Business Processes and Rules: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Data Mapping Using the Siebel Data Mapper > Creating Data Maps >

Creating Integration Component Maps

Once you have defined a data map (see Creating New Data Maps), you need to set up the mapping between the components and the fields within the objects you have mapped. You do this using the Data Map Editor form. The Integration Object Editor list displays existing object maps and provides views in which you can define maps for components and for fields. You use the Integration Component Map view to create integration component maps.

To define integration component maps

  1. Navigate to Administration - Integration, then Data Map Editor.
  2. In the Integration Object Map list, select the map for which you want to define integration component maps.
  3. Create a new record in the Integration Component Map list.
  4. Provide the following fields.
    • Name. Name of the map you are creating.
    • Source Component Name. The component where you are getting the data.
    • Target Component Name. The component where you want to store the data.
    • Source Search Specification (optional). The search criteria based on which the records are filtered. See Source Search Specification for details.
    • Parent Component Map Name (optional). The parent component field is used when there is a mapping to two target components that share multiple parent components. You can exclude data from one of these child objects by choosing a parent component.
    • Precondition (optional). See Preconditions for details.
    • Postcondition (optional). See Postconditions for details.
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