Using Siebel Tools > Parallel Development Using Workspaces > Administering Parallel Development using Workspaces >

Creating Integration Workspace Using Siebel Tools

This topic describes the steps that administrators use to create the integration workspaces using Siebel Tools.

NOTE:  Only administrators can create the integration workspaces in the production environment.

To create a new integration workspace using Siebel Tools

  1. Administrators log into Siebel Tools.
  2. Navigate to the Workspace Menu bar.
  3. Select the Create option to display the Create Workspace window.

    The Create Workspace window appears displaying the following elements:

    • Integration Workspace option.
    • Enter Workspace Name field.
    • Parent Workspace drop-down list. The available options are MAIN, int_1, and int_2.
    • Parent Workspace Version drop-down list.
    • Add Description field.
    • OK and Cancel buttons.
  4. Select the Integration Workspace option.

    After the Integration Workspace option is selected, the prefix of the workspace name changes to int_.

  5. Select one of the integration workspaces from the Parent Workspace drop-down list.
  6. Select a version from the Parent Workspace Version drop-down list.
  7. Optionally, enter the workspace description in the Add Description field.
  8. Click the OK button to create the integration workspace.

For more information on how to create integration workspace in the Workspaces dashboard, see Creating Integration Workspace in the Workspaces Dashboard.

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