Siebel Global Deployment Guide > Configuring Global Deployments >

Setting Up Global Data

Global data is master data that is configured to display in the current application language. For example, a Siebel Call Center user accessing an FRA application would see data in French, while another user accessing a DEU application would see the same data in German.

To set up global data for your global deployment, follow steps similar to those in the example tasks in this topic.

Example for Enabling Global Data

The following sample task describes how to use the Opportunity Product business component to enable the Product Description field as global data.

To enable global data (example)

  1. In Siebel Tools or Siebel Web Tools, check out and lock the Opportunity Product project.
  2. In the Object Explorer, navigate to Business Component.
  3. In the Name field, perform a query for Opportunity Product.
  4. In the Object Explorer, navigate to Join and add the following record:





    Outer Join


  5. In the Object Explorer, select Join, then Join Specification, and add the following record:



    Destination Column


    Source Field

    Product Id

  6. In the Object Explorer, select Join, then Join Constraint, and add the following record:



    Destination Column



    One of the following values:

    • Language() corresponds to the value of the Language Code parameter.
    • LOVLanguage() is the language currently used for LOVs. It might correspond to the value of the Language Code parameter or to the Preferred Language setting for the current user.

    NOTE:  LOVLanguage() is designed to work with the multilingual outbound communication functionality. Language() does not work with this functionality.

  7. In the Object Explorer, navigate to Field.
  8. In the Name field, perform a query for Product Description.
  9. Change the Join to S_PROD_INT_LANG and the Column mapping to DESC_TEXT.

Translating Globally Enabled Fields

The following sample task describes how to translate a globally enabled field, using the Product Description field from the preceding sample procedure as an example.

To translate a globally enabled field

  1. Expose the view that contains the field that you want to translate.

    NOTE:  In the example provided previously in this topic, the view would already be exposed, because Products is an object that is global-data ready.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Products view.
  3. In the Products list, select a product that you want to translate.
  4. In the More Info form, on the link bar, click Translations.
  5. Enter the translated names and language codes for the product.
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