Applicable only for “S” (Shared) type of charges..

Borne By Bank

This field if checked indicates that the charges are borne by bank.

3.1.4 FI Information

Click ‘FI Information’ tab to specify the FI Information details:

Specify the following details

:6100:Receiver FI Information

Specify the information for the Receiver FI in the lines provided.

:6110:Drawdown Debit Account Advice Information

Advice Code

Select the Advice Code for drawdowns from the drop down list. The options are LTR, PHN, TLX and WRE.

Additional Information

Specify additional information on the Advice.

:6200:Intermediary FI Information

Specify the information for the Intermediary FI in the lines provided.

:6210:Intermediary FI Advice Information

Advice Code

Select the appropriate value of the Intermediary FI Advice from the drop down list. The options are LTR, PHN, TLX and WRE.

Additional Information

Specify additional information on the Advice.

:6300:Beneficiary's FI Information

Specify the Beneficiary FI Information in the lines provided.

:6310:Beneficiary's FI Advice Information

Advice Code

Select the appropriate value of Advice code for the Beneficiary FI Advice from the drop down list. The options are LTR, PHN, TLX and WRE. After selecting the option, you may specify additional information in the lines provided.

:6400:Beneficiary Information

Specify the information for the beneficiary in the lines provided.

:6410:Beneficiary Advice Information

Advice Code

Select the Advice Code for the Beneficiary Advice from the drop down list. The options are LTR, PHN, TLX and WRE.

Additional Information

Specify additional information on the Advice.

:6420:Method of Payment to Beneficiary

Method of payment

Specify the method of payment. ‘CHECK’ is the only valid option that can be input.

Additional Information

Specify additional information on the method of payment.

:6500:FI to FI Information

Specify the FI to FI Information in the lines provided.

3.1.5 Additional Tab

Click ‘Additional’ tab to capture the additional details:

Specify the following details:

Additional Details

:3320:Sender's Reference

Specify the Sender’s Reference.

:3610:Local Instrument Code

Select the local Instrument Code from the drop down list. The available values are ANSI, COVS, GXML, IXML, NARR, PROP, RMTS, RRMT, S820, SWIFand UEDI.

Proprietary Code

Specify a Proprietary Code if the Local Instrument Code element selected is PROP.

:4320:Reference for Beneficiary

Specify the reference details for beneficiary.

:4000:Intermediary FI

ID Code

Select the required ID Code from the drop down list. The available values are B, C, D, U and F.


Specify the Identifier details of the Intermediary for the selected ID Code.


Specify the name of the Intermediary.

Address 1 to 3

Specify the address of the Intermediary in the lines provided.

:5200:Instructing FI

ID Code

Specify the required ID Code from the drop down list. The available values are B, C, D, U and F.


Specify the Identifier details for the selected ID code.


Specify the name of the Instructing FI.

Address 1 to 3

Specify the address of the Instructing FI in the lines provided.

:6000:Originator to Benefiary Information

Specify the Originator to Beneficiary details in the lines provided.

:8250:Related Remittance Information

Remittance Identification

Specify the Remittance Identification details.

Remittance Location Method

Specify the Remittance Location Method details.

Remittance Location Electronic Address

Specify the Remittance Location Electronic Address details.


Specify the name as mentioned in the Remittance Information.

Address Type

Specify the Address Type which should be one of the following allowed values - ADDR, BIZZ, DLVY, HOME, MLTO and PBOX.


Specify the associated department details.

Sub Department

Specify the associated sub department details.

Street Name

Specify the Street Name.

Building Number

Specify the Building Number.


Specify the address.

3.1.6 Remittance Information Tab

Click ‘Remittance Information’ tab to capture the information on Remittance:

Specify the following details:

:8300:Remittance Originator

:8300:Remittance Originator Identification Type

Select the Originator Identification Type from the drop down.

Identification Code

Specify the Identification Code.


