Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Creating Source Code and Vendor Profiles >

About Source Codes

Siebel Marketing uses source code capabilities with exported lists, for proper campaign tracking and reporting. The source code format can include encoded information about each customer or prospect based on any business component field. You can also define and maintain multiple formats for use in different campaign scenarios. After you start the campaign, the source codes assigned to each customer can be captured as part of the response and decoded for closed-loop tracking.

Siebel Marketing supports the assignment of source codes to each contact in a campaign. A source code appears to the customer as a seemingly indecipherable mix of alphanumeric characters that typically can be found on a mailer. Marketers, however, can gather a wealth of information about the demographic makeup of the consumer responding to an offer, as well as the particulars of the marketing campaign that delivered the promotion, by decoding the source code.

In a typical scenario, a customer contacts a company's call center to place an order for merchandise or ask questions about an item advertised in a catalog. During the first few minutes of the call, the representative asks the customer to read the code that appears on the catalog's label or order form. Depending on the information received, the call center representative can be authorized to present to the customer a better offer on the merchandise than the one in the catalog.

The call center representative can also capture the customer's source code to make sure that the marketing organization can make the link that this customer is responding to a direct marketing campaign.

In Siebel Marketing, a unique source code is assigned to a marketing program element each time an element is created. Marketing program elements include program, stages, segments, campaigns, and waves.

NOTE:  When marketing programs, segments, and campaigns are created, Siebel Marketing assigns a unique source code value to new program stages, segments, and campaigns. Although the stage or campaign's name might be duplicated, the source code field is the actual identifier. If you change the assigned source code to something more meaningful to you, make sure it is a unique value.

These individual source code components are concatenated and grouped according to the sequence and format that you specify in the Source Code Formats view to help you track your marketing program and analyze response to campaigns and offers. The source code format can contain up to 75 characters and can optionally include other tracking information.

When you load a campaign or generate source codes manually, the source code for each contact is assembled, based on the characteristics associated with the target contact in the marketing program. For example, the source code for a contact who is in Segment 1 and is in the first wave of Campaign 1 can be different from the source code for a contact who is in Segment 3 and the second wave of Campaign 1.

In addition, you can tailor the contact information that is generated for the distribution list to suit your business requirements. At minimum, a list has a contact's name or some other identifier and a source code. It can also contain an address (if you are mailing to the contact), phone number (if you are calling the contact), email address, account number, and so on.

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