Siebel Territory Management Guide > Activating and Maintaining Territory Alignments >

Scenario for Activating and Maintaining Territory Alignments

This scenario provides an example of how alignment is rolled out to a sales force by the territory administrator and her team. Your company might follow a different process according to its business requirements.

A pharmaceutical company has run and optimized its territory alignments for its neurology sales force. The results of this major alignment have been reviewed, and the rollout of the assignments needs to take place at the beginning of the quarter, July 1st.

The time line for the rollout is as follows:

  • June 15. The administrator sends email to all sales representatives in the neurology sales force to inform them of the rollout and to let them know that they will not be able to synchronize their laptops with the company's database on June 29th and 30th.
  • June 25. The administrator sets the activation date for the alignment to June 29th, and she activates the alignment.
  • June 26. The administrator confirms that the status of the alignment is scheduled and that the alignment has completed running.
  • June 27. A sales manager calls and tells the administrator that one of the neurologists who had been assigned to territory B100 using a direct rule has just retired and so this rule must be deleted. To make this minor change, the administrator deletes the rule in the territory itself. This deletion allows the administrator to avoid having to cancel and reactivate the alignment. The administrator also deletes the rule in the alignment list so that the rules in the alignment record match what is actually rolled out on July 1st.
  • June 28. At the end of the day, the administrator shuts down the Siebel Remote server so that the sales representatives no longer have access to the company's database.
  • June 29. Territory alignment takes place. Positions in the contact and account teams are added and dropped accordingly.
  • June 30. The administrator checks that the status for the alignment is active and that the rollout of the alignment is complete.

    Company policy is to have sales representatives report to the sales manager responsible for their territories. Some sales representatives have changed territories in this major alignment, so the administrator adjusts the reporting structure so that these representatives are reporting to the correct managers.

  • July 1. Early in the day, the administrator starts the Siebel Remote server so that the sales representatives can synchronize their laptops, downloading their new account and contact records.

The time line for the maintenance is as follows:

  • July 2. Sales representatives make changes and additions to account and contact records daily. To make sure that territory alignment keeps up with these changes, the administrator asks the Assignment Manager administrator to set up a weekly batch run that applies the alignment rules to the database, keeping position assignments current.
  • August 1. The administrator is told that some territories in the hierarchy need to be inactivated as of September 30th. He prepares two minor alignments, both based on the current alignment. The first alignment drops the rules from the territories that are going to be removed from the hierarchy. The second alignment provides an adjustment in the current assignments to compensate for the loss of some territories from the hierarchy.
  • September 29. The first minor alignment is run to expire rules from the territories that are about to be dropped from the hierarchy.
  • September 30. Some territories in the hierarchy are expired and then the second minor alignment is run to adjust the current assignments for a hierarchy with fewer territories.
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