Specify the name of the Remittance Originator.

Identification Number

Specify the Identification Number of the Originator.

Identification Number Issuer

Specify the Identification Number Issuer of the identification.

Date & Place Of Birth

Specify the Originator’s date of birth and place of birth.

Address Type

Specify the address type, which should be one of the following allowed values - ADDR, BIZZ, DLVY, HOME, MLTO and PBOX.


Specify the department.


Specify the address details.

:8350:Remittance Beneficiary


Specify the name of the Beneficiary of the remittance.

Identification Type

Specify the Identification Type of the Beneficiary.

Identification Code

Specify the Identification Code of the Beneficiary as per the selected Identification type.

Identification Number

Specify the Identification Number of the beneficiary.

Identification Number Issuer

Specify the beneficiary’s Identification Number Issuer.

Date & Place Of Birth

Specify the beneficiary’s date of birth and place of birth.

Address Type

Select the address type from the drop down, which should be one of the following allowed values - ADDR, BIZZ, DLVY, HOME, MLTO and PBOX.


Specify the department.


Specify the address details.

:8400:Primary Remittance Document Information

Document Type Code

Select the code to specify the document type from the drop down list.

Proprietary Document Type Code

Specify a Proprietary Document Type Code if the Document Type Code selected is PROP.

Document Identification Number

Specify the Document Identification Number


Specify the Isuser of the document.

:8450:Actual Amount Paid

Currency Code

Specify the currency code of the actual amount remitted.


Specify the actual amount remitted.

:8500:Gross Amount of Remittance Document

Document Currency Code

Specify the currency code of the gross amount remitted as mentioned in the Remittance Document.


Specify the gross amount remitted.

:8550:Amount of Negotiated Discount

Discount Currency Code

Specify the currency code of the negotiated discount for the amount payable.


Specify the discounted amount.

:8600:Adjustment Information

Adjustment Reason Code

Specify the adjustment reason code from the drop down.

Credit Debit Indicator

Specify if the adjustment is done for credit or debit.

Currency Code

Specify the currency code of the adjustment amount.


Specify the adjusted amount.

Additional Information

Specify any other related information.

:8700:Secondary Remittance Document Information

Document Type Code

Select the code to specify the document type from the drop down list.

Proprietary Document Type Code

Specify a Proprietary Document Type Code if the Document Type Code selected is PROP.

Document Identification Number

Specify the Document Identification Number


Specify the Issuer of the Secondary Remittance Document document.

:8750 Remittance Free text

Specify any remarks on the remittance in the free text format in the lines provided.

3.1.7 Viewing Fedwire Outgoing Summary

You can view the summary in “Fedwire Outgoing Summary ” screen. You can invoke the Fedwire Network Currency Preferences screen by typing ‘PWSOTONL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for the records using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria. You can view the following details in here:

3.1.8 Fedwire Outgoing View Screen

You can view the details of an Outgoing Fedwire transaction in the “Fedwire Outgoing View” Screen You can invoke the “Fedwire Outgoing View” screen by typing ‘PWDOVIEW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The following tabs are visible in the View Screen: Please refer to the fields details from Section 2.1.2 to Section 2.1.6.


You can view the Main details of the Fedwire Outgoing transaction.


You can view the pricing details of the Fedwire Outgoing transaction.

FI Information

You can view the FI Information details of the Fedwire Outgoing transaction.


You can view the Additional details of the Fedwire Outgoing transaction.

Remittance Information

You can view the Remittance Information details of the Fedwire Outgoing transaction.

Accounting Entries

You can view the Accounting Entries of the Fedwire Outgoing transaction.

In addition to these tabs, the following links are available that opens a separate sub screen.

3.1.9 All Messages

Click the “All Messages” link in the View screen to invoke this sub-screen.


The system displays the following details in a grid form containing one or multiple rows

Contract Reference

Displays the contract (transaction) reference number.


