Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Configuring Email Marketing > Administering Email Marketing >

Setting Up Automatic Failover for the Email Sending Daemon

Use the following procedure to designate a backup instance of the Email Sending Daemon.

To set up automatic failover for ESD

  1. Install the ESD in two separate directories (for example, ESD1 and ESD2).
  2. Configure ESD1 with the default port of 8080 and the default AJP port of 8009.
  3. Open the conf/server.xml file and uncomment the section that starts with following line:

    <Cluster className="org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster"



  4. Configure ESD2 as follows:
    1. In the conf/server.conf file, change the port to any other number (for example, 9090).
    2. Modify the HTTP/1.1 Connector port parameter:

    <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 9090 -->

    <Connector port="9090" ...........

    1. In the conf/server.conf file, change the AJP port to any port number other than 8009.
    2. Modify the AJP 1.3 Connector port parameter (for example, 9009):

    <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 9009-->

    <Connector port="9009" .....

    1. If ESD1 and ESD2 are running on the same computer or server, then you must open the install-win32-service.bat file (located in the ESD_root installation directory) and change the value of the parameter to any port number other than default value of 8096.
    2. Open the conf/server.xml file and uncomment the section that starts with following line:

    <Cluster className="org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster"



    1. In the Cluster section, change Receiver, tcpListenPort property to a value other than 4001, so that ESD2 will be identified as a unique cluster node. (for example, Update tcpListenPort to 4002).
  5. The current status of each instance of the ESD must be available to the other instance for automatic failover to occur. For this to happen, share the job status directory of each ESD instance with the other instance. The job status directory is created when you install the ESD at esd_root\state_dir.

    For each job that is submitted to ESD, a directory is created in the state_dir\mailings directory that contains a file named state0.txt. The state0.txt file stores the status of the job.

  6. Make sure you have installed Apache 2.2.3, and downloaded from

  7. Download JK 1.2 Binary for the operating system you are using from

  8. Rename to, and then place it in the Apache2/modules directory.
  9. Configure the Apache Web server and use the Apache URL as the ESD SOAP URL. Apache will act as a load balancer for both ESD nodes.
  10. Modify the apache conf/httpd.conf file and register the entry for the ESD URL as follows:

    # Load mod_jk module

    LoadModule jk_module modules/

    JkWorkersFile <point to which suppose to be same location as httpd.conf>

    # Where to put jk logs

    JkLogFile <modjk log file path>

    # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]

    JkLogLevel error

    # Select the log format

    JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "

    # JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,

    JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories

    # JkRequestLogFormat set the request format

    JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"

    # Send esd soap request to worker named worker1

    JkMount /esd/soaprpc loadbalancer

    JkMount /esd/* loadbalancer

  11. Modify the apache conf/ file by registering both ESD nodes as worker nodes, and registering ESD1 as ACTIVE and ESD2 as HOT STAND BY:

    # The advanced router LB worker


    # Define a worker using ajp13




    # Define another worker using ajp13

    worker.worker2.port= ESD1_AJP_PORT_NUMBER(9009) ESD2_IP_ADDRESS


    # Disable worker2 for all requests except failover, hot stand by


    # Define the LB worker



  12. Start the ESD and the Apache Web server in the following sequence:
    1. ESD1 Node
    2. ESD2 Node
    3. Apache (load balancer)
  13. Use the Apache URL as the ESD SOAP URL in the Marketing delivery profile:


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