Siebel VB Language Reference > Methods Reference for Siebel VB > Mathematical Methods >

Randomize Method

The Randomize method creates a starting value for the random number generator. It does not return a value. If you do not specify a value for the number argument, then it uses the Get Seconds method to reset the random number generator.


Randomize [number]

The following table describes the arguments that you can use with this method.



An integer value that is in the range of negative 32768 through 32767.


The following example uses the Randomize method and the Get Random Number method to create a random string of characters. The second For Next loop slows down processing in the first For Next loop so that the Timer method can seed the Randomize method with a new value each time the loop runs:

Sub Button_Click
   Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
   Dim str1 As String, str2 As String
   Dim letter As String
   Dim randomvalue
   Dim upper, lower
   Dim msgtext
   upper = Asc("z")
   lower = Asc("a")
   newline = Chr(10)
   For x = 1 to 26
      randomvalue = Int(((upper - (lower + 1)) * Rnd) + lower)
      letter = Chr(randomvalue)
      str1 = str1 & letter
      For y = 1 to 1500
      Next y
   Next x
      msgtext = str1
End Sub

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