Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Financial Services

What's New in This Release

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Overview of Siebel Financial Services Customer Order Management for Banking

About Siebel Financial Services Customer Order Management for Banking

Scenario for Siebel Financial Services Customer Order Management for Banking

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Setting Up Siebel Financial Services Customer Order Management for Banking

Roadmap for Setting Up Siebel Financial Services Customer Order Management for Banking

Required Tasks

Optional Tasks

Activating Workflow Processes for Siebel Financial Services Customer Order Management for Banking

Modeling the Financial Product

Using the Existing Contact and Financial Account Relationships with Siebel Financial Services Customer Order Management for Banking

Setting Up Products and Catalogs

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Managing Opportunities

About Managing Opportunities

Scenarios for Creating a New Opportunity

Scenario for Using Opportunities to Keep Track of Potential Sales

Scenario for Using Opportunities to Track Whether a Sales Deal Will Close

Process of Managing Opportunities

Creating a New Opportunity

Adding an Applicant to an Opportunity

Adding a Product to an Opportunity

Generating a Quote for an Opportunity

Enabling the Applicant Group on a Quote

Copying Applicants from an Opportunity to a Quote

Copying Applicants from a Quote to a Financial Application

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Managing Contacts

About Managing Financial Contacts

Scenario for Adding New Contacts

Process of Managing Financial Contacts

Adding Contacts

Viewing Contact Summary Information

Viewing a Financial Services Application

Suspending a Financial Account

Resuming a Financial Account

Modifying a Financial Account

Deactivating a Financial Account

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Managing Financial Service Applications

About Managing Financial Service Applications

About Using Siebel Configurator to Customize Financial Products

Process of Creating a Financial Services Application

Creating the Order for a Financial Services Application

Adding Multiple Applicants to a Financial Services Application

Applying for Financial Products from a Needs-Analysis Recommendation

Adding Financial Products to an Application by Browsing a Catalog

Collecting Identity Information

Using Siebel Configurator to Customize Financial Products

Associating Applicants and Roles with Financial Products

Submitting the Financial Application

Revising a Financial Services Application

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Managing Closing Requirements

About Closing Requirements

Generating Closing Requirements

Adding Closing Activities

Adding Templates

Adding Workflow Processes

Generating Trailing Documents

Adding Trailing Documents

Associating Literature with Trailing Documents

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