Siebel Email Administration Guide > Using Communications Operations > Using Send Commands to Send Messages >

About Send Commands

By default, the Send Email, Send Fax, Send Wireless Message, and Send Page commands are available in the File application-level menu for Siebel Business Applications users.

Apart from the Send Page command, these commands use communications drivers and profiles and are available when the communications infrastructure is in place. (The Send Email command does not use communications drivers and profiles when it is integrated with Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes.)

Employees can access these menu commands without a communications configuration. When you use the Send commands, you can specify communications templates to provide content. Siebel field data might be substituted in these templates. Alternatively, you can directly enter text or (for email or fax) attachments. Other users can create the templates for you, or you can create your own templates. For information about creating your own templates, see Configuring Communications Templates.

When you use the Send Email (with the native Siebel email client) or Send Fax commands, you can specify a profile to indicate who is sending the message. The profile might exist for your individual use or for group use, and typically includes your own email address or another email address as the sender. Alternatively, users might be allowed to create their own profiles. Among the profiles available to you, you can specify a default profile as a user preference. For information about creating your own profiles for email or fax, see Creating Communications Profiles for Personal Use. For information about specifying communications preferences for the Send commands, such as a preferred default profile, see Specifying Preferences for Outbound Communications. For more information about user preferences, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

NOTE:  When you use the Send Email command, information about the email, such as recipients for To or CC or Bcc fields, is stored as an activity in the S_EVT_MAIL extension table. The base table for this extension table is S_EVT_ACT.

Communications sent from the Siebel Web Client are processed immediately. When you are connected to the local database and disconnected from the enterprise database, communications for email, wireless message, or fax sent from the Siebel Mobile Web Client are saved until you synchronize. The Communications Outbound Manager server component then processes them for delivery.

Settings in the Spelling tab of the User Preferences screen generally apply to all of the Send commands. However, note the following exceptions:

  • The Always Check Spelling Before Sending setting applies to only Siebel Email Response.
  • The Ignore HTML Tags setting applies to only Siebel Email Response, Send Email, and Send Fax.
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