Siebel Public Sector Guide > Managing Investigative Cases > Process of Managing Incident Reports >

Escalating Incidents to Cases for Investigation

If an incident warrants immediate escalation to a case for investigation, then you can generate a case from the incident record. Before you escalate a child-welfare incident to a case, all approvers must approve the child-welfare incident. For information about eliminating this approval requirement, see Eliminating Approval Requirement for Incident Escalations.

When all approvers approve a child-welfare incident, the Screening Decision field in the More Info view for the incident record changes from Awaiting Screening Decision to Screened In. The Create Case button is disabled for incident records with a value of Child Welfare in the Type field if the value in the Screening Decision field of the record is not Screened In.

NOTE:  You can create multiple cases from an incident and add multiple cases to an incident.

This task is a step in Process of Managing Incident Reports.

To create a case from an incident

  1. Navigate to the Incidents screen, then the Incident List view.
  2. Select an incident record, and scroll down to the Incident form.
  3. Click Create Case.

    The More Info view of the Cases screen appears, and the new case is added to My Cases.

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