4 System Management

You must perform occasional system maintenance tasks on DIVAdirector. The tasks are completed on an as needed basis and include database synchronization editing, storage management, data and resource management, account management, and so on.

This chapter describes occasional maintenance and includes the following information:

Database Synchronization Management

You added database synchronization filters in your initial DIVAdirector configuration (see Synchronization Filtering). You can update or remove existing filters as necessary. You can edit, enable, disable, or remove filters from the synchronization filter list.

Use the following procedure to edit an existing synchronization filter:

  1. Select the filter and click the Pencil icon to enter the Edit screen.

  2. You can now make any necessary changes to the filter

  3. Click the Check icon to save your changes.

Use the following procedure to enable or disable a synchronization filter:

  1. Select the filter and click the Pencil icon to enter the Edit screen.

  2. Either select the Enable check box to enable the filter, or deselect the check box to disable the filter.

  3. Click the Check icon to save your changes.

Use the following procedure to remove a synchronization filter from the filter list:

  1. Locate the filter you want to remove in the list.

  2. Click the red X icon on the right side of the filter entry.

  3. The filter is now removed from the list.

Proxy Storage Management

You will check storage capacities during your daily system monitoring. Eventually you will have to add, reconfigure, remove storage locations, (see Configuring the Proxy Storage Location) or rearrange storage search priority. At times you may have to migrate data from one storage location to another for various reasons, such as replacing a storage location, making more storage space available, and so on.

You will also need to check for the Legacy Storage Migration progress when you upgrade from a DIVAdirector 5.3 and below. To find the migration progress and a checkbox to enable the storage migration, go to Admin, System, Storage Locations. These are only visible if there are eligible proxies to migrate.

User Data and Resource Management

Users have the ability to make their private data public so other users can see it including queries, Work Bins and Shot Lists. After a user makes a resource public, you are the only user who can change it back to private again. If a user requests a status change for one of their resources or if you suspect unauthorized access to data, you can make public resources private as appropriate for the situation.

Making a Public Resource Private


If you select the Make Private menu item, the selected resources become private without additional confirmation.

You manage public resources such as queries, Work Bins and Shot Lists on the Admin, System, Public Resources screen. Any item made public by a user can only be made private again by you from this page. Information about public resources such as resource name, type, user who created the resource, creation time, and time when resource was made public, is displayed on this screen. When you delete a user who owns one or more public resources from the system, the admin user automatically becomes the owner of those public resources.

You can select one or more resources to make private and use the following procedure to change the resource from public to private:

  1. To select multiple items simultaneously, press (and hold) the Control key, and click (once) on each resource with the mouse.

  2. To select a range of resources, press (and hold) the Shift key, click the first, and then the last resource in the range. All items in the range will be highlighted.

  3. Right-click the selection and select the Make Private context menu item to make the selected resources private.

Account Management

During normal operations you will eventually have to manage organization, group and user accounts. The following sections cover modifying and removing accounts. To add new accounts see Account Configuration.

Managing Organizations

Typically an organization will not need modification or deletion. However, there are instances when a company reorganization may require you to add, change, or delete an organization. See Adding an Organization for instructions on adding organizations.

Modifying an Existing Organization

Use the following procedure to modify an existing organization:


Changes cannot be reset after they are saved. To make additional changes or corrections after saving modifications you must go through the organization modification procedure again, and then save the changes again.
  1. Navigate to the Admin, Users, Organizations screen.

  2. Select the organization to modify from the Organization list.

  3. Modify the organization's properties as required.

  4. Click Save on the top right side of the screen to apply the changes.

Deleting an Organization

Use the following procedure to delete an existing organization:

  1. Navigate to the Admin, Users, Organizations screen.

  2. Select the organization to delete from the Organization list.

  3. After you select the organization, click Delete on the top right side of the screen.

  4. Click OK in the resulting dialog box to confirm the deletion.

Managing Groups

Eventually you will have to add, modify, or delete groups during normal operations. Modifications could include changing user roles within the group, changing the group name, changing content filters, and so on. See Adding a Group for instructions on adding groups.

Modifying an Existing Group

Use the following procedure to modify an existing group:

  1. Navigate to the Admin, Users, Groups screen.

  2. Select the group name to be modified from the Group list.

  3. As necessary, modify the group name in the Group Name field, the group permissions in the Privileges area, and the filters in the Content Filter area. Content filters are discussed in Content Filters.

  4. Click Save on the top right side of the screen to apply the changes.

Deleting an Existing Group

You are a member of the SystemAdmins group. You, and other users authorized by you, are members of the Admin group. You have full control of the system. Your account must always be available and therefore these two groups can never be deleted. If deletion of these groups is attempted a warning message is displayed. You should immediately check the security of the system.

A group cannot be deleted unless it has no active members. If you attempt to delete a group with active members an error is displayed notifying you that there are active users in the group.

