Siebel Email Administration Guide > Defining Outbound Communication Requests >

Restarting an Aborted Communications Outbound Manager Component

If the Siebel Server aborts (or the host computer stops) while the Communications Outbound Manager component is processing a communication request, then Communications Outbound Manager creates a file in the Siebel File System containing information about the last sent message. The file is named CommOutboundMgrxxx.crf, where xxx is the ID number for the request.

If, later, a request with the same request ID is submitted, then Communications Outbound Manager detects the corresponding file CRF file and resumes processing the request where it stopped processing.

If a user modifies the request or the template data after the request was originally submitted, then the total message output of the resumed request plus the aborted request might not exactly match the output that the original request would have generated if the Communications Outbound Manager did not abort the original request.

You can delete the CRF file if you do not need it. If you delete the CRF file and resubmit the request, then the request is processed completely from start to finish.

The restart capability described in this topic applies only when the Communications Outbound Manager component aborts while processing a valid communication request. It does not apply when the component stops processing a request due to an error, such as incorrectly specified recipients. In such a scenario, Communications Outbound Manager does not abort and can continue to receive and process requests.

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