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Siebel CRM Siebel Mobile Guide: Connected
Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, Rev. A
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Managing Orders for Siebel Consumer Goods

An order is a commitment on the part of the customer to purchase products and services at a specific price. It can be generated from a quote or created directly by a sales person, call center agent, and sales administrator.

The following procedures related to orders and order management are included in this topic:

Creating Sales Orders

Complete the following procedure to create a sales order.

To create a sales order 

  1. Navigate to the Call Items view.

    Tap Side Menu and then tap Calls Items to display the following.

    • Call details and activities in the main pane.

    • Summary call details in the side pane.

  2. Navigate to the call that you want using the navigation arrows in the main pane.

    All activities for the call appear after the call details in the main pane.

  3. Create a new record activity, of type Retail Order, as follows:

    1. Tap New (the plus (+) icon) next to Activity in the main pane.

    2. Enter the information for the activity in the fields that appear, and then save the record.

      • In the Type field, select Retail Order from the drop-down menu.

      • In the Description field, type in a description for the retail order.

    3. Tap Start Activity.

      A new retail order is created.

    4. Drill down on the Retail Order link in the Type field to open the retail order in the Orders view.

  4. In the Orders view, enter the order details by creating line items as follows:

    1. Tap New (the plus (+) icon next) to Line Items in the main pane.

    2. Enter the information for the order line item in the fields that appear, and then save the record.

      The products available in the Products drop-down menu are taken from the distribution list for the particular account.

  5. When the order is complete, tap Invoice to create an invoice for the order.

    For more information, see "Creating Invoices for Orders" and "Booking Orders".

  6. End the (Retail Order) activity as follows:

    • Go back to the Call Items view.

    • Navigate to the call, and then and select the activity that you want to end.

    • Tap End Activity in the main pane.

    When finished with a particular activity, you typically end the activity. For example, after you create an invoice for the activity, obtain a printout of the activity, and capture a signature for the activity, then you can end the activity.

Displaying Order Details

You can display order details by using the Orders view.

To display order details 

  1. Tap Side Menu and then tap Orders to display the following:

    • The Orders list and details in the main pane or work area.

    • The calendar in the side pane showing the call scheduling information.

  2. Drill down on a link in the Order Number field to open that order record.

    All line items associated with the order appear in the main pane.

    You can perform the following tasks from this view:

Modifying Order Details

You can modify order details by using the Orders view.

To display order details 

  1. Tap Side Menu and then tap Orders to display the following:

    • The Orders list and details in the main pane or work area.

    • The calendar in the side pane showing the call scheduling information.

  2. To update an existing order, tap the record field that you want to update in the main pane, and update the field value.

    You must navigate away from the record to save your changes to it.

  3. Create a new order as follows:

    1. Tap New (the plus (+) icon) in the main pane.

    2. Enter the information for the new order in the fields that appear, and then save the record.

      The following table describes some of the order fields.

      Field Name Description
      Order Date Displays the date the order was created.
      Order Number Displays the order number.
      Type Displays the order type, such as, RMA Return and RMA Exchange.
      Status Displays the status of the order. For example: Pending, New, Open, Booked, In-Transit, Shipped, Billed, Active, Paid, Closed, and so on.
      Account Select an account to associate the order to.
      Location Displays the account's site location. This field fills in after you choose an account.
      Price List Select a price list to associate with the order.
      Tax List Select a tax list to associate with the order.
      Priority Select a priority (High, Medium, Low, Urgent) for he order.
      Discount Percent Select a discount to associate with the order if applicable.

Modifying Line Item Information for Orders

Complete the following procedure to modify the order detail (line item) information for an order.

To modify the line item information for an order 

  1. Tap Side Menu and then tap Orders to display the following:

    • The Orders list and details in the main pane.

    • The calendar in the side pane showing the call scheduling information.

  2. Drill down on a link in the Order Number field to open that order record.

    All line items associated with the order appear in the main pane.

  3. To update an existing order line item, tap the record field that you want to update, and then update the field value.

  4. Create a new order line item as follows:

    1. Tap New (the plus (+) icon) next to Line Items in the main pane.

    2. Enter the information for the new order line item in the fields that appear, and then save the record.

Creating Invoices for Orders

Complete the following procedure to create an invoice for an order in the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Consumer Goods.

To create an invoice for an order  

  1. Tap Side Menu and then tap Orders to display the following:

    • The Orders list and details in the main pane.

    • The calendar in the side pane showing call scheduling information.

  2. Drill down on a link in the Order Number field to open that order record.

    All line items associated with the order appear in the main pane.

  3. Tap Invoice in the main pane to create an invoice for the order.

    When you tap Invoice, each order line item is checked to see whether there is sufficient stock available to fulfill the order. If insufficient stock is available to fulfill the order, then an error message similar to the following appears:

    The quantity of Product <name> you ordered exceeds the number in stock. The maximum quantity you can order is <n>.

    If sufficient stock is available to fulfill the order, then the following happen:

    • Each order line is checked to verify that the total does not exceed the available credit. If the order total is greater than the available credit, then a warning message appears stating same.

    • The value in the Status field for the order changes to Billed.

    • All line items of zero-quantity are removed.

    • An invoice is created for the order.

Booking Orders

Complete the following procedure to book an order, which means that the order is booked but not billed. Invoices for the order will be processed at a later date.

To book an order 

  1. Tap Side Menu and then tap Orders to display the following:

    • The Orders list and details in the main pane.

    • The calendar in the side pane showing the call scheduling information.

  2. Drill down on a link in the Order Number field to open that order record.

    All line items associated with the order appear in the main pane.

  3. Tap Book in the main pane to book the order.

    The value in the Status field for the order changes to Booked.

  4. (Optional) Tap Open to open and review the details of the booked order.

    A booked order has not been billed yet (that is, no invoice has been created for it).

Printing Orders

Complete the following procedure to print an order in the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Consumer Goods.


The print capability in the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Consumer Goods is built using third-party open source embedded javascript (http://embeddedjs.com) and uses MIT licensing. For more information, see "MIT License".

To print an order 

  1. Tap Side Menu and then tap Orders to display the following:

    • The Orders list and details in the main pane.

    • The calendar in the side pane showing the call scheduling information.

  2. Drill down on a link in the Order Number field to open that order record.

    All line items associated with the order appear in the main pane.

  3. Tap Print Preview to preview the order details.

  4. Tap Print to print the return order.