Siebel Email Administration Guide > Configuring Communications Drivers and Profiles for Email > Process of Setting Up Response Groups >

Submitting Changes for Response Groups

Most of the changes that you can make to a response group do not automatically take effect. For a change to take effect, you must click Submit Response Group Changes in the Response Groups menu drop-down list. Deleting a response group automatically takes effect.

The types of changes that you can make are:

  • Adding or deleting a profile
  • Changing an input argument
  • Changing a workflow

NOTE:  The Submit Response Group menu item does not work on the Siebel Mobile Web Client.

If you make changes to the response group input parameters, then add a profile to the response group, or remove a profile from the response group, you must submit the response group changes for the changes to take effect.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Response Groups.

To submit changes for response groups

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the All Response Groups view.
  2. In the Response Group list, select the response group for which you want to make changes.
  3. In the Response Group form, verify that the Server field value is the Siebel Server name and the Startup field value is Active.
  4. In the Response Groups menu drop-down list, select Submit Response Group Changes.
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