Testing Siebel Business Applications > Keywords Reference > Keywords Description >


You use the GetValue keyword to obtain the value from a specified object and store the value in a variable.


The GetValue keyword supports the following signature:


NOTE:  If the action is to be performed on tile applets, then the Tile index or row number must start from one.

Desktop Examples

The following table describes how to use the GetValue keyword to obtain the value from the specified object and store the value in a variable in desktop applications.

Target Object
Closing Action




Gets a value based on Class Name.

SIS Account List Applet|Account Status|2



Gets a value from the Account Status field in the second row and stores the value in a variable.

Opportunity Form Applet - Child|SalesRep2



Gets a value from the SalesRep2 field in the form applet and stores the value in a variable.

Opportunity Form Applet - Child|Description2



Gets the value from the Description2 field in the form applet and stores the value in a variable.

NULL|Save Query As Applet._SweQueryName



Gets a value from the pop-up input field.

SIS Account List Applet|Name



Gets a value of first three records in the Accounts list applet.

Mobile Examples

The following table describes how to use the GetValue keyword to obtain the value from a specified object and store the value in a variable in mobile applications (on mobile devices).

Target Object
Closing Action

SHCE Sales Account List Applet - Mobile|Name|4



Gets a value from the Name field in the fourth row and stores the value in the account name variable.

SHCE Sales Account List Applet - Mobile|Name



Gets a value from the Name field in the first row and stores the value in the account name variable.

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