Siebel VB Language Reference > Methods Reference for Siebel VB > Financial Methods >

Calculate Present Value Method

The Calculate Present Value method calculates, and then returns the present value of a constant periodic stream of cash flows as in an annuity or a loan.


PV(rate, nper, pmt, fv, due)

For more information, see Arguments You Can Use with Financial Methods.


The following example calculates the present value of a 10 year, $25,000 annuity that pays $1,000 for each year at 9.5%:

Sub Button_Click
   Dim aprate As Integer, periods As Integer
   Dim payment As Double, annuityfv As Double
   Dim due As Integer, presentvalue As Double
   Dim msgtext
   aprate = 9.5
   periods = 120
   payment = 1000
   annuityfv = 25000
      ' Assume payments are made at end of month
   due = 0
   presentvalue = PV(aprate/12,periods,-payment, annuityfv,due)
   msgtext = "The present value for a 10-year $25,000 annuity @ 9.5%"
   msgtext = msgtext & " with a periodic payment of $1,000 is: "
      msgtext = msgtext & Format(presentvalue, "Currency")
End Sub

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