Displays the unique DCN number assigned by the system to each generated message.

Message Type

Displays the system defined message type e.g. Cust_Transfer, Cover etc.

SWIFT Message Type

Specify the SWIFT message type of the generated message e.g. MT103, MT202COV etc.


Displays if the message is outgoing or incoming.


Displays the message generation date.

Message Status

The system displays the message status. e.g. Hand-off, Repair etc.

Test Status

The system displays the Test status of the message, which would generally be “Not Applicable”.

Authorization Status

The system displays the authorization status. i.e. Authorized or Unauthorized. For incoming messages which fall into Repair or a user defined queue, this status may be “Unauthorized” if the message has been manually repaired and awaiting authorization.

Acknowledgment Status

The system displays whether Acknowledgement from SWIFT (ACK/NAK) is required or not for the outgoing SWIFT message. This value is displayed based on the message level configuration.


The system displays the media of the message which is “SWIFT”.


Displays the Customer ID of the Receiver of an outgoing SWIFT message or of the Sender of an incoming SWIFT message.

Receiver Name

Displays the name of the receiver or sender.

PDE Flag

Displays if PDE trailer is included in the incoming or outgoing message. Message Details

You can select a particular message in the All Messages summary sub-screen (explained above) and view the message details in this screen.

Displays the following details for the selected message.

Reference Number

Specify the transaction reference number.


The system displays DCN of the message.

ESN/Version Number

The system displays the version number of the message.


The system displays receiver/sender of the message.

Message Type

The system displays system defined message type.

SWIFT Message Type

The system displays SWIFT message type.


The system displays details of the actual message including BIC and Name and Address details of the Sender and Receiver as well as the fields and values populated in the message body.


Specify a comments or remarks for the message.

Reject Reason

The system displays the reject reason code.

Message Trailers

The system displays the message trailers.

3.1.10 Accounting Entries

During payment transaction processing, the accounting entries whose for which hand -off status is pending are posted to a JMS Queue. Once these entries are posted in the queue, the status is updated as handed off.

If the Accounting system and the ECA system are not the same, an update is sent to the ECA system as well while doing the accounting handoff. Any amount block in the customer account done during External credit approval can be released on receiving accounting update.

Click the “Accounting Entries” tab in the view screen to invoke the screen

The system displays the following details in a grid form that contains accounting entries in multiple rows:

Reference Number

Displays the Transaction reference number.

Event Code

Displays the Accounting event code.


The system displays the transaction account number that is debited or credited in the accounting entry.

Account Branch

The system displays the account branch.

TRN Code

The system populates the transaction code of the accounting entry from the Account Template maintenance.


The system displays whether the accounting entry is ‘debit’ or ‘credit’ leg.

Amount Tag

The system displays the amount tag of the Amount being debited/credited.

Account Currency

The system displays the transaction account currency.

Transaction Amount

The system displays the transaction amount being debited/credited.


The system displays if Netting of accounting entries is required.

Offset Account

The system displays the Offset Account of the accounting entry for posting the offset debit/credit.

Offset Account Branch

The system displays the Offset Account Branch.

Offset TRN Code

The system displays the Offset Transaction Code from the Account Template maintenance.

Offset Amount Tag

The system displays the Offset Amount Tag of the Offset amount.

Offset Currency

The system displays the Offset Amount Currency.

Offset Amount

The system displays the Offset Amount being debited or credited.

Offset Netting

The system displays if the Offset Netting is required.

3.2 Incoming Fedwire Input Screen

System supports Fedwire Incoming Payments for the below mentioned transfer type:

3.2.1 Invoking Fedwire Incoming Screen

Incoming Fedwire payments can be manually booked from this screen in case the inward Fedwire message cannot be received or processed due to any reason. You can invoke “Fedwire Incoming Payments” screen by typing ‘PWDITONL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click new button on the Application toolbar..

You can specify the following fields:

Transaction Branch

The system defaults the transaction branch code with the user’s logged in branch code.

