Using Siebel Tools > Setting up Web Tools >

Manually Running the Migration Script

You can manually run the migration script for the Web template migration process by entering the following command in a command-line interface:

-jar $DbsrvrRoot\common\SWTClob.jar /s $SiebelRoot /c "$ODBCDataSource" /t $TableOwner /u $TableOwner /p $TablePassword /o $SiebelLogDir /d $DatabasePlatform /r $RepositoryName /j $WebTemplatesDir /w $WSUSerName /x $WorkspaceName /b $BranchedWS /i $WebTemplateName


  • $DbsrvrRoot is the path of the database server installation.
  • $SiebelRoot is the path of the Siebel Server installation.
  • $SiebelLogDir is the path to the log directory.
  • $DatabasePlatform is the database platform such as Oracle, DB2UDB, MSSQL, and DB2390.
  • $RepositoryName is the Name of the Repository such as Siebel Repository.
  • $WebTemplatesDir is the directory for Web Templates such as $SiebelRoot/Webtempl.
  • $WebTemplateName is the list of template names for Incremental Migration. If not passed, all Web Templates are considered for Migration.

    The following are optional parameters applicable only for Workspace Environment:

  • $WSUserName is the Workspace Owner user such as SADMIN.
  • $WorkspaceName is the Workspace Name to be created such as dev_xxxx_xxx.
  • $BranchedWS is the Workspace Branch under which $WorkspaceName needs to be created such as MAIN.

NOTE:  For Workspace-enabled environment, the New Private Workspace branch will be created and then delivered to the Integration or Main branch through the defined delivery process. The delivery process will internally publish the modified content into the RunTime Repository.

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