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About the Server Request Broker

The Server Request Broker (SRBroker) server component processes both synchronous and asynchronous server requests.

  • Synchronous server requests are requests that must be run immediately, and for which the calling process waits for completion.
  • Asynchronous server requests are requests for which the calling process does not wait for completion.

SRBroker can run server requests on any Siebel Server in the Siebel Enterprise. For example, if SRBroker is unable to run a server request on the local Siebel Server because the required component is not enabled, then SRBroker finds another Siebel Server that is hosting the required component and runs it there. SRBroker runs by default on all of the Siebel Servers.

SRBroker decides where to run a server request using the following criteria:

  • If the required component is available locally, then SRBroker runs the task locally.
  • If the required component is not available locally, then SRBroker identifies any Siebel Servers in the same Enterprise that have the component online. Server requests are submitted to each of these Siebel Servers in turn (a round-robin algorithm).
  • If the required component is not available anywhere in the Enterprise, then the server request fails.

The SRBroker component helps provide resilient processing. As long as the required component is running on a Siebel Server somewhere in the Enterprise, then the server request can be processed. For more information about resilient processing, see About Resilient Processing.

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