Siebel Email Administration Guide > Managing Workflows for Siebel Email Response > eMail Response - Process Service Request Workflow >

Status Subprocess

The eMail Response - Process Service Request workflow calls the eMail Response - SR Status workflow when it detects the Status keyword as the first word in the Subject line of an incoming email.

This workflow parses the subject of the email message for a service request number. It then sends the status of the service request in the subject line to the customer in an email message. If the workflow does not identify a service request, then it sends an error message to the customer.

An example of an incoming Web-form Status message follows:

Subject: Status 2-1CR

An example of a response that you might send to a customer follows:

Subject: RE: Status

The current status for service request number 2-1CR is:

Status: Open
Sub-Status: Assigned
Area: Network
Severity: 1-Critical
Abstract: Important issue

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