Siebel Email Administration Guide > Overview of Siebel Email Response > Architecture for Siebel Email Response >

Workflows for Siebel Email Response

The Siebel Email Response workflow begins when a customer sends an email to your company over the Internet using that customer's email software. The email passes through the customer's email server and communicates with your email server using SMTP and POP3 or IMAP. Communications Inbound Receiver uses POP3 or IMAP to retrieve the inbound message.

Supported Email Sender Software and Email Servers

The following guidelines describe the types of email software a sender can use and the types of email servers that your company can use:

  • Sender's email application. The sender can use any email client and email server that you can currently use on the Internet.
  • Your email server. The Oracle-provided Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver and Internet SMTP/IMAP Server driver are tested and certified with some email servers. Although many email servers support the SMTP and POP3 or IMAP communication protocols, it is recommended that you use a supported email server for the following reasons:
    • Oracle personnel certified and tested these servers.
    • Oracle personnel can access these servers to support customer issues.

      Siebel Email Response supports email servers that comply with certain RFC (Request for Comments) standards. For information about these RFC standards, see 477923.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

      For information about support for the email application for your company, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

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