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Siebel CRM Siebel Security Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, Rev. A
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Maintaining a User Profile

Each employee, partner user, and customer user is provided a profile screen in which to update identification and authentication data. Depending on the application and on the authentication architecture you implement, a user can perform tasks such as:

Profile forms, names, and navigation paths differ somewhat across Siebel Business Applications. The procedures in these topic are representative of those in Siebel employee, partner, and customer applications. Procedures in individual applications might differ.

Editing Personal Information

Users can change a variety of personal information in their profile form. In this context, authentication and access control data, such as passwords and positions, are not included. The following procedure describes how to edit personal information.

To edit personal information 

  1. Depending on the application, the user does one of the following:

    • In a Siebel customer application, the user clicks My Account, and then clicks User Profile under My Settings. The User Profile form appears.

      Surrounding text describes menu_cust_apps.gif.
    • In a Siebel partner application, the user clicks Profile. The Personal Profile form appears.

    • In a Siebel employee application, the user navigates to the User Preferences screen, then the Profile view. The User Profile form appears.

  2. The user clicks Edit to make the form fields editable, if necessary.

  3. The user enters or changes data in editable fields, then saves the record.

Related Topic

"Maintaining a User Profile"

Changing a Password

If you implement database or security adapter authentication, then a user can change the login password.


If you want to implement similar functionality in a Web SSO authentication environment, then you are responsible for configuring the functionality in your external authentication application, in your user directory, in your security adapter, and in the Siebel application views. Configuration guidelines are not provided in Siebel Business Applications documentation.

To change a password, a user accesses the profile form as described in "Editing Personal Information", and then completes the appropriate fields. The password-related fields are not editable if the password cannot be changed in the current authentication architecture.

Mobile users using the Siebel Mobile Web Client can also change their passwords for the local database and for synchronization. For details, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.

Related Topic

"Maintaining a User Profile"

Changing the Active or Primary Position

An employee or partner user of a Siebel application can have one or more positions, of which one is the primary position. When the user logs in, the user assumes the primary position only and the data access that the position determines.

An employee can assume a position other than the primary position, which immediately makes it the active position. The employee then accesses only the data determined by the new active position.

Changing the active position does not change the employee's primary position. When the employee subsequently logs in, the primary position becomes active.

Data visibility for a user is generally determined by the active position, rather than by a union of the user's associated positions. However, catalog and group visibility are based upon the user's employee record and are independent of the user's active position. If users are associated with more than one position, then they have visibility to all the records associated with any of the catalogs that are associated with any of their positions (or associated with another applicable access mechanism).

To understand data visibility for a user, you must consider which access-control mechanisms are associated with the user (positions, user lists, access groups, and so on) and with which catalogs or categories those mechanisms are associated.

Changing the Active Position in a Siebel Employee Application

The following procedure describes how to change the active position in a Siebel employee application.

To change the active position in a Siebel employee application 

  1. Navigate to the User Preferences screen, then the Change Position view.

    The Change Position list appears.

  2. Click on a position record to select it, and then click Change Position.

    A check appears in the Active Position field for the selected position.

Changing the Primary Position in a Siebel Partner Application

A partner user can change the primary position as described in the following procedure. The user assumes the primary position when the user next logs in.

To change the primary position in a Siebel partner application 

  1. The partner user clicks Profile.

    The Personal Profile form appears.

  2. The partner user clicks the Active Position select button.

    The Positions Occupied list appears.

  3. The partner user checks a position to make it the new primary position, and then clicks the Save button for the record.

  4. The partner user clicks OK.

    The new primary position displays in the Personal Profile form.

  5. The partner user logs out, and then logs in again to make the new primary position active.

Related Topic

"Maintaining a User Profile"