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Rebasing Workspaces

Rebasing (merging) a workspace is applying the changes that were made in the parent workspace (as a result of deliveries by other workspaces that have branched off the same parent) into the current workspace.

Only the owner of the workspace can perform the rebase process for that workspace.

You can perform the rebase process only after you perform the checkpoint operation at least on the first version of the workspace. If you perform the rebase process for the workspace that has no changes in the root (MAIN) workspace since it was created, then the rebase process fails and this error message appears: The rebase failed with error: No changes found to rebase/deliver/checkpoint.

To rebase a workspace

  1. In the workspace dashboard, select the Workspace menu and then select the Rebase option.

    The Rebase Workspace dialog box appears displaying the From Workspace, To Workspace, and Merge Status fields and the Start Rebase button.

  2. Click the Start Rebase button to start the rebase process.

    The Rebase Workspace dialog box displays the merge details and the rebase process bar in the Merge Status section.

  3. Confirm that the rebase process bar shows the process is completed.

    The Rebase Workspace dialog box updates the message in the Merge Status section to Rebase Completed. The status of the workspace in the View Mode pane is updated to Rebase-in-Progress and the version of the workspace is incremented by 1.

  4. If there is any conflict, the Rebase Workspace dialog box displays the Resolve Conflicts button and you must click this button to resolve the conflicts.

    NOTE:  If you close the Rebase Workspace dialog box without clicking the Resolve Conflicts button, then all workspace-enabled objects will be read-only even though the workspace title indicates that the workspace is editable. In this case, you can change its status to Editable by running the Merge Report process using the Merge Reports option under the Workspace menu. For more information on how to detect conflicts in workspaces and how to apply the resolutions, see Detecting Conflicts in Workspaces and Applying Resolutions.

  5. In the workspace dashboard, click the Finish button on the Merged Workspaces pane to complete the merge process.

    Alternatively, click the Cancel button on the Merged Workspaces pane to cancel the merge process. The workspace will be reverted to the last checkpointed version and its status is set to Checkpointed in the View Mode pane.

    NOTE:  If you are the owner of the workspace, you can set the Override option and use the Finish or Cancel buttons in the Merged Workspaces pane for that workspace.

  6. After you click the Finish button, enter comments using the Enter Comment dialog box and click the OK button.

    A message appears confirming the completion of the merge process.

    NOTE:  If you close the Merged Workspaces pane without clicking the Finish button while the workspace status is Rebase-In-Progress, then you cannot do any object changes (even though the title of the workspace includes Editable) until you resolve the conflicts by clicking the Finish button or clicking the Cancel button to cancel the merge process. You can reopen the Merged Workspaces pane by selecting the Merge Reports option under the Workspace menu.

  7. Click the OK button on the confirmation message.

    After the Rebase process in completed successfully:

    • The status of the workspace in the View Mode pane is updated to Checkpointed. In the My Workspaces pane, the version of the workspace is incremented by 1 and the comments that you previously entered are also displayed.
    • Workspace resolution is set to the From Version value by default. When you click the Finish button, the value of From Version is saved in your workspace. If you select the Override option, then the workspace resolution changes to To Version and the value of To Version is saved in your workspace when you finish the rebase process.

      NOTE:  While checking the Override flag, keep in mind that you are overwriting other users' changes that are already checked into the MAIN workspace. Therefore, you must use this option carefully. For details on various errors and conflict scenarios during the deliver and rebase processes, see Detecting Conflicts in Workspaces and Applying Resolutions.

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