Transaction Reference Number

The system generates and displays the unique transaction reference number.

User Reference

The system generates and displays the user reference number when you click on New.

Host code

The system defaults the host code of transaction branch.

Source Code

The system derives the source code field. For manual transactions, source code is defaulted to MANL.

Source Reference Number

The system displays the Reference Number provided by the channel or any other source for the transaction. The same can also be input for manually booked transaction.

Network Code

Select the Fedwire network code.

Business Function Code

Specify the desired Business Function Code from the available options. For e.g. CTR (Customer Transfer), BTR (Bank Transfer) etc.

Transfer Type

Select the required type of transfer. Choose between Bank Transfer and Customer Transfer.

Transaction Type Code

Specify the required transaction type code.


Select the type code for the payment from the drop down list. The options are:

Sub Type

System defaults the Sub-type code to “00” and is non-editable.


This is because only sub-type code of “00” is currently supported for any of the type codes in case of incoming and outgoing payments.

3.2.2 Main Tab

Click ‘Main’ tab to capture the Incoming Fedwire details:

Specify the following details


ID Code

Select the ID code from the drop down list corresponding to the type of originator identification and details that are desired to be input in the following fields. The options are:


Specify the identifier details as per the selected ID Code.


The system displays the Originator’s name based on the selected Debit account


Specify the address details of the originator.

Address 1

Specify the additional address details of the originator.

Payment Details

Booking Date

Specify the booking date of the payment..

Instruction Date

Specify the Instruction Date of the incoming payment which can be current or future business date.

Value Date

Specify the Value date of the transaction.

Transfer Currency

The system displays the transfer currency of USD by default.

Transfer Amount

Specify the amount for the transfer.

3700:Exchange Rate

Specify the exchange rate details.


Click this button for enrichment of the transaction that includes deriving exchange rate (if applicable), Value dates, Charges and mandatory field validation.


Receiver ABA Number

Select the ABA Number of Receiver DI (Depository Institution) from the list of all Fedwire members.

Receiver Short Name

Specify the Receiver DI’s Short Name.

Debit Value Date

The system displays the derived debit value date on clicking Enrich.

Credit Value Date

The system displays displays the credit value date on clicking Enrich.

Customer No

The system displays the customer number (of the customer maintained in the system) that is derived based on the selected debit account number of the originator.

Customer Service Model

The system displays the customer service model linked to the customer.


Specify any remarks for the payment being booked

Details of Charges

Select the details of charges from the drop down list. The options are:

Senders Charges

Specify the sender’s charges as <USD><Amount>. For e.g. USD10.25.

:4100:Beneficiary FI

ID Code

Select the ID code from the drop down corresponding to the type of identification of Beneficiary FI and details that are desired to be input in the following fields The options are:


Specify the Beneficiary FI identifier as per the selected ID Code.


Specify the name of the beneficiary FI.


Specify the address of the beneficiary FI.


ID Code

Select the ID code from the drop down corresponding to the type of identification of Beneficiary and details that are desired to be input in the following fields. The options are:

Beneficiary Account

Specify the identification details as per the selected ID Code.

Beneficiary Currency

Specify the currency of the beneficiary.


Specify the name of the beneficiary.


Specify the address details of the Beneficiary.

3.2.3 Pricing Tab

This tab displays the pricing details of the charges computed by system based on the transaction attributes in the Main tab. These details are populated on clicking Enrich button in the Main tab before saving the transaction, or as part of processing on saving the transaction without clicking Enrich.

The below mentioned attributes will be available in the Pricing tab

Pricing Component

The system displays the Name of the pricing component applicable for the transaction for which charges are computed..

Pricing Currency

The system displays the Currency in which the charge amount is calculated for the Pricing component.


The system displays the charge amount calculated for each pricing component.


This field if checked indicates that the charge is waived for the pricing component.

