Using Siebel Tools > Customizing Objects > Creating, Modifying, Copying, Validating, and Deleting Objects >

Validating Objects

The Validate Tool is an error correction tool that you can use to make sure each object that you customize does not contain a configuration error. For example, you can use it to make sure an error workflow process does not itself contain an error workflow process. When you validate a workflow process, Siebel Tools displays warnings that describe errors that the workflow process contains. The validation dialog box allows you to correct these errors. This dialog box is without a mode. You can keep it open to view the error messages while you correct the problems that the dialog box reports, or you can proceed with deployment without fixing these validation errors.

Validation uses a set of rules that help make sure your configuration modifications are logically consistent with other objects. If you validate an object, then Siebel Tools also validates the child objects of this object. For example, if you validate the Account business component, then Siebel Tools also validates the child objects of the Account business component, such as fields, joins, and so on.

Using the Object List Editor to Validate Objects

This topic describes how to use the Object List Editor to validate an object.

To use the Object List Editor to validate objects

  1. In the Object List Editor, locate the object that you want to validate.

    For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

  2. Click the Tools menu, and then click Validate Object.

    Siebel Tools displays the Validate dialog box. For more information, see Elements of the Validate Dialog Box.

  3. Click Options.
  4. In the Validation Options dialog box, in the Rules section, choose the validation rules that Siebel Tools must enforce.

    For more information, see Elements of the Validation Options Dialog Box.

  5. (Optional) In the Time Filter section, choose one of the following options:
    • Last Validated. Validates objects that you modified since the last time you ran validation.
    • Custom. Validates objects that you modified since the date and time that you enter. Enter a date and time to use this option.
  6. (Optional) In the Action section, choose the following options:
    • Do Not Report Warnings. Siebel Tools reports only errors, not warnings. It sets the Enforce field for warnings to No.
    • Abort Validation After. You enter a number in the window that this section shows. If Siebel Tools identifies the number of errors that you specify in this window, then it stops validating the object, and then displays the Error dialog box. For example, if you enter 8, then Siebel Tools stops validating after it identifies 8 errors.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Validate dialog box, click Start.

    Siebel Tools validates the object, and then displays any errors that it finds in the Validate dialog box.

Using the Command Line to Validate Objects

You can use the command line to validate objects.

To use the command line to validate objects

  1. Open a command line, and then navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.
  2. Enter the following command:

    siebdev.exe /bv

    The /bv switch runs all validation rules for the entire repository.

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