Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Importing Data >

Import Data Process Flow

This section describes the general process flow that you must follow to import data into the Siebel database using EIM.

NOTE:  Running an import process can be a substantial effort that may require the time of key personnel, as well as significant resources.

  1. Identify and validate the data to be imported. To perform this task, you must:
    • Determine the data to load and whether it already exists in another database. You should review existing data for completeness. For example, the Siebel database may require both an area code and a telephone number, while your existing database may not.
    • Determine the number of opportunities, contacts, and accounts you plan to import. This information assists you in estimating the time and resources required to import, process, and store your data.

      NOTE:  If the data exists in a database that uses a different character set, the import process does not work properly until you recreate the database.

  2. Identify the column mappings and user key columns of the data to be imported. To perform this task, you must:
    • Identify the mapping between the data and Siebel base columns. For information on Siebel base table columns, see Siebel Data Model Reference on My Oracle Support.
    • Identify the EIM table columns that map to these base table columns. To view mappings between EIM table columns and base table columns, see EIM Table and Column Mappings.
    • Identify the user key columns and make sure they are populated uniquely. For information on user key columns, see Siebel Data Model Reference on My Oracle Support.
  3. Make sure that your hardware and software environments are ready. Before you use Siebel EIM tables to import data, the Siebel application must be properly installed.

    Work with your Siebel representative and MIS personnel to verify that the required hardware and software resources are available. For information about resource requirements, see Importing Large Databases.

  4. Back up your existing database. Before undertaking any significant change—such as installing a new application, importing data, or upgrading an installed application—you should first perform a comprehensive backup of your database. This facilitates an easy recovery if problems occur.
  5. Copy file attachments to the Siebel Server subdirectory named "input." If you want to import file attachments, you can:
    • Copy the files to the input subdirectory under the Siebel Server root directory.
    • Store file attachments in the location specified in the ATTACHMENT DIRECTORY .IFB file header parameter.

      Siebel EIM tables support all file attachment formats, including common file types such as Word documents (.doc), Excel spreadsheets (.xls), and text files (.txt). For information on file attachment columns, see File Attachment Columns.

  6. Load and verify the EIM tables. Your database administrator can use a database tool provided with your RDBMS (such as SQL*Loader, Bulk Copy Utility, or dbload) to copy data from your existing database to the Siebel EIM tables.

    NOTE:  Siebel EIM tables contain several special columns that must be populated before rows can be imported. For more information, see EIM Table Columns.

    • After the EIM tables are loaded, check the number of loaded rows against your existing database to make sure that the appropriate rows were loaded.
    • Check the contents of several rows to make sure that the tables are ready for the import process.

      For information on preparing the EIM tables for data import, see Preparing the EIM Tables for Import Processing.

  7. Edit the EIM configuration file (default.ifb). This file customizes the behavior of EIM by defining the data you will import and identifying the batch number to use.

    For information on editing the EIM configuration file for data import, see Using the EIM Configuration File to Define a Process.

  8. Test your import process. Run a small test batch (perhaps 100 records) to verify that the EIM tables load correctly, and that the correct parameters are set in the configuration file and on the srvrmgr command line.

    For information on testing your import process, see Siebel Performance Tuning Guide.

  9. Run the import process. Although your batch sizes depend on the volume of data you must import, consider using multiple smaller batches (1,000 to 5,000 rows) rather than one large batch. Smaller batches place fewer demands on resources. Also, when using smaller batches, the fixing of problems is simpler. If a batch is not imported correctly, it is easier to isolate the condition, correct it, and rerun the batch.

    For more information on this step, see Running an Import Process.

  10. Verify results. EIM provides several diagnostic tools that let you verify the success of import processing. For information on these tools, see Checking Import Results.

You must test and run the import process and verify the results for each batch you are importing. If an import process failure occurs, see Troubleshooting Import Processing Failures for descriptions of problems that can cause failures.

EIM provides comprehensive status information about each import process. When a process ends, you should review the information as described in Checking Import Results.

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