Debit currency

The system displays the currency in which the charge amount is debited for the pricing component. This is the currency of the debit (originator) account.

Debit amount

The system displays the charge amount in debit currency to be debited. This amount is different from the calculated Pricing amount if the debit currency is different from the Pricing Currency. The Debit amount for charges is calculated by converting the Pricing amount in Pricing Currency to Debit currency using specified Exchange Rate type in Pricing Code maintenance.


This field if checked indicates that the charges are not collected during transaction processing but their liquidation is deferred based on customer preferences. Applicable only for “S” (Shared) type of charges..

Borne By Bank

This field if checked indicates that the charges are borne by bank.

3.2.4 FI Information

Click ‘FI Information’ tab to specify the FI Information details:

Specify the following details

:6100:Receiver FI Information

Specify the information for the Receiver FI in the lines provided.

:6110:Drawdown Debit Account Advice Information

Advice Code

Select the Advice Code for Drawdowns from the drop down list. The options are LTR, PHN, TLX and WRE.

Additional Information

Specify additional information on the Advice.

:6200:Intermediary FI Information

Specify the information for the Intermediary FI in the lines provided.

:6210:Intermediary FI Advice Information

Advice Code

Select the appropriate value of the Intermediary FI Advice from the drop down list. The options are LTR, PHN, TLX and WRE.

Additional Information

Specify additional information on the Advice.

:6300:Beneficiary's FI Information

Specify the Beneficiary FI Information in the lines provided.

:6310:Beneficiary's FI Advice Information

Advice Code

Select the appropriate value from the drop down list. The options are LTR, PHN, TLX and WRE. After selecting the option, you may specify additional information in the lines provided.

Additional Information

Specify additional information on the Advice.

:6400:Beneficiary's FI Information

Specify the information for the Beneficiary in the lines provided.

:6410:Beneficiary's FI Advice Information

Advice Code

Select the Advice Code for the Beneficiary Advice from the drop down list. The options are LTR, PHN, TLX and WRE.

Additional Information

Specify additional information on the Advice.

:6420:Method of Payment to Beneficiary

Method of payment

Specify the method of payment. CHECK’ is the only valid option that can be input.

Additional Information

Specify additional information on the method of payment.

:6500:FI to FI Information

Specify the FI to FI Information in the lines provided.

3.2.5 Additional Tab

Click ‘Additional’ tab to capture the additional details:

Specify the following details:

Additional Details

:3320:Sender's Reference

Specify the Sender’s Reference.

:3610:Local Instrument Code

Select the local Instrument Code from the drop down list. The available values are ANSI, COVS, GXML, IXML, NARR, PROP, RMTS, RRMT, S820, SWIFand UEDI.

Proprietary Code

Specify a Proprietary Code if the Local Instrument Code element selected is PROP.

:4320:Reference for Beneficiary

Specify the reference details for beneficiary.

:4000:Intermediary FI

ID Code

Select the required ID Code from the drop down list. The available values are B, C, D, U and F.


Specify the Identifier details of the Intermediary for the selected ID Code.


Specify the name of the Intermediary.

Address 1 to 3

Specify the address of the Intermediary in the lines provided.

:5200:Instructing FI

ID Code

Specify the required ID Code from the drop down list. The available values are B, C, D, U and F.


Specify the Identifier details for the selected ID code.


Specify the name of the Instructing FI.

Address 1 to 3

Specify the address of the Instructing in the lines provided.

:6000:Originator to Benefiary Information

Specify the Originator to Beneficiary details in the lines provided.

:8250:Related Remittance Information

Remittance Identification

Specify the Remittance Identification details.

Remittance Location Method

Specify the Remittance Location Method details.

Remittance Location Electronic Address

Specify the Remittance Location Electronic Address details.


Specify the name as mentioned in the Remittance Information.

Address Type

Specify the Address Type which should be one of the following allowed values - ADDR, BIZZ, DLVY, HOME, MLTO and PBOX.


