Siebel VB Language Reference > Methods Reference for Siebel VB > Date and Time Methods >

Convert Serial Number to Date Method

The Convert Serial Number to Date method converts a number to a date. It returns a date variable type that represents a date from January 1, 100, through December 31, 9999. For more information, see Variants.

To specify a relative date, you can use a numeric expression for any of the arguments. This expression evaluates to a number of days, months, or years before or after a specific date.


DateSerial(year, month, day)

The following table describes the arguments that you can use with this method. As an option, you can use a numeric expression instead of an integer for each argument.



An integer that identifies a year in the range of 100 through 9999.


An integer that identifies a month in the range of 1 through 12.


An integer that identifies a day in the range of 1 through 31.


The following example finds the day of the week for November 7 in the year 2009:

Sub Button_Click
   Dim checkdate As Variant, daynumber As Variant
   Dim msgtext As String, checkday as Variant
   Const checkyear = 2009
   Const checkmonth = 11
   checkday = 7
   checkdate = DateSerial(checkyear,checkmonth,checkday)
   daynumber = Weekday(checkdate)
   msgtext = "November 7, 2009 falls on a " & _
      Format(daynumber, "dddd")
End Sub

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