Siebel Email Administration Guide > Using Communications Operations > Specifying Settings for Mobile Devices >

Configuring Mobile Devices

In the Message Delivery view, you can register your mobile devices and establish the device priority. The Mobile Devices list includes the following fields to support wireless messaging:

  • Device Name. Enter any name you want for your device. It can be any descriptive name, for example, John Cheng's Nokia cell phone. The mobile device name must be unique for each device that you register.
  • Device Priority. Select a priority, from 1 - Highest to 6 - Unranked, for each mobile device you register. Wireless messages are generally sent to the mobile device with the highest device priority.

    To guarantee message delivery, make sure that only one registered device is assigned the highest device priority. Only one device registered for a particular user can have a device priority set to 1 - Highest. Any other registered devices must have the device priority set to 2 or a higher number. Do not attempt to register any additional devices if a device with priority 6 already exists.

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