Use the following procedure to delete an existing group with no active users:

  1. Navigate to the Admin, Users, Groups screen.

  2. Select the group name to delete from the Group list.

  3. Click Delete on the top right side of the screen.

  4. Click OK in the resulting dialog box to confirm the deletion.

Managing User Accounts

During normal operations you will have to add, modify, or delete user accounts. This includes removing users who no longer require access to the system, employees who are no longer with the company, users who change departments (groups or organizations), and so on. User account modification includes changing email addresses, resetting passwords (if they forgot their password), changing user mailing addresses, and so on. See Adding a User for instruction on adding users.

Modifying an Existing User

Use the following procedure to modify an existing user account:


Changes cannot be reset after they are saved. To make additional changes or corrections after saving modifications, you must go through the user modification procedure again, and then save the changes again.
  1. Navigate to the Admin, Users, User screen.

  2. Select the user to be modified from the User list. The fields will either be filled in or empty depending upon the information previously entered when the user was created or last modified.

  3. Modify the user's properties as required.

  4. Click Save on the top right side of the screen to apply the changes.

Deleting a User

Use the following procedure to delete an existing user. Deleted users are not removed from the database and can be restored if deleted by mistake. To restore a deleted user contact Oracle Support for assistance. The last user in the SystemAdmins group can never be deleted.

  1. Navigate to the Admin, Users, User screen.

  2. Select the user account to be removed from the User list.

  3. To remove the user click Delete on the top right side of the screen.

Search Management

You can add, update, or delete search metadata at any time. You added search metadata, defined content filters, and assigned metadata publishing roles during the initial system configuration. All modification and deletion of metadata entries occur on the Admin, Metadata screen. See Adding a Metadata Entry for instructions on adding search metadata.

Metadata Column Manager

The Admin, Metadata screen contains a table with metadata entries for both base and object metadata. Each row is a different metadata entry called a Metadata Column and displays the entry's parameters in the appropriate table column.

You add, remove, edit, and reorder Metadata Columns for on-screen display in the Metadata Column Manager table. Certain rows, such as the parameters from DIVArchive and Proxy Metadata, are predefined, will be always present in the table, and cannot be deleted.

You can change the order of the entries by dragging and dropping the row to another position to complete the repositioning.

Check boxes display the state of each entry, and you select or deselect the check boxes to enable or disable the different states.


Hidden - when selected the entry will not appear on the Metadata screen.


Read Only - when selected the entry will appear in the Metadata screen but cannot be modified.


Search Results - when selected the entry will appear in the Search Results List view mode.


Tooltip - when selected the entry will appear in the Tooltips.

Editing a Metadata Entry

Use the following procedure to edit a Metadata Column:

  1. Navigate to the Admin, Metadata screen.

  2. Locate the metadata entry to edit.

  3. Click the Pencil icon in the first table column of the entry row.

    The selected row is highlighted in the table and all parameters of the selected entry are displayed for editing.

  4. When you are finished editing the entry, click the Check icon to save the changes or click the X icon to cancel the changes.

Deleting a Metadata Entry

Use the following procedure to delete a metadata entry:

  1. Navigate to the Admin, Metadata screen.

  2. Locate the metadata entry to delete.

  3. Select the entry's row.

  4. Click Delete on the top right side of the screen.

  5. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box to delete the entry.

Session Management

The Session Management screen displays information about which users are currently online and which users are not logged in (offline). Each user can log in from only one location (browser session) at a time. User log in sessions have an inactivity timeout of one hour.

Currently logged in users can only see other logged in users and logged off statuses if the user's group visibility allows access to this function. For example, if the current user belongs to a group that does not have visibility of other groups, then only users within the same group are visible on the Session Management screen. The only exception is that users in the SystemAdmins group can always see all other users.

Use the following procedure to monitor user sessions, sort the table rows, and log off online users (if necessary):

  1. Navigate to the Admin, Session Management screen.

    Online users are displayed at the top of the screen and offline users at the bottom of the screen.

  2. For display purposes, you can click the table header columns to sort the rows.

  3. To log the user off from the system, right-click an online user and then select Sign out user from the context menu.

Administrator's Message

The Message screen allows (only) you to add, change, or delete a message displayed to all users of the system when they log in. There are three types of the messages:

  • Announcement (this is the default)

  • Warning

  • Alert

Use the following procedure to add or update the system message:

  1. Navigate to the Admin, Users, Messages screen.

  2. Select the type of message from the Type list.

  3. Enter the message text in the Message field.

  4. Click Save on the top right side of the screen to save the message.

Configuration for ShuttlePro V2 or ShuttleXpress Control Pads

You install and configure Contour's control pad on your user's client computer. The ShuttlePro V2 or ShuttleXpress Control Pads are set up and configured by running the installer program supplied with the software and using the default selections.

When installation is complete, copy the Shuttle configuration file for the appropriate operating systems:

Windows 7

Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\DIVAdirector 5\Support\etc\Pref file - Windows\SDIshuttle.pref to C:\Program Data\Contour Design.


Windows requires privileges to show hidden files in the Folder Settings to see the path.

Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\DIVAdirector 5\Support\etc\Pref file - Mac\com.contourdesign.shuttle.prefs to ~/Library/Preferences/.

After you have completed setup of the Shuttle Control, you must set the focus to the player (click once in the player area) before the Shuttle Control can be used.

In the next chapter you will find troubleshooting and disaster recovery procedures.