Siebel Email Administration Guide > Managing Email, Fax, and Other Communications Products > Process of Configuring Third-Party Email Integrations >

Installing Siebel Email Form for Lotus Notes

This topic describes how to install the Siebel email form for Lotus Notes. You can install the email form on the server computer where Lotus Domino runs or on each client computer where Lotus Notes runs.

For users on the Siebel Mobile Web Client who use Lotus Notes for the Send Email command when disconnected from the network, the email form must be installed locally on the client computer.

If you deploy the form on local client computers, then you must redistribute any subsequent updates to all client computers.

NOTE:  For additional deployment options for the Lotus Notes database and email form, contact your administrator for Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino.

The Siebel email form for Lotus Notes, Siebel Memo, is in the Siebel7Email.nsf Lotus Notes database file.

You can rename the default Siebel email form, or add to this database additional Siebel email forms that are based on the default. For either of these actions, make sure that the names of all supported Siebel forms are included in the List of Values type for the Siebel/Lotus Form drop-down list. This list is located in the Outbound Communications view of the User Preferences screen.

To specify a custom form as a global default, you must also specify its name using the Siebel/Lotus Form server component parameter (for Siebel Web Client deployments) or the LotusForm configuration file parameter (for Siebel Mobile Web Client). For more information, see Parameters for Email Client.

To install the Siebel email form for Lotus Notes

  1. Locate the Siebel7Email.nsf Lotus Notes database file on the Siebel network image.

    For more information, see About Installing Siebel Email Form.

  2. Copy the file to the clipboard.
  3. Paste the file into the appropriate destination location by performing one of the following steps:
    • On the Lotus Domino server computer, paste the file into the appropriate subdirectory in the Lotus Domino installation directory. An example directory follows:


    • On each client computer, paste the file into the Data subdirectory in the Lotus Notes client installation directory. An example directory follows:


  4. Right-click the Siebel7Email.nsf file, select Properties, clear the check box for the Read-only attribute to allow read-write access, and click OK.

    NOTE:  If the Read-only attributes is set in the file, then error messages might appear to users when they use the Send Email command.

  5. On each client computer, add a line to the notes.ini file in your Lotus Notes installation to indicate the location of the Siebel7Email.nsf Lotus Notes database file by performing one of the following steps:
    • If you paste the file onto the Lotus Domino server computer, then add an entry like the following (on one line):

    SIEBELFORMPATH = dominoserver_hostname\dominoserver_name:Siebel\Siebel7Email.nsf

    where dominoserver_hostname is the name of the host computer on which the Lotus Domino server runs and dominoserver_name is the name of the Lotus Domino server.

    In this example, a Siebel subdirectory is created in the Data directory. A variable definition in this form is appropriate for an actual location, such as the following path on the Lotus Domino server computer:


    • If you paste the file onto each client computer, then add an entry like one of the following (on one line):

    SIEBELFORMPATH = Siebel7Email.nsf

    SIEBELFORMPATH = :D:\Lotus\Notes\Data\Siebel\Siebel7Email.nsf

    The first example shows that you can specify the name of the file if it is located in the Lotus Notes database directory.

    CAUTION:  If you specify a full path on the client computer as the value for SIEBELFORMPATH, then you must define this variable using a leading colon (:). Otherwise, you cannot open the file.

    (If you add the file to mail files of users on each client computer, then you might not need to define the SIEBELFORMPATH variable. For more information, see your third-party vendor documentation for Lotus Notes.)

    The email form for Lotus Notes, Siebel Memo, is now ready for use. To finish configuring your use of Lotus Notes, see Overview of Completing Configuration for Email Client.

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