Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide > Setting Up Web Marketing > Setting Up Siebel Web Marketing >

Configuring the Web Survey Daemon

This topic describes the tasks you must perform to configure the Web Survey Daemon after it is installed. After configuring the WSD, you must also configure the outbound Web service in Siebel Marketing for the Web Survey Daemon. This task is also described in this topic.

Configuring the Web Survey Daemon

Perform the steps in the following procedure to configure the WSD.

To configure the Web Survey Daemon

  1. In the Oracle database, create a new user for the Web Survey Daemon.
  2. Assign all Admin privileges to the user, and then log out.
  3. Log in as the new user and run the appropriate script for your database (for example, communicatorOracle10g.sql script). This creates all WSD tables.
  4. In the file located at WSD_HOME\webapps\websurveys\config, define the parameters shown in the following table.


    The configuration file contains driver classes for several databases.


    com123 the new WSD database user's password

    NOTE:  The password must be encrypted. To encrypt strings, make sure occam-crypto.jar is in the classpath. At the command line, type:

    java encrypt string.

    Use the output to make entries in the properties file.


    Make sure the database URL is set for the appropriate database type. Sample URLs are provided in the configuration file.


    com the new WSD database user


    Sleep time in milliseconds for the response processor daemon.


    Interval in milliseconds that the response processor is invoked.


    Max Queue size after which the response processor is invoked.


    Siebel Password for response Web Service call.


    Siebel endpoint URL for response processing.


    Siebel Username for response Web Service call.








    Directory where the queue files will be written. The default directory is WSD_home_directory\webapps\websurveys\queueing.

    You can specify a different location if you choose.

  5. (Optional) Configure advanced settings in the file.

    This is an optional but recommended system cache setting to activate the WSD's object cache. Default is true.


    This is an optional system cache setting to specify the maximum number of Java objects to keep in the Web survey's cache. Default is 9216.


    This is an optional system cache setting to specify the maximum age (in milliseconds) of objects in the cache.

    Default is 3,600,000 (one hour).


    This is an optional system cache setting to specify how often (in milliseconds) the cache is cleaned. Default is 300,000 (5 minutes).

    This is an optional (but highly recommended) respondent cache setting to activate the Web survey's object cache. Default is true.


    This is an optional respondent cache setting to specify the maximum number of respondents' answers that will be kept in the Web survey's cache. Default is 1024.


    This is an optional respondent cache setting to specify the maximum age (in milliseconds) of objects in the cache. Default is 1,200,000 (20 minutes).


    This is an optional respondent cache setting to specify how often (in milliseconds) the cache is cleaned. Default is 60,000 (1 minute).


    This is a response processor setting that adjusts the timeout of the network socket used to communicate with the response import Web Service. It prevents a socket timeout from occurring when the import Web Service needs more time to process the responses (due to resource issues or the batch size). Default is 300,000 ms.

  6. (Optional) If you are running the WSD in a load-balanced, multi-server configuration, list the base URLs of each computer in your configuration in the Multi-Server Settings section of the file. These URLs go directly to the individual computers, bypassing whatever load balancing facility you are using. Be sure to include the application context path (typically /websurvey). For example:

    #server.1 =

    #server.2 =

    #server.3 =

  7. On a Windows server, start the Siebel Web Survey Daemon service.
  8. On a UNIX server, enter and run the following command:

    ./ start

Configuring the Web Survey Outbound Web Service

Perform the steps in the following procedure to configure the Web Survey outbound Web service for the WSD.

To configure the Web survey outbound Web service for the WSD

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Web Services screen, and then the Outbound Web Services view.
  2. Configure the IP address and port for the Web Survey outbound Web service to point to the appropriate computer name and port where the WSD is running. For example:


  3. WSD Web Service security is seeded in Siebel Marketing and the WSD server. The default username is SiebelSystem. If the user password is changed in the WSD, it must also be changed for the Web Survey Daemon server in the server configuration as follows:
    1. Navigate to the Administration - Marketing screen, and then the Servers view.
    2. Query for Web Survey Daemon.
    3. Change the password and save it.
  4. (Optional) If the default port 8080 is unavailable, you can change the port by doing the following:
    1. Navigate to %CATALINA_HOME%\conf and open the server.xml file.
    2. Edit the port number in the following section:

    <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->

    <Connector port="< your port No.>" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"

    1. Restart Apache Tomcat server.
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