Using Siebel Tools > Setting up Web Tools >

Navigating to the Workspace Dashboard in the Web Tools Mode Application

You can use the Workspace (cube) icon in any Siebel application that is set in the Web Tools mode to access and open the Workspace Dashboard view, and then create or edit workspaces.

To access and open the Workspace Dashboard view in the Web Tools mode

  1. On the Siebel application window, click the Workspace Dashboard (cube) icon after the menu bar and next to the Settings icon.

    The Workspace dashboard appears.

  2. Either create a new workspace or open an existing one.
  3. Close the Workspace dashboard by clicking the Close (X) button in the Workspace dashboard.

    The Siebel application reappears displaying the Application Edit (hammer) icon.

To enable the Workspace feature in the Web Tools mode

  1. Ensure that Siebel Tools Client is installed successfully.

    For more information on how to install Siebel Tools, see the Siebel Installation Guide.

  2. Open the Command Prompt window from your computer by clicking the Start button and then selecting the Run option.

    The Run window appears.

  3. Enter the value CMD in the Open field.

    The Command Prompt window appears.

  4. Change the directory in the Command Prompt window to the <TOOLS_HOME>/BIN folder using this command:



    cd <Siebsrvr>/BIN

    The Command Prompt window displays the following arguments and parameters, which you can use to run the EnableWorkspace utility:

    • -s Siebsrvr/Tools Installation path specified (required)
    • -t Siebel Table Owner (required)
    • -u TBLO Username (required)
    • -p TBLO Password (required)
    • -o ODBC Data Source (required)
    • -d DB Platform Name (Oracle, MSSQL, DB2UDB or DB2390)
    • -l Log File Name (default: EnableWorkspace.log)
    • -w Workspace Owner Username (required)
    • -r Repository Name (default: "Siebel Repository")
    • -a Action ((R)epository, (S)eed, (B)oth) (default: (B))
    • -b RepositoryType ((R)unTime, (D)esignTime, (B)oth) (default: (B))
    • -f Seed inp file
    • -y Siebel UserName (required)
    • -z Siebel User Password (required)
    • -i Integration Branch (default: All integration branches unless passed integration branch name with this parameter)
    • -c Workspace Checkpoint Status (default: N)
    • -k Log directory (default: "Current Directory")
    • -e Language Code
  5. Use the listed arguments and parameters to run the EnableWorkspace utility.

    The following example shows the arguments and parameters that are used to run the EnableWorkspace utility in a MSSQL database. In this example, dbo is the table owner of the MSSQL database and MSZXM187 is the database instance that is used in this example environment.

    EnableWorkspace -s "T:\Siebel\\Tools_23067" -u ORAXXXX -p ORAXXXX -t ORAXXXX -r "Siebel Repository" -d "Oracle" -o ORAXXXX -w SADMIN -y SADMIN -z SADMIN

    The following example shows the arguments and parameters that are used to run the EnableWorkspace utility in an Oracle database. In this example, orakwj115 is the table owner and the user ID of the Oracle database, and these parameters are used to execute the SQL statements that exist in the EnableWorkspace utility.

    EnableWorkspace -s "T:\Siebel\\Tools_23067" -u ORAXXXX -p ORAXXXX -t ORAXXXX -r "Siebel Repository" -d "Oracle" -o ORAXXXX -w SADMIN -y SADMIN -z SADMIN

    The following example shows the arguments and parameters that are used to run the EnableWorkspace utility in a DB2 database.

    EnableWorkspace -s "C:\Siebel\\Tools" -u DB2XXXX -p DB2 -t SIEBEL -r "Siebel Repository" -d "DB2UDB" -o DB2XXXX -w SADMIN -y SADMIN -z DB2

  6. View the output stages, representing the progress of the tasks performed by the utility.

    The Command Prompt window lists the following output stages after you run the EnableWorkspace utility:

    • Stage 1 of 8: Setting the Repository ID
    • Stage 2 of 8: Validate the Workspace Data
    • Stage 3 of 8: Generate the Workspace Data
    • Stage 4 of 8: Update the Workspace Data in all Repository Tables
    • Stage 5 of 8: Update the indexes
    • Stage 6 of 8: Update the Workspace Data in all Seed Tables
    • Stage 7 of 8: Update the statistics for all Workspace enabled Repository/Seed Tables
    • Stage 8 of 8: Post Run Cleanup

      TIP:   Ensure that you enable the applicable component group while configuring the Siebel Server. For more information about configuring the components, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

To create a new workspace in the Workspace dashboard

  1. Click the Create button on the Workspaces dashboard.
  2. Enter a workspace name and click the OK button.

    The new workspace with the name that you entered is created and automatically opened.

To open an existing workspace in the Workspace dashboard

  1. If necessary, expand the Main workspace (parent workspace) to display a list of the children workspaces.
  2. Select an existing workspace from the list of the children workspaces under the Main workspace.
  3. Click the Open button on the Workspace toolbar.

    The selected workspace is opened.

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