Desktop Integration Siebel Agent Guide > DISA Supported Features > Web Notifications for Siebel CTI >

Web Notifications Functionality

Login in to the Siebel application, bring up the communications panel, and open the CTI session. When Siebel application browser is minimized or hidden behind other application windows, a notification alert window pops up when a new call comes in and the Siebel application comes up to the front.

The web visual notifications display in the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Working on one browser one chat:

When working on one browser, in this case the Siebel application, a notification appears.

You can either close the notification and continue with the work or click on the notification pop-up window to go to the Siebel application. The chat icon flashes. You can accept the chat and start chatting with the support agent.

Scenario 2: Working on two browsers one chat:

While working on another browser tab and Siebel application browser is minimized, when a notification arrives, it appears on the active browser.

On clicking on the notification, the Siebel application comes to the front. The chat icon flashes and the title bar switches between Incoming Interaction and Service Request Activities.

You can either close the notification and continue with your work or click on the notification pop-up window to go to the Siebel application where you can accept the chat and start chatting with the support agent.

Scenario 3: Working on multiple chat requests in the same browser:

With multiple incoming call, multiple notifications display together.

Agents can do the following:

  • Close all the notification windows and continue with their work.
  • Go to the Siebel application by clicking on one notification. On clicking one notification, all the other notifications also close and the Siebel application opens.
  • If multiple chat requests flash, click for each request and begin the chats simultaneously.
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