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Opening Existing Workspaces

You must open a workspace before you can make any configuration changes. Remember that you can open only one workspace at any given time within your current session.

  • If you are the owner of the opened workspace, then you can edit (read and write) that workspace.
  • If you are not the owner of the opened workspace, then you can only read (without editing) that workspace.

Opening a workspace sets a session-level workspace context; therefore, while the workspace is opened, all configuration changes that you made are saved as parts of the opened workspace.

To open an existing workspace

  1. In the workspace dashboard, navigate to the Workspace explorer pane.
  2. Select the workspace that you want to open and then right-click.

    A list of available options appears. These options are Open, Delete, Refresh, Docked, and Hide.

    TIP:   Select the Hide option to hide the Workspace explorer pane or select the Close (X) icon to close this pane.

  3. Select the Open option.

    The workspace dashboard opens the selected workspace and displays its information.

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