Specify the associated department details.

Sub Department

Specify the associated sub department details.

Street Name

Specify the Street Name.

Building Number

Specify the Building Number.


Specify the address.

3.2.6 Remittance Information Tab

Click ‘Remittance Information’ tab to capture the information on Remittance:

Specify the following details:

:8300:Remittance Originator

:8300:Remittance Originator Identification Type

Select the Originator Identification Type from the drop down.

Identification Code

Specify the Identification Code.


Specify the name of the Remittance Originator.

Identification Number

Specify the Identification Number Issuer of the identification.

Identification Number Issuer

Specify the Identification Number Issuer.

Date & Place Of Birth

Specify the Originator’s date of birth and place of birth.

Address Type

Specify the address type, which should be one of the following allowed values - ADDR, BIZZ, DLVY, HOME, MLTO and PBOX.


Specify the department.


Specify the address details.

:8350:Remittance Beneficiary


Specify the name of the Beneficiary of the remittance.

Identification Type

Specify the Identification Type of the Beneficiary.

Identification Code

Specify the Identification Code of the Beneficiary as per the selected Identification type.

Identification Number

Specify the Identification Number of the beneficiary.

Identification Number Issuer

Specify the beneficiary’s Identification Number Issuer.

Date & Place Of Birth

Specify the beneficiary’s date of birth and place of birth.

Address Type

Select the address type from the drop down, which should be one of the following allowed values - ADDR, BIZZ, DLVY, HOME, MLTO and PBOX.


Specify the department.


Specify the address details.

:8400:Primary Remittance Document Information

Document Type Code

Select the code to specify the document type from the drop down list.

Proprietary Document Type Code

Specify a Proprietary Document Type Code if the Document Type Code selected is PROP.

Document Identification Number

Specify the Document Identification Number


Specify the Isuser of the document.

:8450:Actual Amount Paid

Currency Code

Specify the currency code of the actual amount remitted.


Specify the actual amount remitted.

:8500:Gross Amount of Remittance Document

Document Currency Code

Specify the currency code of the gross amount remitted as mentioned in the Remittance Document.


Specify the gross amount remitted.

:8550:Amount of Negotiated Discount

Discount Currency Code

Specify the currency code of the negotiated discount for the amount payable.


Specify the discounted amount.

:8600:Adjustment Information

Adjustment Reason Code

Specify the adjustment reason code from the drop-down.

Credit Debit Indicator

Specify if the adjustment is done for credit or debit.

Currency Code

Specify the currency code of the adjustment amount.


Specify the discounted amount.

Additional Information

Specify any other related information.

:8700:Secondary Remittance Document Information

Document Type Code

Select the code to specify the document type from the drop down list.

Proprietary Document Type Code

Specify a Proprietary Document Type Code if the Document Type Code selected is PROP.

Document Identification Number

Specify the Document Identification Number


Specify the Issuer of the Secondary Remittance Document document.

:8750:Remittance Free text

Specify any remarks on the remittance in the free text format in the lines provided.

3.2.7 Viewing Fedwire Incoming Summary

You can view the summary in “Fedwire Incoming Summary” screen. You can invoke the “Fedwire Incoming Summary” screen by typing ‘PWSITONL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for the records using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria. You can view the following details in here:

3.2.8 Fedwire Incoming View Screen

You can view the details of an Incoming Fedwire transaction in the “Fedwire Incoming View” Screen You can invoke the “Fedwire Incoming View” screen by typing ‘PWDIVIEW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The following tabs are visible in the View Screen: Please refer to the fields details from Section 2.2.2 to Section 2.2.6.


You can view the Main details of the Fedwire Incoming transaction.


You can view the pricing details of the Fedwire Incoming transaction.

FI Information

You can view the FI Information details of the Fedwire Incoming transaction.


You can view the Additional details of the Fedwire Incoming transaction.

