Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Configuring Email Marketing > Process of Testing the Email Marketing Components with Siebel Marketing >

Confirming That Tests Function as Expected

Perform the tests in this topic to confirm that the Siebel Marketing application performed as expected.

This task is a step in Process of Testing the Email Marketing Components with Siebel Marketing.

To confirm that tests function as expected

  1. Test an email offer sent to a valid contact email address as follows:
    1. Verify that the email offer was received. Find a computer that is outside of the corporate network and has access to the valid contact's email account. Then you must access that account from the computer that is outside of the corporate network.

      Results of test. If the email offer is received, then you have confirmed the following results:

      • The Marketing Server communicates with the Email Sending Daemon.
      • The Email Sending Daemon can access the email message content and subwaves from the Marketing File System.
      • The Email Sending Daemon can send email to email accounts outside of the corporate domain using the corporate Mail Transfer Agents.
      • The email message From and Reply-To headers are correct.
    2. Click the One Click Unsub link in the email.

      A Web page that is hosted by the Click Through Daemon appears with the message, You have been unsubscribed!

      Results of test. This message confirms that you correctly configured the Click Through Daemon for the corporate firewall and it has been properly added to the Internet DNS records. Additionally, this confirms that the Marketing application has been correctly configured with the base URL for the Click Through Daemon.

    3. Click the One Click Unsub link in the email for the Web Offer link and the Event link.

      Results of test. The Web Server and Event Server base URLs are properly configured within the Marketing application.

  2. Verify campaign details:
    1. Synchronous bounce reported. Navigate to the All Contacts/Prospects Across Organizations applet for the test campaign. Verify that the invalid contact with an email address within the corporate domain is identified as a bounce.

      Results of test. The Email Sending Daemon is able to communicate with the Marketing application and can report synchronous bounces.

      NOTE:  You might need to add the Email Bounce Type and Email Bounce Reason Code columns to the visible columns shown in this applet.

    2. Asynchronous bounce reported. Navigate to the Campaign Contact/Prospect Applet-Admin applet for the test campaign. Verify that the invalid contact with an email address outside of the corporate domain is identified as a bounce.

      Results of test. The Bounce Handler Daemon can receive bounces sent from outside of the company firewall. This means the Bounce Handler Daemon's hostname is correctly configured in the Internet DNS records. The Bounce Handler Daemon is able to communicate with the Marketing Component Group and can report asynchronous bounces. The Marketing application has been correctly configured to use the Bounce Handler's hostname as the SMTP envelope from address.

    3. One Click Unsub recorded. Navigate to the Campaign Response List applet and verify that the valid contact's email address is entered here with a Response Type of One Click Unsub.

      Results of test. The Click Through Daemon can communicate with the Marketing Component Group and update the Siebel transactional database with information that it collects when an email recipient clicks on a link that it monitors.

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