Siebel Email Administration Guide > Configuring Communications Templates >

Modifying Files for Template Items

You can modify a file you add to a template item.

To modify a file for a template item if the original operating system file still exists

  1. Open the file in the operating system environment.
  2. Modify the file, and save it to the operating system.
  3. Delete the template item record to which you added the file.
  4. Create a new template item record, and add the modified version of the file.

Nonexistent Original Operating Systems

If the original operating system file does not exist, then complete the procedure in this topic.

To modify a file for a template item if the original operating system file does not exist

  1. Open the file from the template item record by clicking the hyperlink in the Attachment Name field.
  2. Modify the file, and save it to the operating system.
  3. Delete the template item record to which you added the file.
  4. Create a new template item record and add the modified version of the file.
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