Remittance Information

You can view the Remittance Information details of the Fedwire Incoming transaction.

Accounting Entries

You can view the Accounting Entries of the Fedwire Incoming transaction.

In addition to these tabs, the following links are available that opens a separate sub screen.

3.2.9 All Messages

Click the “All Messages” link in the View screen to invoke this sub-screen.


The system displays the following details in a grid form containing one or multiple rows

Contract Reference

Displays the contract (transaction) reference number.


Displays the unique DCN number assigned by the system to each generated message.

Message Type

Displays the system defined message type e.g. Cust_Transfer, Cover etc.

SWIFT Message Type

Specify the SWIFT message type of the generated message e.g. MT103, MT202COV etc.


Displays if the message is outgoing or incoming.


Displays the message generation date.

Message Status

The system displays the message status. e.g. Hand-off, Repair etc.

Test Status

The system displays the Test status of the message, which would generally be “Not Applicable”.

Authorization Status

The system displays the authorization status. i.e. Authorized or Unauthorized. For incoming messages which fall into Repair or a user defined queue, this status may be “Unauthorized” if the message has been manually repaired and awaiting authorization.

Acknowledgment Status

The system displays whether Acknowledgement from SWIFT (ACK/NAK) is required or not for the outgoing SWIFT message. This value is displayed based on the message level configuration.


The system displays the media of the message which is “SWIFT”.


Displays the Customer ID of the Receiver of an outgoing SWIFT message or of the Sender of an incoming SWIFT message.

Receiver Name

Displays the name of the receiver or sender.

PDE Flag

Displays if PDE trailer is included in the incoming or outgoing message. Message Details

You can select a particular message in the All Messages summary sub-screen (explained above) and view the message details in this screen.

Displays the following details for the selected message.

Reference Number

Specify the transaction reference number.


The system displays DCN of the message.

ESN/Version Number

The system displays the version number of the message.


The system displays receiver/sender of the message.

Message Type

The system displays system defined message type.

SWIFT Message Type

The system displays SWIFT message type.


The system displays details of the actual message including BIC and Name and Address details of the Sender and Receiver as well as the fields and values populated in the message body.


Specify a comments or remarks for the message.

Reject Reason

The system displays the reject reason code.

Message Trailers

The system displays the message trailers.

3.2.10 Accounting Entries

During payment transaction processing, the accounting entries whose for which hand -off status is pending are posted to a JMS Queue. Once these entries are posted in the queue, the status is updated as handed off.

If the Accounting system and the ECA system are not the same, an update is sent to the ECA system as well while doing the accounting handoff. Any amount block in the customer account done during External credit approval can be released on receiving accounting update.

Click the “Accounting Entries” tab in the view screen to invoke the screen

The system displays the following details in a grid form that contains accounting entries in multiple rows:

Reference Number

Displays the Transaction reference number.

Event Code

Displays the Accounting event code.


The system displays the transaction account number that is debited or credited in the accounting entry.

Account Branch

The system displays the account branch.

TRN Code

The system populates the transaction code of the accounting entry from the Account Template maintenance.


The system displays whether the accounting entry is ‘debit’ or ‘credit’ leg.

Amount Tag

The system displays the amount tag of the Amount being debited/credited.

Account Currency

The system displays the transaction account currency.

Transaction Amount

The system displays the transaction amount being debited/credited.


The system displays if Netting of accounting entries is required.

Offset Account

The system displays the Offset Account of the accounting entry for posting the offset debit/credit.

Offset Account Branch

The system displays the Offset Account Branch.

Offset TRN Code

The system displays the Offset Transaction Code from the Account Template maintenance.

Offset Amount Tag

The system displays the Offset Amount Tag of the Offset amount.

Offset Currency

The system displays the Offset Amount Currency.

Offset Amount

The system displays the Offset Amount being debited or credited.

Offset Netting

The system displays if the Offset Netting is required.